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It was about their sixth stop so far on their journey. They stopped for a little snack break for the sake of filling their stomachs and energy level, even despite the food mainly being carbohydrates and fatty nourishment, instead of minerals and protein. Yet they still gained their energy through the soggy burgers and overly salted fries, the sugary drinks that could definitely cause a form of diabetes if drunken alone.

And even despite having the ground breaking meal together they have yet to dare and speak another word to one another. The atmosphere around them has been rather awkward or silent, as if they were strangers again. Of course they noticed, how couldn't they, when all they avoided was eye contact and touches with one another unless they were on the bike. It was so heavy that their shoulders were tensed and cramped up from the anxiety flowing through their veins.

The trip wasn't supposed to be rather comforting in the first place. They were very well aware of the pain Jeongin would feel when going back to the place he has spend 4 traumatizing years in. But no matter what, it would always has been a worth to try out.

So munching on the salty fried while staring off into the day light that shone above the current town they were in, almost reaching their destination for real. Their anxiety was through the roof, again, all cramped up and tense. But finally, the silence has been broken between them, waking up from their own deep daydreams.

"You don't have any change of plans?" Hyunjin mumbled, aware of the bad feeling that gutted him from the insides, yet he didn't dare to spit a word about it.

"No. I wanna go through with it" he sighed, the questions had been asked one too many times. It bothered him a bit, yet he wasn't going to voice his opinions, he knew Hyunjin was just looking out for him once and for all.

"Are you gonna talk too them?".

"I never said I wanted to talk to them again..I know you are worried, but if they show up I won't be going with them" he responded, double dipping the salty fry in the mayonnaise, well aware of the crime he had just performed infront of Hyunjin's eyes.

"And if they talk to you?".

"Hyunjin, enough..I'm glad you are helping me out, but let's not be worried and all okay? They may be dangerous, but..atleast, if in the worst case of scenario happens...I could just beg them to let you go".

"But I am not talking about that flower..I am not leaving you behind with those people, they deserve to be locked behind bars, not hiding in a house you've been tormented in" Hyunjin explained himself, yet Jeongin wasn't worried at all. He had it all figured out.

He was willing to spend another four years in that house if something was to happen. Yet he highly doubted that. he was confident in his choice of actions, even if he had an anxious balk infront of him being all worried and careful..Hyunjin was far too kind compared to what he portrayed to be.

He remembered the night they met at the party merely a week or so ago. Time was moving so fast, and Jeongin had trouble following along with it. He remembered clearly how Hyunjin was out of the world intoxicated by alcohol, he could remember the smell through his nostrils of the alcoholic drinks that was downed down the latter's throat. The way he spoke felt as if he couldn't give less of a fuck about the world, but in reality he was so much more poetic and certainly calmer than the tough persona he pulled off.

"I know..but I need to atleast try this, it'd my final attempt to leave the past be. If it doesn't help then I surely don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life anymore..cause really what is even worth it, if I can't let the past be the past and the future be the future?" He explained, grumpy slipping kn the sugary drink they shared a frown displayed on his face.

He ignored the constantly vibrating phone, he knew who called. He didn't bother, he already wrote a text explaining where he was supposed to be right now..yet he was hours away from Busan, at a remote dinner in the middle of practical no where, the town being the last one before they reached into the mountains the two captures have been staying hidden for so long.

"Aren't you gonna pick up the phone?" Hyunjin asked, his slim finger tapping against the glazed wooden table, distracted by the vibration felt through the wood his fingers tapped ever so lightly against.

"No..I left a text, they should be satisfied with that".

"Maybe they are worried about you".

"They can miss me...they missed me for four years, wasn't able to find me..I ran away, that's how the covers were blown. They can wait two days, it's not that hard" his words didn't match how he genuinely felt, but he wasn't going to pick up the phone. Not now. He knew he would break down in tears begging for his parents to come get him, he wasn't going to give up so easily.

"The trip only takes a day though?" Hyunjin chuckled, confused as too what the younger were saying.

"No shit..I'm sleeping at yours, if that's okay, I needed a long break..if not a long distraction" he whispered, smiling innocently at the almost empty plates with food, eyes never meeting Hyunjin's.

"A distraction? Why wait for it..you can beg for it now if you really are that willing to spread your legs for me" he smirked, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed of his chest.

Looking as addictive and hot as a cigarette, Jeongin almost jumped at him, but he still needed to walk for the next week if he had to go through with his plan.

"Maybe you are more desperate than me? I never mentioned i needed it now, I just said I might need it some time-".

His sentence was abruptly cut short with the sound of Hyunjin's self proclaimed chairs scratching the floor, indicating the man has stood up to hovering above not only the table, but the mischievous boy aswell.

"There's a restroom".


"Get your pretty ass in there".

Filler chapter.

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