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"Just eat it for fuck sake!" Chan yelled, throwing the piece of bread at Jeongin who flinched, his hands just in time to take the impact the bread held for him. Whining as he looked at the food and broken plate on the floor.

After that day. Jeongin didn't dare to eat anything. He only drank water. And even drinking water, felt like a huge part of him taking a trip back to when Seungmin and Chan did those horrible things to him. He didn't care if he unsatisfied them for not eating. He didn't care that they took his stuff one by one for the sake of forcing him to eat.

It went from starving him constantly..to forcing him to eat..all because he switched up his meaning upon it.

And genuinely, Chan was the most terrifying person when angered.

But he didn't want to think about the day it happened. How his mouth was engulfed with Seungmin's-.

No he shouldn't think about it. It was one thing he didn't expect to happen. But he should've have seen it coming. Upset that it did come, faster than lightning striking the ground. He just wanted to not think about the incident. Wanting to dismiss any thought of it. Yet it hunted him in his dreams, when he consumed something. It all reminded him of how horrible he felt that given moment it happened, he knew he should continue to be good..but good was a hard thing to be. And he never felt as much as a disappointment as he currently did.

"I can't..Chan..I'm not able too" he whispered, closing his eyes as he breathed in gently. Watching as Chan looked at him with a glint of amusement hidden beneath his eyes.

"Why? Cause it was so traumatizing for you? Shut up, you ain't valid to speak about such things as trauma" Chan spat, kicking the broken plate beneath his feet.

"You were the ones that took me!".

Oh shit.

He broke.

Well sit back and get your popcorns ready. Cause this will turn out to be really, fucking, ugly.

"Raise your voice at me again, I dare you" he spoke between gritted teeth. Holding himself back from attacking the younger, merely to see if he had the to courage to do so.

"Y-you were the ones that abducted me..h-hurt me..and expected me to behave like a perfect little doll to your high standards! The thing you two did last time was my last straw..y-yet..I.." he took a moment to brace himself, knowing his words were true but something he would regret once spoken upon. Grabbing onto the blanket for incouragement as he finally gave in..knowing he couldn't hide a single thing for them. "I hate you, but I love you! I hate that you treat me badly! I hate that I love that you comfort me! I'm so sick and tired..I just want some fucking peace okay?! You did everything to hurt me, to abuse your power over me. You took away my life! And act like it isn't your responsibility to look out for me!" He yelled, his throat hurting as he stood up, walking up to Chan.

He felt himself break into tears. Hitting his hands on Chan's chest, pushing him back with barely any power as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Y-you're...you...you're a fucking bitch!".

Silence befell them. And that's when he realized what he had done and said. His hands had turned red as he looked directly at Chan's chest. Watching them heave up and down. He didn't want to look at Chan.

The seconds passed by, and turned into long minutes. He just stood there, waiting for something to happen. He was ready to be dragged to hell, tortured for hours, he was bracing himself for everything. Yet..it never came. Nothing but silence befell them, until he heard something that made his heart sink. Feeling guilt creep upon him.

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