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It felt odd, to hold around Chan's arm, digging his nails into his flesh as anxiety rushed through his body. He felt terrified of being inside this store, people wandering around, not even paying attention to these too. Jeongin just gazed at the floor, watching their feet walking in sync. The shoes around his foot were too big, so he took careful steps not to slip and fall. Given that the two men, were quite bigger than him. And he could definitely sense that, when Chan's hoodie flooded over his body as if it was a blanket, engulfing him on a cold winter day. So with the sleeves dropping beneath his finger tips, the hem of the hoddie almost reaching his knees..he couldn't help but to giggle slightly at the size difference, catching Chan's attention who scowled softly.

"You like my hoodie" Chan questioned, biting back the pain of nails digging far beyond his skin, telling himself that it was just Jeongin being horrified.

"It's big" he whispered with a smile hidden beneath the black mask, his eyes covered with his hair as it has grown quite long, due to not being taken care of for an extended period of time.

Chan nodded with an approving chuckle, opening one of the many fridges in the store, as he placed items of consumptions into the basket. Jeongin gazed around for a bit, the aisle being empty with no people in their current sight. So he felt calm and comfortable here, his body relaxing as he let go of Chan's arm, gazing at the items on the shelves, mesmerized by new designs of marketing products he used to purchase time to time, back home.

He of course spotted some of his favorite snack here and there, biting his cheeks to hold himself back from running towards the shelves like a little kid. But his excitement didn't go unnoticed when Chan could quickly see the switch of his demeanor. Quickly moving the pouting boy to a different section, not wanting to treat the boy any further. Chan knew better than to get ahead of himself, and spoil the boy that still had to be taught a lesson or two.

In Chan's form of perspective of the younger boy, was that he couldn't hold back himself when it came to Jeongin. The boy was such a little angel, so obedient and fragile. He wasn't as easy to break as he had assumed, but the boy was breaking beneath their gazes now which was a win for them. They wanted the boy for themselves, to be their little pretty possession..a doll to be displayed on the shelve for them only to watch. He was beautiful from head to toe, even despite the scars, his beauty shined through. Chan was upset that the boy still looked cute in both his and Seungmin's eyes, afraid other might find him adorable too, and try to take their pretty doll away from them. He had to put boundaries for how far he could let himself go, he couldn't just allow the boy to get whatever he wanted, despite wanting to treat him like an absolute prince, wanting to spoil his ass off. But he knew that he had to make the boy grateful for something as simple as crumps of bread for breakfast. To make him desperate yet thankful, he didn't want to treat the boy. Spoiled wasn't the person they wanted Jeongin to be.

He smirked as he watched the boy fiddle with his hands, following Chan around the shop so he could quickly finish grocery shopping before something went out of order.

Of course he wasn't supposed to be in the store to begin with, nor have an intimate car ride with Chan. But those two things happened out of the blue, and Jeongin has never felt more onguard in his whole life, than being outside amongst other people..people that were once just like him, mood happy, decent or sad, with a job and a family, friends..and precious things that they held close to their hearts. He envied them a bit, feeling bad for judging them upon how they could have all of those things so peacefully, yet he got it all taken away from him, and that he envied. And the fact that he knew that getting back his old life was never an option, hit harder than rocks being thrown at him. He felt like he was getting chased down, despite already being catched, and the feeling in itself was horrifying. Everything was.

Chan sighed, once again noticing the change of behaviour Jeongin had. Looking at him with sharp eyes, trying to tell himself not to treat him anything to make him feel better.

"You should be careful of your doings darling.." Chan spoke, causing Jeongin to tilt his head in confusion..wondering if he did something wrong again. "I expect you to apologize to Seungmin when we get home..he is definitely still upset" Chan spoke, grabbing a final item into the cart before heading towards the self checkout, avoiding other people on the purpose of not speaking.

"I..I didn't mean to upset anyone.." Jeongin looked down, ashamed of himself, his eyes closing slightly as he held back tears. He shouldn't be crying in a grocery store, no he wasn't that pathetic.

"But you did, and you have to take full responsibility of it" he barked back, finally getting to leave the store with the younger, who scurried behind him like a lost dog.

Many trains of thoughts ran through his head, his body wanting to run but his head telling him to stay by Chan's side. Not wanting to upset or put himself further at risk. Knowing he had to eventually face the man that terrified him the most right now. And he wasn't prepared.

He wanted to wrap himself up in bubble wrap, to hide in the farthest corner of the room. To actually lay and feel comforted by the men. Knowing he shouldn't be feeling that way about them, because he knew, that eventually, it was going to be the death of him. But their toxicity was so addictive, he wanted to drown in it. To pull himself up in the man's arm, letting them kiss and praise him. He liked that feeling, he had to admit, and he hated how wrong it was.

But all wrong things feels so good..don't they? In his case. It's these men, their voices were soothing when they didn't yell, their warm of embodiment, their soft colognes that he never wanted to leave his nostrils, wanting to suck in the scent all day and night. He was slowly getting intoxicated, falling for their words that sounded like sweet little rimes. The words that felt so good to hear that he felt all soft and geared up, being a blushing mess for the two of them.

He hated to admit.

But he was falling into something very dangerous and unexpected. Something that he allowed to drown him from head to toe completely.

Cause he knew.

Escape wouldn't ever be an option.

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