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It was just a typical day for Jeongin to go get back to his old life. He has yet to actually leave the house once, and didn't dare to open a single window, nor uncover the blinds. He swore to himself he would ever leave the house, unless his name would stop going around. He felt like a chased celebrity, other than the fact he wasn't famous for something good. He hated the spotlight that was put on him, and even the police has yet to be done questioning him. He was tired, really tired. Of lying to the police department about small details, having to remember each lie he told. He made them believe it was more than two people that abducted him, only so that he could spare Chan and Seungmin's life. He still had the opinion that they didn't deserve to go to jail, even despite all the fucked up things they made him go through..he didn't mind them being on the loose.

As of the unexpected encounter. There she stood, her hair still cut short, her fashion hasn't changed one bit. It was kind of surprising to see her show up, but she was indeed the last person who he saw before his life was taken away. And for some reason her showing up made him a bit happy, but he was also confused as to why.

"Uh...I heard the news..that you came back home..." she spoke, fiddling with her hands nervously, he could see how she picked at the roots of her seemingly newly done nails. "I..wanted to see you...so..what's up?".

Jeongin couldn't help but to giggle at that. She was still herself, even in an awkward and unexpected situation. He may have used to find it a bit annoying back then..but he was actually quite happy now that he saw her, here in his room, like the good old times.

"Not much has been up" he scratched the back of his head, he felt comfortable around her, like she did no harm, it felt nice to not stutter for once. "You know, other than being kidnapped for 4 years, and magically popping up out of nowhere..but yeah..I haven't been great" even despite the joking, he couldn't help but to be honest.

"Well..I brought some stuff...I asked if it was okay, and your parents were fine with me staying here for a bit..I..I got chocolate" Chaewon searched through the bag in her hands, pulling out three different chocolate bars. All his favorites. "And this..".

She pulled out a wrapped present, handing it to the boy with a soft smile.

"I know it's an expensive gift..but I heard you had nothing to pass your boredom with, and like any other young person..we sometimes needs to rely on little gadgets" she proceeded to watch Jeongin unbox the phone, a look of shock on his face.


"I felt guilty...i-i mean..I was the last person you saw, and I never took your fear serious enough..I felt like I carried so much on my back, I felt ashamed of myself, that I didn't stay with you..that I just threw you out like that..I'm sorry" she mumbled, and Jeongin felt bad himself that Chaewon had to explain her guilt to him.

In no way was it Chaewon's fault, she didn't know what was going to happen. Neither did he himself.

"Chae...it would have happened anyways..you, and with that I actually mean that no one would have been able to stop that from happening..I appreciate the gifts, it was kind of you" Jeongin smiled, holding the gift close to his chest.

"You didn't deserve it at all..I'm so sorry Jeongin..I know my pity might sound annoying, and I know it isn't easy for you....I..just wish I could do more for you.." the way Chaewon admitted to that made him feel guilty again. He knew this was no one's, but his own fault. No one deserved to take the blame, it wasn't their fault for doubting him, he sounded outrageous back a few years ago, when he talked about dead cats, a black van and all the other stupid stuff he spat out of his mouth in distress.

It wasn't easy to tryst crazy allegations like that. Especially if there wasn't a big deal to it.

It was just falling down on him, he didn't know how to get back up on his feet anymore, he felt so caught up with his own self, that it was too much to handle. Some part of him wished he never escaped that house, he didn't even see a future for himself anymore. What did he have to do? His only past proffession was brewing coffee and making desserts as a full time job. He had no education, because he truly relied on his job and how much he loved it there. But how was he supposed to get back and work, when people from all around the globe knew him? Not to mention how hideous he looked. He hated how his fate turned out, he had no idea as of what he was supposed to do now...he felt hopeless again.

"It wasn't that easy..b-but i-it wasn't that bad" he laughed trying to lift the mood up a bit.

"Jeongin, you were legitimately kidnapped for 4 years, what good was there about that?" Chaewon exclaimed, a look of slight shock on her face.

He should have known that not everyone would have found it funny when he joked with his situation. But it wasn't their vouce to speak upon anyways, they weren't the ones who had to tolerate what he did.

"But I'm here now..o-out of danger right? I can handle myself". That was a lie, he couldn't take care of himself, not in this scenario.

"I didn't mean to make it sound that bad..I'm sorry, I just wanted to see you again..welcome home, buddy".

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