68. Too good.

280 14 13

(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Third person point of view: (Doing a lot of those these days)


im coming at 8.

By that Namjoon knew it was one of those days when he would be stressed and he would say he wanted to come, and firstly Namjoon didn't get it but over the time he understood what was on. Seokjin liked to be in control on those times and he would different, more rough and aggressive to put it in like it. 

okay i'll be there

dont be fucking late.


Seokjin was already there when Namjoon got there, he was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed directly opposite to the door, facing the younger as soon as he entered the house, his arms crossed against his chest as he glared at him. "I said don't be fucking late Namjoon." He said in a cold voice. For Namjoon, it had become easy to read Seokjin and that helped in processing the behavior a lot. 

He walked in closing the door behind him and leaning against it waiting for the older to speak up. Seokjin had his shirt folded up till his elbows as he pulled his tie down as he put it around Namjoon's neck, without speaking, just tying it before pulling him close by it and pressing their lips together. Soon Namjoon was pushed against the wall of the bedroom, Seokjin holding his hands above his head, intertwining their fingers as he kissed him, roughly, pushing his tongue inside, and Namjoon not complaining and letting him. 

"You know what, this pretty face of yours, I want to see it begging for me." He said breaking the kiss as he kissed down his neck, "And fuck you till you fall senseless of how good it feels." Namjoon was turned on by it, the beautiful man kissing his neck on his sensitive spots. but he was ready for, the degrading, the insults and everything he had to offer. Seokjin marked down his beautiful long neck, leaving dark red marks, smiling at his work on the man's smooth skin. Namjoon biting his lips not to make any reaction to what was happening to him. His jeans feeling tighter. 

Soon, Namjoon was pushed down on his knees, "Take it all you fucking whore."

So, it was that time too, Namjoon thought, opening his mouth as Seokjin shoved his  dick inside the man's mouth without giving him any chance as the tip hit his throat, Seokjin's tight grip on his hair as he pushed his mouth inside, making him choke, Seokjin  thrusted inside the man's mouth again, biting his lip, making the younger groan out when he choked on it, his face heating up as Seokjin was fucking his mouth. It was easy to tell he was desperate and needed to release soon, now getting faster with his movements as Namjoon took it all, letting him get all he wants, Seokjin's neck arched backwards as he let out small groans, his hands still clutching on his hair, tight. His throat hurt at the point where tears formed at the corner of his eyes. Seokjin holding his mouth close to his dick as he came in his mouth, "Take it all, swallow it all baby okay?" he said tapping on his bottom lip. 

"Time to play with you, fuck toy."

Seokjin never used words unless if he was frustrated beyond his level of patience and Namjoon was the best way to take it out because Namjoon let him. His throat hurt, and he was hard with how Seokjin was using him. He liked to be in control, to fuck till he cried, but with Seokjin, sometimes being a little submissive was okay for him.

He decorated his wrist with some leather handcuffs, same with the other, "Now, you're gonna stay still, right?" He nodded, Seokjin's face followed by a smirk, "Hard for me already baby?" he said as he spread Namjoon's legs apart and got in between them, "Now what should I do with my Namjoonie today?" he said pulling his jeans and boxers down, revealing his hard cock which strained up his stomach, "For what he does to me? Mhm, maybe overstimulation, but that's old for us, edging? You do that a lot, don't you. Then I thought what did you not like? Maybe ruined orgasms. But then I wasn't in a good mood either, so I thought maybe all of it. " Seokjin said as  he rubbed his hand on the tip of his dick, teasing him with it, letting out desperate groans from the male. 

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