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It was early in the morning. Around 6:47, that's atleast what the clock behind the counter said. Ticking and ticking endlessly as the young boy awaited for it to turn 7 am. So he could open up the too quiet cafè, and invite mainly busy guest in. His coworker were out in the back, sorting out supplies and replacement fillers for the coffee machine, prepping incase they had to hurry and refill later in the day. It was winter, the end of November to be exact, and in the early mornings only business men and women drop by to get a to go coffee, or sometimes even sandwiches. During school hours students would usually pass by and grab some food, probably because their cafeteria food sucked. And that they much rather buy from the local coffee shop, than paying for a dried up pizza with soggy fries. At the end of the noon and about dinner time, friend groups and the most random people show up, it was his favorite time of his shift..to stare at the various different people around, to see their fashionable looks, to see their colored hair, their faces filled with make-up, and to eavesdrop on their conversation..why? Well why not?

He didn't have much. He didn't come
from a poor nor rich family, actually he had really loving parents, despite their religious beliefs and that he was bisexual, they always had a small thing against him..but they meant that as long as he still was somewhat into women, then they were fine with their son sexuality. That was the only problem, and it never had an affect on him.

He was an ordinary teenager. With a work, but no school, with a sexuality but and no partner yet to come around. He worked most of his days, and hung out with friends in the weekends, or on days he was free. He was normal like most people. He didn't struggle much with life, he didn't have high expectations, nor wanted a lot. He just wanted to have a small apartment, a dog, and continue working. He never struggled, other than some days being heavier than others. But that was normal. He was like everyone else. He had his fair share of insecurities and imperfections, but he'd grown used to them.

"So how long is your shift today, employee of the month 12 time in a row" his coworker, Jane. A foreigner, quite tall with red dyed hair and a few facial piercing, spoke, tying her hair in a bun for hygein purposes.

"I'm working over time today, I don't have much to do now that I don't attend school.." he spoke with a smile, Jane smiled and nodded understanding the situation.

Jane was only a person he communicated with through work. She had a nice yet fierce personality, that instantly made someone warm up to her. Though, he never saw any form of potential friend in her. Just mainly business related. Though they had their fair deal of teasing each other, and he would say he is closest with her amongst the other employees and always looked up to having shifts shared with her.

Just another regular factor about him.. he doesn't like to bond with people. Don't get him wrong, he just loves his precious secrets and small friend group for himself, as mentioned..he don't need much to live his life.

"Yeah, time like this around the year is always a hell..so busy and messy, everyone is everywhere shopping for presents to give to their kids or friends" she sighed, knowing that today was going to be hectic. Not only because Christmas was nearing, but it was black week, which meant stuff was sat on half price at their coffee shop, and people would gladly pay half the price for a cake or a coffee to rest on their shopping spree.

"Hm, I find it quite nice..I don't really have anyone to gift anything too..other than my parents, but they are old now and doesn't really wish for much" he added, with a smile, leaning against the counter as he peaked at the clock again. "Times like this are quite nice. Higher pay, having something to do instead of being nosy on the customers. Yeah, i like Christmas era" he chuckled, shaking his head, supporting himself back on his feet as he had to open up in 5 minutes.

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