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He stared blankly at the wall, unfazed. But deep inside a storm was rising. Thoughts in his head were so chaotic that his headache never disappeared. He felt so guilty..so much that he really doubted everything. He doubted the reason why they treated him badly, how they would force him to do things against his will. Did they really do this because he hurt them first? He hated that. He didn't like the thought of hurting another person at all. But he still had mixed feelings about it. He was still infuriated, and genuinely upset. But he started to sink into Chan's words and all the things he claimed to be true. All of that, it all sounded so accurate. And he didn't like that. He didn't like being treated this way..but he couldn't help but to still hold grudges against them. He believes it was unnecessary to keep on pushing punishments on him.

He no longer felt human, he felt like nothing right now. Like he was empty but chaotic at the same time. He didn't believe he would deserve anything..that he did deserve all of this. But it couldn't be right, that they had to punch him back ten times harder, just because they got hurt by his words. He doubted their so called love to him, their bittersweet words. He doubted himself and his capabilities to escape them.

"Up" he heard Seungmin's voice pierce through the room, causing him to look away from the wall and break out of his chaotic yet empty feeling head. His eyes heavy, as he never slept after what Chan told him.

As his eyes were staring into Seungmin's, watching as he held a plate of bread in his hands. Staring back at him with sharp eyes. His other hand held an item that made him tilt his head for a second. Watching it closely as he couldn't quote figure out what it was.

As Seungmin stopped infront of him, he placed down the plate containing the usual bread on it. And Jeongin didn't waste a second to grab it from the plate, holding it near to himself, afraid he was going to lose the food he received. But luckily Seungmin just sat down with the thing in his hand, placing it down too as he looked at Jeongin expectantly.

Jeongin didn't know if he was suppose to pick the object up or not, but hesitantly reached out for it. Eyes watching Seungmin who looked at him without a word or movement. And so, he grabbed the item, confused of what it was supposed to be.

It was wrapped and decently heavy. Making Jeongin frown.

Why was he receiving a wrapped packaging from them? What would be the potentially sick thing that could've been hidden inside? It confused him as he shook it, a small sound coming from within making him frown for a second.

"Eat" Seungmin mumbled, as he grabbed the box and placed it down, pushing the plate with the bread on it towards the boy.

He noticed that the bread wasn't just one, but two pieces, causing him to tilt his head again. One of the bread was filled with peanut butter, and it wasn't toasted like it usually was..the other one was toasted but had spread butter and sugar on it.

Why the sudden upgrade? He looked up confused at Seungmin who never muttered a word for minutes. Before he looked down again. He actually felt happy..receiving more than what he did previously, though he didn't know if this would be the new food he will be receiving..or if it was just a one time thing. But he couldn't help but to pick up the bread with peanut butter on first, sinking his teeth into the soft bread. The taste exploded in his mouth, causing him to smile softly, as he chewed slowly on the bread. Feeling quite happy to be receiving what was a delicious gourmet meal for him in the current state he was in.

His eyes sparkled as he ate. His stomach filling up nicely for once as he sighed, pleased to be fed such a nice meal for once..though he didn't know what he has done to deserve it. He felt like after hearing Chan say those words, that he was nothing but a disappointment. How long it's been since heard and seen Chan, how his been actively fed with one piece of dry bread. He didn't know how long it's been since their last argument, but it felt genuinely long. He has only seen Seungmin through this period of time he could've assume was days.

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