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Even despite being fed properly for a whole week, he still suffered the same symptoms as day one. By now, the two men were trying to figure out what could be best for him in this given moment, but so far he just felt sick and tired. He wanted to sleep so badly, but the men forced him to stay awake till it was time for him to actually go to bed. He was showered everyday, being cleaned from head to toe, he was fed atleast six meals a day, and he already seemed to have been gaining a bit of weight. But he still felt horrible. As if his air ways were blocking close, his head swinging around in circles and his vision relatively blurry.

He had no energy left to do anything, he wanted to rest his head for a small while..but he followed along with the strict rules he has been receiving. He had to stay hydrated, and the food he consumed was pretty much only soup, a sugar cookie, and vegetable to chew on. He couldn't keep half of the meals down, ending up bending over a toilet in the middle of the night, with either Chan or Seungmin to hold him.

He didn't wanna be sick anymore.

"Darling..wanna go for a walk? You most likely need some fresh oxygen" Chan spoke.

In general, they have been waiting for Chan to finish the call with his own personal doctor. Jeongin had to listen to the sick and twisted story of how Chan had apparently been starving himself for a longer period of time, and was now suffering the side effects of those 'actions'.

But it wasn't Chan that lacked vitamins nor nutrients, nor food at all. It was Jeongin. Jeongin was the one that was sick, not Chan. Yet they couldn't just mention that over the phone. As for now, Chan has to go pick up vitamins and minerals from the local pharmacy. Jeongin didn't particularly want any form of pills, he didn't trust Chan with it, neither did he trust Seungmin. Not when he had a bad past with them drugging him over the edge. He just wanted to sleep.

"I-i don't want it.." he mumbled, shaking his head to Chan's request.

"You can stay inside with Seungmin then-".

"No..i-i don't want medication" he shook his head again, his eyes tearing up as he held onto Seungmin, whimpering ever so lightly.

"They aren't medicine directly..just vitamins, we promise not to fumble with them this time okay? It's not like we need you to die right now..that's not a good timing" Chan stated, his voice becoming firmer and stricter as he explained the details further to the younger.

Jeongin knew he had no say in it, but to accept the pills he would be receiving. Putting his head on Seungmin's shoulder, he couldn't help but to squirm a bit. Trying to find warmth and rest.

"Don't sleep..Jeongin, I mean it. If you fall asleep I will do serious damage to you" Chan spoke as he exited the room, leaving the boy behind with fear crippling up his back.

He didn't want vitamins in fear they would be replaced with something else. He just wanted sleep, and cuddles. And he was only receiving the cuddles for him to shut up and be quiet. Not because he has been good, nor deservant of it. He didn't deserve the hugs, he still deserved the punishment. He was only receiving this because he was sick, something that was his own fault.

"S-seungmin..please let me sleep" he cried out, tired and in pain, sick. He needed the rest.

"You can't" he caressed his head, his other hand rubbing circles around his tummy. Trying to comfort the boy on top of him.

"I-i'm tired...I need sleep..".

"You don't".

Jeongin felt his heart break, silently crying as he waited for Chan to come back. He didn't like how Seungmin declined him, he wanted to just be comforted.

"Y-you're not helping..".

"I'm helping" Seungmin chuckled, planting soft kisses on his neck, sending chills down the younger's back, as all he could do was whimper.

"It tickles" he mumbled, trying to calm down and focus on the touch of the lips against his skin. Moving towards the pair of lips, wanting to feel them become firmer on his skin. He was desperate for distraction.

"Like it?" He whispered in his ear, his hands traveling beneath the boy's clothes, trailing his colder hands against his warmer body, feeling the heat radiating off of the younger's flesh, slightly concerned over his physical health.

Jeongin could feel his breath starting to calm down and get caught up in his throat, shivering at the cold touch that were only a minute away from becoming warm. His body pressed against the older man subconsciously, waiting for touches and kisses, to put him in a peaceful daze that made him forget about being sick. It was just so addicting, the overall feeling, his back arching against Seungmin's as he rubbed over his naked chest.

"S-seung.." he accidentally moaned quietly for the man behind him..a blush creeping on his face, but he couldn't stop, it made him forget about pain just for a few minutes. Atleast until Chan came back.

"Fucking whore" Seungmin degraded,  grooping his thighs and leaving scratch marks behind.

"C-chan wouldn't be h-happy.." he mumbled, cuddling over to Seungmin, focusing on the hands on his body, as he hummed quietly from time to time.

"I don't care" he barked back, grabbing his hips tightly. A whine leaving the younger's mouth.

I. Don't. Care.
1.    2.        3.

He only now realized the man speaking yet an extra word to him..he couldn't help but to smile weakly, feeling like he won a huge price. He was actually a bit shocked, yet definitely happy..but he doubted Seungmin realized, even so, he spoke more than two words.

"Y-you probably should care...S-seungmin..take it slow" he whimpered, as he was out of the blue pinned down on the bed. A form of excitement flushed through him, but it left him worried.

Even if the man above him was insanely attractive this very moment. He still couldn't let Seungmin do What he wanted. He was sick after all. So of course he tried to push him away by his knees, hoping it'll make him move. The sudden tension shift in the atmosphere, going from worrying and stressing about his health, to ruthlessly grinding down on him.

It was attractive, but it was not the time yet. If Chan came back and saw him like this, he would either break loose, or not be able to control his own hormones.

"Seungmin, you..y-you need to stop" he whimpered, looking at the man who looked down him with lust evident in his eyes.

"It's my decision".

"S-seungmin..I promise to l-let you have me..just not while I'm s-sick..p-please?" He attempted to lure him to stop his doings, knowing he couldn't possibly keep avoiding this situation. Cause after all, Seungmin was right, he had no decision nor say in anything..but he was sick, and couldn't let himself be driven even more exhausted, despite wanting to rest so badly. "Y-you..can stick to kissing me..t-thats it for now".

"You're funny.." Seungmin chuckled, looking down at the boy, who looked pretty much fucked out despite not even having done anything sexual, other than receiving kisses and small grinds. "I want you".

"N-not now..please" he practically begged, his body absorbing the warmth of the man's body, he kind of liked him staying on top of him.

"Let me atleast f-feel better first".

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