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"This can't be..it's not possible" he sighed, holding up the overly familiar hoodie and sweatpants, his eyes were tracing each line, each detail on the logo, he analyzed the strings, sighing softly as he held onto the piece of clothing. The smell of the cologne ignited into the fabric made him drown in the euphoria of sweet and hurtful Deja vu.

The smell of the cologne that tingle his nose on the inside, but cause a calm form of happiness on the inside.

And though, the anxiety that filled his body the second he laid down the hoodie and sweats, looking around the room with goosebumps forming on his necks, nibbling on his bottom lip, he made sure to quickly lock the door. His heart was beating fast, he acted before thinking, as he rummaged through the green box.

Everything from other pieces of clothing, to notes and pictures. There was one objects that caught his eye the most. An objects that made his insides turn, his stomach rumbling as his eyes looked at the piece of metal in fear.

In denial about the last object in the box, he couldn't help but to feel...relief and fear. A euphoric feeling he never though he could miss so badly.

Notes laying scattered in the bed, some were filled with a bunch of fuck you's, others stated, 'come back', 'love' 'darling', 'mine'. But the most concerning one that had him shaking was the note on the object that still laid in the box, something he was afraid of touching. But he was curious, he wanted to know, how and when they managed to come in contact with him again. He was in denial, not wanting to think it was them.

"Why....why, why, why? I don't understand" he mumbled, frustrated with himself as he took a deep breath. Inhaling the air inside his not so ventilated room, his eyes scanning each corner as anxiety thrilled his back, he wanted to call out, incase someone he thought was there..but he couldn't seem to push himself to it.

The object was the knife he's been cut with, one to many times. But now it was nicely decorated with a small pink bow, that made him feel nauseous. The note made him feel even more sick, as he slowly build up the courage to grab it.

"Soon...my darling" his shaky voice echoed through his own bedroom, hearing the sound of the front door opening downstairs, he chose to react on his first reaction.

And that was to go run towards the one parent, if not both who came home. His feet moved immediately, his eyes twitching in sight, as he build up the strength to run a bit quicker into the kitchen, spotting the one person he didn't really want to approach this matter too. But as for how concerned he was, he just couldn't help.

"M-mom!" He ran up to her shaking her arm in fear, accidentally pushing her forward.

"Jeongin, don't latch onto me like that"  she groaned out as she glared at her son.

"B-but! T-they, they...their back, m-mom...they w-will take me, a-and k-kill me..a-and-".

"What are you? Nine? Jeongin, stop fucking stuttering and cut into the cake. I have more busy things to handle than you right now, you've been nothing for a menace since you came back, and you can't even appreciate me..so do you mind, giving me a bit of space?" She pushed of the boy, turning her back to him as he stood there dumbfounded.

"M-mom, listen to me! Fucking listen!..i-...I, no. Mom!" He ran after her, as she walked into the laundry room, his eyes tearing up with anxiety that filled his body, his eyes that shook slightly as he tried to make his mother listen to him. "I-I they want me back Mom! T-they are going to take me, and kill me, and hurt me".

"I can't stress this enough" she sighed, placing down the laundry basket, turning to face her son, who had fear spread across his sweaty face. "Let's have a look into it hm?" She raised brow, stepping towards the stairs.

Jeongin immediately followed, feeling a small breeze of relief hit Jim when his mother wanted to check out his room now that he had to opportunity to prove he wasn't insane. He ran before her, standing before his door with anticipation in his eyes, his mother walking up the stairs slowly with a frown on her face.

"The box, t-the green box is in there. Pictures- and knives and clothes and a teddy bear, i- notes! There are notes too!" He yelped as he pushed his mother inside, already fearing the worst himself.

This was the smallest possibility in having his mother trust him, and believe in him, as far as he knew henwas ready to move far, far away from Busan in order to escape the men that wanted him back. Cause he didn't want to see them..not anymore.

"Jeongin..." she turned to look at the panting boy, filled with adrenaline to point he could burst. "There is nothing".

"No! There is l-look. He pointed to his bed, but indeed, it was plain, only the dirty room was visible, causing him to feel distressed about the situation.

"Let's sit down..Jeongin, do you ever think...that, maybe..just maybe, that you actually weren't kidnapped? That none of this ever happened-".

"No! It did! I know! Like look at me?! T-the scars see! They hurted me mom!" He exclaimed loudly, pulling out his hair, as he rubbed his face, everything to try and knock himself down, so he was as geared up..cause if he haven't already lost his mind..he would for sure be losing it.

"Did you cut yourself?!" She screamed, pulling the boy's wrists closer in shock.

"We aren't talking about that now..we are talking about them coming to take me mom! I'm scared for fuck sake!".

"So you cut yourself?".

"Shut the fuck up!...okay? Yeah I did, I fucking almost killed myself, but I am talking about a more important thing now! Mom listen to me?!..i-i won't be here the following days if we don't move now!" He cried out, shaking his mother tightly.

It was too much to handle, he felt the whole situation was dramatic and immature of his age, but he was beyond scared now. He just gave himself a chance of healing and having peace, but now, not inly his mother was out to ruin it all for him.

"Jeongin..I'll let you wait in here yeah? I'm just going to call someone" she backed away calmly, not even patting Jim on his back like she used too.

"Who? W-who you calling?".

"I just need to make sure that everything is intact inside of your head right now...".

That upset him, it made blood increasingly boil inside of his stomach as he frowned. He wasn't faking, he wasn't insane. He wasn't hallucinating or making things up, he knew that. So watching his mother back away from him as if he was all of those things..it made him angry. She didn't listen..she never did.

She was a bitch. One you couldn't rely on..she was...

Dead to him.

This was such a messy chapter oh my God.

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