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Despite receiving what he wanted, he still didn't feel a tiny bit better. He was constantly running out of breath, his body was sweaty and shaky, his head was so lightheaded that everything seemed to be spinning around his surroundings. He has thrown up multiple times, and gagged around nothing but the oxygen he attempted to inhale through his mouth and nose. He felt absolutely horrible, tired, and he just wanted to go to sleep. Yet Chan didn't allow him to, he promised he would be able to sleep when Seungmin arrived, but that was a lie. He didn't keep that promise, they kept him awake, not wanting him to drift away in a well deserved slumber, in fear that it wouldn't just be him sleeping, but potentially dying.

At the countless of times his been threatened to be killed, or have his life shortened in general, made him confused as to why they didn't want him to just pass away over something that possibly couldn't be their fault. But Jeongin took Chan's previous words into account, remembering how panicked he was, how he told him that they couldn't afford having him die now, of all times.

It stressed him out. And he felt the headache retrieve back to him.

"No!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, pushing away the food that was once again being delivered to him from the kitchen. The amount of food he has been forcing down his throat, yet helplessly throwing it up later in the day, he felt like he ate for nothing right now. Just for the sake of keeping his calories and stomach full.

"I'm about to throw punches" Chan gritted his teeth, grasping g the Boyd hair and yanked it backwards, a loud whine like cry, escaping past his lips.

"Don't" Seungmin warned as he pushed Chan away from the younger, an irritated look on his own face. "He's sick".

"Yeah no fucking shit Seungmin. The boy has been refusing to consume any form of food for a longer period of time, he is genuinely starving..remember Marcus?" Chan glared, his eyes as sharp as blades.

"That foreigner?" Seungmin raised his brows, a chuckle escaping past his lips.

"He had the same fucking symptoms when we starved him to death. Jeongin isn't doing good, we have to do the complete opposite than what we did with Marcus, to avoid having to deal with another dead body..or to be precise, ours doll's body" Chan groaned as he picked Jeongin up, listening to the whine that left him the exact moment he got touched. Chan sighed making his way towards the bathroom. "Seungmin..did I make myself clear?" Chan looked back, watching the unsatisfied look displayed on the latter's face.

"Yes.." he nodded his head briefly, going to the kitchen to do what he could do best for the younger..even of it didn't feel like it. And that was cooking up different stews of food, mainly soup and liquid based, to make it easy for their sweetheart to eat, even if it meant suffering the consequences of puking later on.

"And Seungmin" Chan called loudly from the bathroom, stripping the boy out of his clothes, taking off his own aswell..feeling like he needed a shower anyways, and by now he didn't really care about Jeongin seeing anything..as if he would remember anyways.

"Yeah?" As he heard the man respond to his call, he sighed, standing up to look at the mess of the boy before yelling back.

"Remember..it's about present, not past. You will only hurt our darling in the long run if you let the situation with Marcus surface" he turned on the faucet, not wanting any form of responses back, and just wanting to wash himself, and Jeongin up once and for all.

And Jeongin was having a really hard time, his stomach was undeniably upset, he couldn't figure out Chan's words, the sounds around him was muffled or barely audible for him rto hear. He could only hold onto Chan, not really thinking about the fact that the man was naked infront of him. Properly in any other situation, he could have time to drool over it, but not right now, not when he felt like absolute shit. He felt like passing out sooner or later.

"C-chan.." he couldn't help but to mumble, afraid of the worst to happen. He didn't want to die a slow and painful death in the hands of his kidnappers, especially if it was mainly his own fault..it just didn't feel fair, to betray them like that..


"P-please don't...l-let me d-die like this.." he cried out, genuinely confused as to why he had to be so afraid of what death could possibly deliver. Especially when barely hours ago, he was almost beggin to just die. But he didn't want this, he just wanted to feel fine and content again. He was co fused with himself, and he got his feelings mixed up, he felt so undeniably bad both physically and mentally at this point..it wouldn't be fair to let himself die, he didn't want them to have that responsibility unless they agree to it.

"I thought that you wanted to die hm? Why changing up you opinion so quickly?".

"I..don't want t-to feel so bad" He whimpered, feeling the soap being rinsed off of his body as he trembled constantly, shaking to the point he barely could hold onto Chan. "I-i'm s-so so sorry for being b-bad..I.. wanna be happy with y-you..b-but it's been hard.." he confessed despite stuttering and trembling so damn much, he managed to somewhat speak his mind.

"You are getting colder baby, yet your head is still warm" Chan ignored his confession and instead focused on his physical health. And Jeongin just chose to keep quiet as he was taken out of the warm bath, and dressed in a pair of sweatpants, big fluffy socks around his feet, a t-shirt and a hoodie above the shirt beneath..to keep him warm and steady.

"W-what about you?-".

"Don't fucking worry about me, understand? Now you listen to me, if you really wanna stay the fuck alive. Eat the food Seungmin has prepared for you, neither of us will take a no as an answer right now. When you feel better, you will be moved to my room again, so behave" Chan told him, carrying the boy back into the kitchen where he was sat down, and expected to eat something.

And yet again, despite not feeling like it..he still ate. Knowing that was what he has bene instructed to do to make himself feel better, and he trusted the two of them the most right now. This day has been so confusing for him, the two the men always talked about their personal stuff right infront of him, but he barely had time to pay attention.

But what did make him pay attention, was the glass of coke being placed in front of his bowl, making him tilt his head.

"Seungmin always drink a form of coke recover the urge to puke, we are giving you this only for the sake of keeping the food in your stomach for one whole night, don't be pity when we take this away from you again" Chan explained, grabbing to glass filled with the soda, as he proceeded to help the younger drink it. "You'll get to rest after this..i promise".

"Y-you promised l-last time too..y-you lied".

"I didn't mean not to keep it, it was for everyone's sake that you stayed awake while we figured what is wrong with you. So be appreciative instead of being a brat, will ya?".

"I-i'm sorry..".

I too, hate this chapter aswell :D.

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