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"Don't do that!".

His heart was pumping quickly, his body tense as he watched his mother dial in a number on her phone, his eyes covered with fearful tears of the past coming back to life again. He was getting scared, beyond frightened. The hair on his arms stood up straight, goosebumps covered his entire body as the time felt so slow.

"M-mom don't! Atleast fucking talk it out with dad!" He yelled, watching as she finally faced him with a look of disappointment spread across her face.

"Jeongin..where were you really all those years? How did you stay hidden so long?" His mother asked, caressing his face ever so lightly. But he pulled away in disgsut of his mother's actions, running towards the stairs, feeling the adrenaline kick him to the ground, as all he felt all anger, confusion and betrayal.

He immediately shut the door to his room breaking down as he slid against it, curling up in a small protective ball. He was in a state where he could differentiate the differences between reality and surreality. He was wondering if the things that happened indeed was real, or if he actually went nuts.

"Why is no one listening to me" he sobbed, pulling his hair in frustration. All he wanted was mercy, and understanding.

He wanted the cafè back, the coffee and his 16 year old self. He wanted those four years of his life back, even if it required him experiencing it all over again. All he ever wanted was peace, but peace was so far away from his reach. He was covered in the history the men left him with, proceeding to write his next plot twist, but it never came.

He never came.

He never came the experience the last years of his teenage years. He never came to experience proper adulthood. He never came to experience having proper friends and a healthy relationship with his mother again..he never came to experience any of it.

He was that dull painting waiting for some color to be added onto it. But the color was always a different shade of red. Mostly darker shades, cause the light in the end of the tunnel never broke.

It broke him. Again and again. He was the zombie, the odd one out of all people that walked across him on the street.

They all looked normal, had normal lives.


He was dying in his own sorrows.

But if he was going to die out of all the pain he still dealt with after coming home..so should the cause of the repetitive behavior.

His persona darkened as he looked up, spotting the green box on the bed. His vision relatively blurry as he looked up, a form of relief washed over so that he could prove to himself...that he wasn't insane.

"Why are you doing this to me? Please...Chan..Seungmin..just let me live my life..I want it back, let me atleast try" he sobbed, knowing deep down that their presence was somewhere in this room, or in this house. But he chose not to search for them. Whether he was speaking to a wall or to them..he didn't care, he was used to being alone for such a long time.

He supported himself on his legs, as he reached out to the opened box, his hands shaking as he dumped out all the interior. His eyes latching onto all the picture of him naked in the shower, him beaten up in the basement..him sleeping, changing. It was all pictures of him. But he couldn't care, he didn't pay attention to the notes neither. His eyes was stuck on one object. And object he determined to destroy whatever that made him feel such ways.

He grabbed it, hearing faint talking downstairs. He wasn't going to let her get away with it. To lock him away again, he had life he wanted to live, she ruined it, Chan and Seungmin ruined it. He wanted it back, he couldn't bear the pain any longer.

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