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"You're feeling better?" The sudden voice that belonged to Seungmin scared him for a moment. Causing him fall out of bed and onto the floor, letting out a weak cry, as he tried to stand back up.

"N-no.." he mumbled back, climbing back up on the bed.

If he had to be honest, he did feel a tiny bit better than the past few weeks..due to the vitamins he has been given each and every single day, for the past 3 weeks. But he didn't want to admit he felt a bit better. He knew what Seungmin wanted, and the promise he gave him. He remembered the last he was even near an intimate moment with the other, remembering how disturbed and frightened he felt. He couldn't quite wish that upon anyone else. And he was so hesitant to admit that he was feeling better, knowing that Seungmin possibly couldn't hold himself back. And he regretted making that promise to him, but it was the only way he knew he could stop him.

Honestly..he wanted Chan to atleast do something first. Mainly because the experience he had with Chan, wasn't that comfortable neither..but it felt somewhat nice..which he definitely hated to admit. But with Seungmin, he was beyond traumatized. He hated thinking about it, it felt forced. So the least he wanted to do was to admit to Seungmin that he felt better, knowing what consequences followed up with that.

He hear a soft chuckle, causing him to come back to reality for once and look up at the man above him, who leaned down to his ear to whisper.

"You aren't fooling anyone innie..the longer you take the more rough Seungmin will be..he is waiting for you, for over 2 years remember?" Chan whispered in his ear, a hand on his hips as he brought the boy closer.

"I'm..not ready" he whispered back in reply, glancing back at Seungmin with a fake weak smile. Watching as he stood infront of him with furrowed brows and crossed arms.

"You better ready up, you look less sick as the days pass by. Live up to your promise and keep it, you won't hurt us again will ya? We always keep our promises after all.." Chan glared at him, handing the soup to the younger.

"C-chan..I..might not-".

"Be ready? Listen, I'm only telling you this because, I want you too. I'm just a bit more patient".

That had to be a joke. Chan being more patient? He almost laughed. But he also knew how serious this situation could be, he have never done it before after all. He knew he had to gather up the courage..cause in reality..what was there to be afraid off? It felt good when Chan pleasure him, despite going a bit overboard in his opinion. But it felt good. He had to build up the courage, afraid that it would just come out of the blue.

"It's really weird talking about it.." he mumbled, playing with the bowl of food in his hands.

"No one else can hear our conversation darling..what are you embarrassed about?" Chan questioned, chuckling softly with that stupid smirk of his.

Why did they have to be so damn attractive. He really hated it, he really hated how their faces were build perfectly, and how their bodies seemed so strong compared to him. He hated how he low-key loved having them controlling him. It was humiliating, falling for his fuckinf abductors like they were his only hope of living....which they kind of are.

But that was besides the point.

"Trust me..I'm humiliated over a lot of stuff" he confessed, looking away as he continued to play with the food.

"Foods getting cold" Seungmin spoke up behind him, stepping towards the two of them with pursed lips. "Eat".

Jeongin just sucked in a breath and started eating infront of them..while they just stared him down. They was normal, they always just stood there when he was eating, and at first it was a bit frustrating, cause he just wanted to eat without having their eyes on him. But he was getting used to it, focusing his thoughts on a whole different subject as the men watched him eat.

He knew he couldn't keep pretending to still be sick. He knew he had to just suck it up and give what the two men wanted out of him..what else did he have to lose? He believes he has tried everything so far. He had experienced the worst of pain that he couldn't even imagine any longer. He had seen them shift their mood from angry to happy, from happy to sad. He has seen, and experienced everything..why couldn't he just satisfy them with this one thing, maybe it was what they wanted from him. To finally let him go, or eventually kill him.

But he didn't want to die..and he didn't really wanna leave them neither..knowing if he did..he would be trouble with the media. He would get hunted down by hid own case. He liked just being here..his life wasn't normal, but it would never become normal after all of this. So what was the point in leaving? This was his home, even if he didn't like to admit. He didn't like to admit his crushes, he didn't like to admit how embarrassed and scared he is. He didn't need anyone else than Chan and Seungmin.

"Jeongin" Chan snapped his fingers infront of his face, Seungmin beside him shaking his head with a smirk. "Stop eating out of an empty bowl, idiot" Chan cursed. Grabbing the bowl from his hands and placing on the bedside table.

Jeongin blushed in slight humiliation, not realizing he has been eating out of an empty bowl for the past few minutes.

"S-sorry..I got lost in thought".

"You've gained weight" Seungmin spoke, looking even more dissatisfied when he looked down on him.

"It's best for him Seung..as much as I liked him being smaller too, he will die eventually..especially if he pulls such an act again" Chan replied grabbing the boy carefully and lifting him up. "Plus, he hasn't gained that much, let his health come first.." Chan commented, leaving the room with to younger in his arms.

"Thank you..Chan.." He looked down, not seeing much of a difference on his body, but when they reached the bathroom..he saw what Seungmin meant. He definitely gained weight mostly around his face..and in his own opinion, it made him feel a bit more happier, seeing his face look like a normal person's, despite the scar across his eye..but he preffered this than looking like a skeleton completely. He meant that some muscle and fat might suit him more.

"Shut up, we just can't afford to let you die like this..that's the only reason your allowed meals".

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