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The following days were a pure hell for Jeongin. Now, not in the typical way of how things went in his world. The hell days didn't consist of abuse or overwhelming amount of sex. But it was something with himself. He was surprised still to remember the things he thought of five nights ago, and it shockingly scared him for a bit. He was very well sure that the border he has been locked inside of, has been breaking every once in awhile. But the cracks has never been this big nor splitted before. He was deadly afraid of his own mind for once. He remembered the last time he tried escaping, how he ran faster than the speed of sound, how he was crashed in the the muddy grass, and proceeded to get tortured for that moment of, for days without any end. The way he fought to build back trust, to behave like there was no tomorrow, to treat the men like pure royalty. He had no idea how he was still alive, especially with these men tempers.

It was a miracle, how he managed to live over 4 years in this house, managed to avoid the police searches, the public eye, despite being in it twice. It was quite literally amazing how he wasn't found nor dead yet. If he asked himself 4 years ago, what he thought of his present self, he would most likely respond dead or found..most likely dead, cause he was pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

Now one thing he couldn't imagine from his past, was that all the safe places he had, that felt like home..was in reality the places and reason why he got kidnapped in the first place. If he didn't get seen for his smile that they when the two men ordered their drinks, he wouldn't have been stuck with them in this house, in this remote location. And if he had stayed with Chaewon overnight or till his parents came home, he wouldn't have gotten kidnapped. He felt like this was the biggest mistake, bonding himself to places calling them safe and sound because they felt safe and sound..but in reality had so much more dangers within it than anyone would expect.

He grew up in that house with his parents, went to the local school, dropped out in the middle of his teenage years, to work at the towns most popular coffee shop. He loved animals, he loved working, he loved his home, his parents, the tiny circle of friends he had. He was healthy, happy, with a bright future ahead of him.

But he wasn't happy here, but he couldn't say that out loud..actually there was a lot he couldn't speak upon, question, nor think about without getting into potential trouble. He knew he needed to get his life back, and as scary as the attention sounds..he had to eventually do it.

He has finally realized that Chan and Seungmin wasn't his safe place, he realized that even if they did him good, they did him bad too, and he knew he didn't feel comfortable living in such a world. A world that required him to be submissive, quiet, good, well behaved. He wasn't allowed to make mistake, or else he got hurt. His apologies were never heard. He didn't live a good life here. And he felt bad for himself to finally realise that only now.

His case has covered other people's cages for an eternity, what was so special about him in the first place? He sighed. Putting down the cup of warm tea, as he sat on the couch, body still shaky after the last time he watched the TV in the house.

Was he allowed to sit there and watch TV? Well..technically no, or typically no. Chan and Seungmin was going to help their friends out in the city today. They left all the doors and windows locked in place, removed any sharp and harmful objects in the house, the put a tracker on his, body, plus cameras throughout the house for this special occasion. Jeongin sometimes wondered how the two men was able to afford all of this, and purchase the said stuff without suspicion. He wasn't planning on leaving today anyways. Even if he got plenty of time too, he needed to be more careful planning out an escape. Sure today was the perfect opportunity, but he'd have to rip off the tracker from his clothes, which would alert both Chan and Seungmin. Then they be able to speak to him through one of the cameras in the living room almost immediately.

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