11. Kiss it better

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(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Seokjin's point of view

He had me pinned against the wall, my hands holding him by his neck tightly as his were around my waist, the room smelt of vanilla, his smell was arrogant, strong but catchy. His touch was cold as he traveled his fingers further upwards opening my shirt completely. I gasped as he broke the kiss, his lips touching my neck. He lifted me up as my legs wrapped around his waist as his strong hold carried me to his bed. My eyes were closed tightly.

He got on top of me, as I pulled him closer by his collar, our lips touching again, it was like we had the time of the world and he didn't want to rush even a second. He traveled his lips down my cheek, kissing right under my jaw and then traveled down to my neck, he kissed around different places as my hands clutched on his hair, his lips touched a certain place as I gasped. I could feel his smirk against my skin as he licked on the spot before he started sucking on it, making me arch my head backwards as a moan slipped out. He continued sucking even placing small bites as he moved back and smiled, satisfied at the work. 

He opened my belt and pulled down my boxers, he didn't let me think before he grabbed my dick, it was hard, I looked up at him as he started moving his hands, slowly as I covered my mouth with my hands, "F-fuck-...ah-" He leaned down placing a desperate kiss on my sloppy lips moving his hands a bit faster, my body was moving in his directions and he liked it the way he kept rewarding me for that. "Ah- Na-namjoonah~" My lips shivered as his traveled up and down in between the kiss, he slid his tongue inside my parted lips as my hands clutched the bed sheet, his hands moved in the pace as I shivered against the bed with its motion. He explored the bits of my mouth till we were breathless, "ah....ah-...ah Namjooon~ I'm-" it was difficult to form sentences as my eyes rolled backwards with pleasure, he kept placing wet kisses down my neck and chest as he moved his hands. My moans continued, louder and faster. "Fuck- ah- no- i'm...!" My voice faded away as I was reaching closer.

"I'm- I'm about to cum-" I managed out breathlessly in desperate need to release when he quickly removed his hand. A looked up at him with a needy expressions, he was smirking at me. My erection was painfully hard now as I tried to reach up to it as I needed relief but he separated my legs and got in between them, "Tell me, what do you want?" He said pinning my hands above my head after he got rid of his sweatshirt. I looked up to him, with parted lips and eyes crying out of desperation, I needed a relief, it was painful and it was hurting,.."J-just...g-give me..." I said panting as he bent down and pulled out a tie, tying my hands above my head with the bed.

"Aww, Jinnie~" he cooed as I shuddered the way he called my name as he rubbed his hands against my throbbing cock, teasing the tip, "P-please let me cum..." I said, he looked up, "Huh? Couldn't hear you?" He said continuing to tease me as I moaned out again, "Pl-please let me c-cum..." He smirked rubbing my dick harder making me gasp and let out a shriek, "Louder..." he said in a calm voice as I managed out, "Please let me cum..!" 

He put his hand son my dick again and started moving as I closed my eyes shut again moaning as he moved his hands, "Still don't hear that sir." He mentioned, "Sir! Please let me cum!" I said moving as he directed me, "Ah~ I' m ! I'm close~ can-can I c-cum...?" I managed out as he moved out his hands again, my eyes were teary now as my dick hurt, I just needed relief and my hands were tied up, he got out as I tried to push my thighs together for some relief as he pushed  them apart making me moan out, he said in a deep voice close to my ear, "You go terrible fucking etiquette." making me shiver.

My erection painfully hard as I clutched on to the the tie where my hands were ties when I felt him getting between my legs again, kissing my thighs, he took my dick in his mouth, "A H~ Fuck- A hh~!!" I groaned out as he started teasing the head, making me twitch, he slowly moved his tongue around as his warmth wrapped around my body, I had done it with guys before, but it wasn't like his, I never wanted it so bad like he was making me, I held onto the ties tightly as he moved his head fasted, I tried to fuck his mouth as he pinned me down, moans kept escaping my lips, which got louder as I was reaching the climax, "ah- aH~ N- Namjoon-ah~ f-faster~" I said biting my lips as my eyes were shut tight. He moved out and moved his hands as I came, groaning out and panting. He bent down kissing me, "Do you feel good baby?" He asked as I nodded, his lips were softer than before. I moved my head up as his lips went out of touch, he kept moving and brushing them above mine, as I tried to connect them before he deepened the kiss till I was begging for more touch. 

He let go as I fell on my knees in front of him, his thumb on my lips, "Be a good baby, won't you...Jinnie?" He mentioned my name close to my ear, his  lips touching my cheek as I shivered, I opened his belt and his jeans, as I slowly put his dick into my mouth. His hands were on my hair as he moved his fingers through it with my lips and tongue around his dick. I started to bob my head as I moved, my hands holding and moving along with him, his hoarse and rough groans were sending tingles down as I moved my head faster, his clutch around my hair got tighter, "You're being very good baby, faster~" I moved along his words as he grabbed my hair and pushed his dick further inside fucking my mouth as I choked, he held me there as he came in my mouth, I tried to swallow it, a bit dripping down my lips as he rubbed it with his thumb, "Did my precious baby choke? Was it suffocating?" he cooed as my eyes were almost moist, my cheek were hot, he bit my lower lip pushing my down as I gasped for breath.

He softly whispered in my ears, suddenly soft, "Do you like it? Are you okay?"

I nodded as I cupped his face, his hands were around feeling my body as he was between my legs placing kisses down my body.

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