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"Y-you're home" Jeongin mumbled, looking at the frustrated man infront of him. Fear taking over his body as he realized he spoke without permission, quickly grasping the material of the sheets beneath him, from the overwhelming amount of anxiety dropping through his body..looming at Chan with cautious eyes.

"Mhm..we weren't prepared for the weather change" Chan sighed, looking back at the boy with sharp eyes. "Glad you stayed still" He commented, situating himself on the bed, as he pulled the young boy onto his lap.

Jeongin stiffened at the action, his hands supporting himself up and keeping a distance between him and Chan, by placing his palms against his firm chest. Eyes locked onto the placement of his bony hands, sighing as he glanced back up at a Chan.

"I-it was scary" he mumbled beneath his breath, knowing he had to choose his words carefully. All he received was a bitter laughter from Chan, who reached to grasp his waist to bring him further down. A mischievous smirk plastered onto his face as he traced circles around his waist.

The touch made the boy shiver, yet relax slightly. He knew Chan wouldn't hurt him right now, he has been good, and stayed obedient to their rules. He wanted praise for that, he wanted to be told he did well, that he was a good boy. He wanted the affectionate responses so badly, but it felt odd wanting such things from them.

"We were worried you did something stupid..Seungmin couldn't shut up about you" Chan stated, his grib tightening around his waist, making Jeongin whine at the pressure added. Closing his eyes, as he took a deep breath.

"T-theres no reason for me too..i-i can't do anything without d-dying from exhaustion..." he admitted, feeling pathetic and stupid for not doing something..sure he regretted it, to not jump out the window, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was either relieved by his choice of actions, or regretted them wholeheartedly..this one, was fifty-fifty.

He knew he had the chance..to jump out that window, to run to the highway, station, or store, to ask for help. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't want that attention on him, he didn't want to be found, he didn't want to be missing. He just wanted everyone to be silent, so he could walk amongst the world without anyone giving a fuck about him. Yet he still wanted his parents, he didn't know how long it's been since he last saw them. And he didn't want too know neither. He hated the thought of the cafè, his parents, friends, he hated thinking about the life he had. But it always slipped into his mind, and he just wanted to forget.

All that sorrow and sadness he felt when the only thing that kept him awake at night, was those exact thoughts. He wanted everybody gone from his head, he felt himself grow crazy.

So of course having Chan rub circles, caressing his skin on his waist, practically made him melt into his embrace. He didn't even try to refrain himself this time..no, he just burrowed his face deep down Chan's muscular chest, breathing in the scent of Chan's cologne, the clean clothes. He let himself go, he fell, and he hit rock bottom.

"Mhm, that's right. You can't do anything without us, you need us right?" Chan spoke, watching as the boy laid against his chest, resting his pretty little head on his body, his body trembling against him.

Oh such a precious sight to the man's eyes.


"And you know no one wants to have you but us? You know they are only searching after you to get the attention, right?" Chan continued to ask. Putting Jeongin in a mentally uncomfortable situation, scared to answer the wrong thing. But he knew, as long as he agreed with Chan..he would be good.

And maybe Chan was right. Maybe all that people were searching for was the titles, the trophies. He didn't like that neither, whimpering at the thought. And he knew that all he could do, was trust Chan..they knew more than he did, they watched the news, they've seen the reports, the posters. They know everything revolving this situation..they were prepared for the worst cases of scenarios that could happen.


Chan smirked, looking down at the broken boy. His eyes looking at the bony body laying on top of him, his fragile limbs engulfing his body whole, as he hid his face in his chest.

"And that you are ours".

"I'm yours" he spoke, holding back the stutter as he looked up at the man, eyes so dull you couldn't spot any form of reflection in them.

"Aren't you a good boy? Staying still in my room, without plotting escape? Aren't you good hm? Such a pretty little doll, only for us right?" Chan praised, patting his head as Jeongin melted into the touch. His cheeks flushing red as his eyes closed.

He didn't know what happened for him to lose yet another part of himself. But he gave into the man's doing, finding comfort and security in his actions. He wanted to continue to be good, so that he would get the same nice and gentle treatment all of the time.

"Hm, I'm g-good" he mumbled, completely dazed, drowning in the endless affection without realizing Seungmin who've been standing in the room for quite some time now..approach the two men as he placed a cold hand on his back.

"Mine" he whispered into Jeongin's ear, his body hovering over both Chan's and Jeongin's bodies, his could be felt hands landing gently on his butt, grabbing the tiny bit of meat still left on his body.

Jeongin flinched at the action, but didn't move any much further. Letting the two men touch him like he was nothing but a mesmerizing object to them. His head dazed by the sweet words Chan whispered to him, feeling praised..like he accomplished something..when in reality, he lost big time.

"Pretty" Seungmin continued. His hands touching almost every inch of his body, but was mainly fixated on the butt right infront of his gaze. His eyes lingering to the soft spot, smiling like a Cheshire cat at the sight. "Want" he looked up at Chan, his eyes sharp as a Chan shook his head.

"Not yet" Chan spat. Dominance dripping from his voice, causing Seungmin to back down.

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