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"Is this nice?" Hyunjin asked, his hands working like magic upon his body.

"Mhm..feels so good" Jeongin smiled, as he rested nicely on the bed, looking out the unfolded blinds and into the light sky. He figured it must be dawn, they've been up all night, fucking around like they had nothing else on their minds. And now, they have just gotten out of the shower, Hyunjin offering a massage to help sooth out the younger's muscles.

They spend the time not fucking to get to know each other. In-between Hyunjin's cigarettes breaks, and the soft kissing. They sure needed all that time to just calm down..but their attraction to one another never really ended, and before they knew it, they were back to sinning together on the bed, legs parted for the handsome man to ram himself into his hole. The sound of it turned the younger a bit on again, but he kept his cool.

"I should have fucked you with a vibrator first if I knew you could take this much" Hyunjin chuckled, and sure, that definitely did sound absolutely pleasing.

"You could lend it to me incase I ond day get horny and film myself twitching with you on my mind" Jeongin joked, humming as Hyunjin managed to massage a nice spot on his lower back.

"I might actually do that, so you can think of me every time you lay a hand on yourself" he states with a slap landing on the younger's bottoms.

"We should do this again".

"Well you have my number, I'll promise to come pick you up whenever" Hyunjin smirked turning the younger around on his back, pecking his lips softly. "It would be such a mess if a let such a beauty like you wonder off without me on your mind".

That statement alone cause a thrill of excitement to run down the younger's spine, letting Hyunjin slowly slip on some new pair of clothes from him.

"I like your hoodie" He commented, pinching at the fabric Hyunjin had just slid on with a smile, a cigarette between his lips to full up his addiction.

"You can keep it, when we leave" Hyunjin proposed, standing up as he walked towards the mini fridge on the side of the bed, opening it up as he picked out two bottles of soda.

"We?" Jeongin questioned, he figured he was going home alone, but he surely didn't mind company.

"As I said, it would be a mess to let you wonder off alone, so I'm driving you home on my bike".

Now this piqued Jeongin interest, a bike, he imagined a scooter or a motorcycle, yet he surely wouldn't be disappointed if it was just a regular bike, the scenarios playing in his head made him smile softly. Imagining putting his arms around Hyunjin's waist to hold on for dear life as they drove back to his house.

That looked so pleasing to him.

"My parents might be mad" he chuckled, the frown now back on his face, going back to stage one already, realizing he had a mom nagging on his shoulders and a father who tried to support every moment he could. He didn't wanna go back, to be the traumatized, innocent boy, it triggered the real stuff, the thing he didn't want to happen.

He wasn't the most fond of the idea of having people on his back, he thought Chan and Seungmin was enough for him..a bit of him still missed them, and regretted breaking their trust and heart by running away. He should have stayed put.

"They can talk all they want flower" Hyunjin sighed, exhaling the spoke between his parted lips as he dapped of the residue of the ash on the cigarrete onto the wooden floor, for it to be cleaned off some day, eventually. "Everyone knows your story, but it doesn't define you as a person..it's easier said than done, but moving on is always best, and trust me my boy, I know how it feels leaving a place you've stayed for years of your life, being constantly told to behave or else bad things happens. It's a cycle of repeating trauma, you gotta let it go flower..or else you'll bleed on the people that didn't cut you".

And hearing that, made Jeongin sit up with small tears flowing down his cheeks, wiping them off in slight shock as he stared at the man with eyes of adoration.

No one took their time to actually be in his shoes. They tried encouraging him to make him feel better, yet express their disappointment when it didn't happen. He didn't want to disappoint people, he wanted to be seen as himself, and Hyunjin proving that he indeed was nothing but Jeongin in his eyes, made him melt.

"My mom always talk about how she felt..I'm sorry I don't mean to put my burden on you...I'm just a bit filled up" he honestly spoke, his hands shaking slightly as he slid some underwear and pants on, leaving himself top less.

"It's okay..it really is, I don't have contact with my parents for my own personal reasons, but I have a good advice for you flower..." he trailed of, taking a drag from the cigarrete before blowing out the access of the smoke, throwing his head back.."come here, let me tell you something buttercup".

Jeongin moved to sit beside him, only to be lifted onto his lap, in a back hug. The smell of the tobacco being do prominent, but he couldn't get himself to grimace.

"Pretty, even if their words may actually hurt..they might not intend to make you bleed more, they just trying to do their best, and the only right thing you can do, is to tell them if they do something wrong..if they refuse to change, they weren't making you bleed unintentionally".

"I feel like I've been screwed around with since I came back" he admitted, remembering the many journalist, and reporters flashing their cameras at him, to get pictures of him in his most vulnerable state.

"But don't let that get to your head..flower..look at me, you can tell me everything..I won't tell a soul" he whispered, placing a small kiss on his head.

Jeongin breathed in for a second, letting it go deep down his stomach till he breathed out again, he let the warmth of the man's body swarm him up. Before he dared to spill any form of detail.

"I was scared days prior..no one listened to me, and told me to shrug it off..I was stalked, photographed, being put in scary situations..it was frightening when I one day simply opened the door to my room, which was also the last time I did for the last 4 years.." he whispered out, remembering the details one by one, fearing the worst again.

"Can you see how you're feeling now? Those memories? Those are only pictures remembering the incident, something that shocked you so much it won't leave your head..but you feel attached to you, cause you feel like it is apart of you" Hyunjin explained, holding his left hand against his chest. "You are not in the past anymore flower, you can forget it, get a new beginning. You won't ever be the old you, but that's okay, you just gotta learn to be a better, more mature you".

Hyunjin was right. He needed to improve what he couldn't in the past, he wasn't anyone's good boy anymore..he was Jeongin the kidnapped boy now. And he was going to make sure he would become just Jeongin. Because the more he focused on his case the more his name would stick to him.

"You saying that is so hot" mindlessly speaking the truth withing him, he found himself turning of the man's cigarrete, kissing him second later deeply. "Can I get your hoodie?".

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