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Jeongin swore he could melt at the constant pets and praises that he has been receiving. He loved being adored at treated nicely, not wanting any of the nice treatment to go to waste. He laid comfortably against Chan who held him close patting him on the back and on his head constantly. They watched whatever he himself wanted to watch, not muttering a singular word. He was happy for once.

He felt so calm and at peace, he didn't feel panicked the slightest bit. He was just down to earth, cuddles up beside Chan. It was indeed something. Something that sort of played with his heart a bit, he loved the constant little pats, and often moved himself closer to the touch.

He thought about the promise he made with Seungmin again, remembering how the man almost lost control how he touched his body up. Quite frankly to be honest, it felt good, but he knew it wasn't the time. But he also knew that pushing the deadline further and further away wouldn't do him any justice at all. He had to give himself up, even if it was scary..he trusted Seungmin, he had to. He wondered when the man would be home, he had a bit of confidence today. He thought that maybe doing it now, wouldn't exactly hurt. Since he was confident, since he was calmer than usual, and since he made that very promise, he knew he could build up the courage. Even if he were to regret it later. Or maybe it would be worth it, maybe it would actually be just fine. They have been waiting for him, even if he had no patience for them, he had to deliver what they asked for now..he was done being the bad person.

"Chan?.." he softly spoke, looking up at the man whose eyes were fixated on the screen infront of him, his hands stopping the nice caressing movements. Looking at the younger quickly.


"When will Seungmin come home?" He asked, cuddling closer to Chan, who pulled the younger onto his lap. Rest his head on his shoulder.

"2 hours from now..why?" Chan checked the clock, pointing at it, so Jeongin could gaze up at it.

"I...miss him" he mumbled, fiddling with his hands at the confession.

He felt embarrassed to tell Chan he was ready to just give himself up, it would be humiliating to confess. But he didn't like to lie, so he came with another truth that could somehow work.

"He will be home before you know it yeah? Want something to eat?".

Jeongin knew better than to deny the food given to him, so he frankly nodded his head slightly. Even if he wasn't hungry, or even if he didn't have the biggest appetite. He still followed Chan through the kitchen though, letting hands intertwine with the man's firmer and bigger ones, as he brought out a bowl.

"You can go back in the living room-".

"I wanna be with you.." he interrupted, still holding onto Chan who chuckled and nodded his head. Giving a soft peck on his head, which of course made him melt into a blush.

"You can stay" Chan smirked, preparing whatever food he was making for the younger. Whilst Jeongin waited for the time to pass by patiently. "After you ate..you could rest in Seungmin's room? I'm sure he will be happy to cuddle with you" Chan sighed out, playing with the younger's hands.

"I-i..I would love that...will Seungmin be there?" He mumbled, knowing the answer but he just wanted to get it over with, so he didn't need to worry about it. But he also assumed Chan would also want to have him..Given that the two of them has been very verbal about it in the past.

"No..but you can read until he comes, so that you can push the time a bit yeah? I can bring your teddy bear too?" Chan requested, pulling his hand away from the youngers hold, but placed it on his thighs instead, holding them softly as he finished mixing up the batter.


Jeongin eyes lit up as the batter was spread out on the pan, feeling the sudden hunger and appetite cave in, as he looked over at the pan again, licking his lips at the sight.

"Can you hand me the Nutella from the third cabinet to your left?" Chan ordered, and Jeongin delivered, watching as Chan managed to open the bottle of Nutella with a single hand, finding it quite attractive.

He haven't tasted Nutella in years, he could barely remember the sweet flavor, the coatings he put over ice cream, or pancakes. But he had the opportunity now, and it made him smile from one side to the other. He squealed in excitement as he was allowed to chew on a singular piece, double dipping it in the Nutella, cause why not?

"Ah..no double dips, that's cheating!" Chan scolded, but chuckled afterwards when he did it again.

It was one of these moments that Jeongin remembered how he fell for them. In his eyes, they were perfect..and he was the mole. But he was happy, laughing, joking around with the other. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy. It didn't feel like he was kept away at all, it felt like he was at his friend's place, joking around and having fun. But this wasn't his friends place, this was his abductors home. The house he lived rent free in. But he didn't complain, he just smiled, admiring the man infront of him. The good-looking, handsome, and mesmerizing man. He was head over heels for them, admiring them, fantasizing about having a good life with them. And today, felt like the start of all his fantasies.

"I can double dip again" He smiled, looking at Chan with eyes that smiled brightly at him, stuffing the dipped pancake in his mouth, and proceeding to dip them again.

"You little troublemaker" he shook his head, a small smile on his face as he finished the pancakes. Flipping the last one over to the plate as he tossed the pan in the sink to be cleaned later.

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