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He was too frightened to do that. Feeling guilty for letting the thought enter his head, he just listened to the loud banging, the crack that indicated the door finally breaking, as he heard a loud sigh. He trembled as he covered his ears, his eyes clenching close as his breath quickened. Anxiety ran through his veins, making it feel like he was losing his breath. He could still feel the pressure from the hands previously wrapped around his neck, too shocked and panicked to even focus properly on the real world.

The sound of muffled yells could be hear, assuming they belonged to Chan, judging by the length of the sentences yelled at him. That was until, he jumped at the loud noise of every piece of object he had moved to barricade the door with, was heard collapsing and breaking against the tiled floor. Jeongin's hands flew from his ears, to his hairs, pulling it in shock and panic as he listened to the silence that followed short after.

"Goddamnit Jeongin" he could hear Chan spit out..hearing the heavy stomps leading towards his hiding spot.

He was done for...he knew that, he could give up right there and then..he was dead..he was going to die. Those were the words that screamed inside his head, tears streaming at a rapid pace down his dry skin, knowing that this was definitely the end of his time living.

All he could was look down in fear and shame..guilt eating him up, inside out. Trembling against the cold floor, his hands never stopping in tucking out his hair, his mind racing with thoughts that went faster as seconds passed. He could see the silhouette of Chan's shadow over him, a sigh leaving the man's lips as he crouched down to Jeongin's level, grabbing the boy's wrists firmly as forcing them away from his hair. He didn't let go of his wrists, holding them in place as he tried to grasp for something to hold.

"I am beyond infuriated, Jeongin" Chan looked at him with eyes that could kill, whimpering as a response to Chan's words.

He knew when his name was mentioned, that he was indeed in bad trouble. Freezing in his current position as he tried to calm down.

"You did not only disobey me, but you ruined this bathroom..do you think that okay?!" Chan spoke, raising his voice slightly, causing him to once again flinch. "What to do with you.." he shook his head, forcing the boy to look at him..watching as horror was evident on his pale face, tears streaming faster and faster, blocking his view immediately.

"I-i....I..C-can't" he whimpered trying to speak as Chan looked at him with curiosity hidden beneath the angry facade.

"Stop being pathetic, and tell me what the fuck happened while I was gone" Chan gritted his teeth, the boy whining beneath his gaze, wanting to hide so badly.

"Mh..scared..S-seungmin mean" he mumbled, scared to express his words as he listened and watched Chan laugh at his statement. Jeongin tried to get himself under control..praying for the best in this situation. Scared of what the two men were capable of doing too him again. "J-just..wanted to ventilate room..i-i, opened window...t-then" he couldn't get himself to speak further, his sobs quietting down as he breathed heavily.

"Speak further. What. Happened. After you opened the window?".

"G-got..thrown..at wall..a-attacked..a-and hurt" he managed to whimper out. His breath stabilizing as he felt Chan let got of his shaky wrists, deep in eye contact with the man.

"Seungmin did that?".

He nodded. Feeling bad for putting a bad light on Seungmin..but he explained the truth. Not wanting to get in further trouble.

"So you ran, in here..to hide from him? Were you scared of him?" Chan asked, making the boy feel understood as he nodded rapidly. Chan scoffed. "Don't be scared of him..he was probably scared you would escape".

"H-hurt me?".

Chan shook his head at the question asked to him, his body sitting down on the floor as he brought the boy into his his embrace..watching as he immediately tried to push away.

"Don't. Stay still..and no, I'm not in the mood to punish anyone today. Be a good boy and appreciate that" Chan growled, making him sit still against him, hands firmly placed around his hips.

Jeongin couldn't do anything but to hide his face in the man's neck. Breathing in his cologne as he let himself drown in the scent of it..finding comfort and familiarity within the warm embrace. He was shaking uncontrollably his hands grasping onto the material of Chan's shirt, nails scratching the surface of the fabric, tears soaking through the man's clothes. But Chan stayed still, having his hands wrapped around his body tightly, rubbing rough circles onto his back, which oddly calmed the boy further down. The panic attack hit him hard, his eyes going dull as he sniffed back snot that threatened to run.

"You didn't plan to escape at all, did you?" Chan decided to speak, questioning the younger who froze in the comfortable position he was in..feeling once again, anxiety creep up from behind his back. "You did" he sighed. "Tell me about it".

That took Jeongin by surprise, looking up at the man with hesitation as he clutched the fabric of the shirt tighter. Eyes not being able to focus on a single feature on the man's face for too long. Whimpering as he looked down again, gathering the courage to speak.

"N-not when I opened the window..j-just needed fresh air inside...b-but" he looked up, spotting the window at the very top.

Chan followed his gaze to the exact window he was looking at, a hand sneaking from his hips, to his thighs, grasping the bony leg gently as he stood up with the boy.

"I only thought! I didn't plan on doing anything!" He exclaimed, watching Chan with a glint of amusement.

"Seungmin must still be upset..".

"S-sorry" he mumbled, feeling guilty for angering the men over such a little thing.

"How about you..and I, go on a little car ride?" Chan requested.

Jeongin didn't feel like protesting..he didn't want to upset Chan neither, so he agreed..knowing he probably wouldn't have much of a choice.

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