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He couldn't take it anymore. Yes he felt overly pathetic, but it had to be done..he was starving so much, that even the clothes his been put in a long time ago, was starting to drop over his body. He tried so badly not to accept anything for them, believing if he did so, he would be forced to do something against his will. Like spitting it out or throwing it up, or having to let them injure him all over again. His body was already filled with dark bruises and cuts, just because of that. his arm still all bandaged up as he didn't dare to look at what Chan has written into his once flawless flesh.

Exhausted and tired from spending such a long time with feeling hungry and dizzy, anxiety raising in his blood. As much as he didn't want too.

He eventually had to use the intercom behind him. He no longer wanted to cry in pain, his stomach aching in pain he could feel his own body starting to eat itself.

Even though in the past, he would never have wished this upon anyone. But now..he really deeply wished they would have chosen another person. He may be selfish for that, but what did he really do to deserve all of this? To spend the rest of his life in chains that cut open his skin when moving around to much. He couldn't walk, stand nor lay down with getting pulled and choked by the chains attached to his body.

Despite always trying to find ideas to escape this hell hole. He slowly come to realise that it was never going to happen. How was he supposed get out of this? To find a person living nearby. Their bittersweet words and abusive behaviour showed that despite wanting him so badly, they couldn't give an actual damn about him.

He was useless as for now, and was going to continuesly be so, until they just give up on him and murder him brutally.

Already accepting his undeniably fucked up fate. But he still had the will to live, and knowing he was dying from hunger currently, felt absolutely horrible.

He couldn't help himself but to let his fingers trace over the intercom, pressing a few buttons on there as he didn't know which did what.

"P-please..I can't take it anymore, I need food" He sobbed into the small intercom, his head and throat hurting as he spoke out the words in agony. Trying not to make himself cry.

But that in itself was a hard task to fulfill. He was a naturally sensitive person, and judging upon his current status, he had all the rights to bawl his eyes out.

"Do you really think you deserve it?" He heard Chan's voice speak through the intercom, Jeongin's heart beating so fast once he heard the response he waited for.

"I-i promise to be good, I swear!" He begged, his knees scratching themselves upon sitting on the hard concrete floor beneath him.

He was honestly concerned for himself. Not only with being starved constantly, but he was cold to the point his fingers and joints turned purple, his skin so pale as of what he could judge upon his arms and legs. He was honestly devastated, and craved even a small peanut to fill his stomach.

"I don't think so..how many times have you've said that hm?" Chan scoffed out into the intercom. Jeongin's blood running cold at the thought of not being fed.

"Please! I-i'll do anything..I really need something to eat" Jeongin whimpered, not wanting to be left without a single drop of food.

"I'm on my way" he chuckled, dismissing the call from the intercom as the door to the basement unlocked, coming down the stairs with a smirk plastered on his face.

Jeongin looked at the man, disappointed that he came without food as he only held a black plastic bag in his hand. But what was inside seemed to be nothing heavy enough to be food. And certainly was surprised when it was put on the ground and it instead fell almost completely flat.

"You said anything" Chan chuckled opening up the bag to show what was contained inside of it. Jeongin's face dropping in shock. His eyes not believing what Chan wanted him to do.

"I-i can't do that" he spoke in disbelief hearing Chan scoff.

"A big meal is already being prepared to you from Seungmin. So do exactly as I say and be the good boy you promised to be" Chan smirked looking down at Jeongin, as he hands grabbed his locks rather gently. "Trust me..You'd like it" he spoke sickly, grabbing the filled paper as he went behind Jeongin, who looked at the man in fear.

He knew that there was huge risk to this..but he couldn't let them down now could he? They were already prepping food for him, to fill up the void inside of his decreasing stomach. It was stupid, but if he only needed to do that..then he was actually willing to do it. He was so undeniably hungry, he genuinely needed the food badly, and if that was the only option for food..he was going to let himself open up to him..despite not wanting too.

"You only have to suck it in and inhale it..then blow out..and repeat the progress till you finished" he spoke surprisingly softly against his ear, holding the rolled up paper between the boy's lips. "And when your finished with the Joint..Seungmin will feed you, like you begged us too" he laughed.

Jeongin tried to calm down his nerves as Chan brought a lighter to light up the joint between his lips. Jeongin felt Chan wrap an arm around his waist, the other over the shoulder as he held up the lighter for Jeongin.

Eventually burning the end of the joint, making Jeongin to repeat Chan's words in his head. Suck, inhale then blow, and then repeat. He clenched his eyes shut as Chan held the paper filled with cannabis between his lips. Motioning for Jeongin to suck, then inhale..and finally let go.

Though he couldn't help but to push Chan's arm away as he broke into a consistent coughing session. His body shivering as he felt himself relax more and more as the seconds passed. And as each second did past, Jeongin repeated the process. His head feeling cloudy and light. His burning head as he inhaled the scent of Marijuana. His hands clenching around Chan's thighs for support. His body completely relaxing against the man's body, who held him in a tight grib.

Getting the boy high was one of their ways to trick his mind into believing they were there for him in moments where other weren't..that he was safe despite being high. Of course Chan wanted to take advantages of the situation, but following along the plan, he shouldn't mess it up.

No, because Jeongin was far to pretty and precious to kill. They just had to make him extra obedient and submissive. So that drugs didn't have to back up their manipulation and mind games.

But for now, he let the boy get high in his arms, watching the boy laughing and muttering nonsense each seconds.

And as for Jeongin. Who couldn't understand where all that happiness came from, how his laughter bounced off of the walls, how he laid so calmly against Chan. Deep inside he was confused and wanted it to stop. But his words was muttered out to be complete nonsense as he laughed at his own behaviour. Both finding it entertaining and saddening at the same time.

"See darling..it isn't so bad now is it?" Chan looked down at him as he asked, causing the boy to look up at him with amazement.

Probably the first, but certainly not last time he was going to be doing exactly that.

"Please stay with me" he muttered, his eyes closing slowly as he smoked further from the joint, getting the hang of it as he felt his body float. Though it was very much on the cold concrete ground, that felt slightly warmer than before.

The euphoria, the calmness..the vivid colors floating around him. He felt like he was on cloud nine..but he knew that deep down, that this was going to be a huge mistake.

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