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A loud gasp ran past his lips as he was thrown against the wall of Chan's room. His head collided with the wall with a harsh impact, hands holding onto Seungmin's collar, trying to push the man away from him. The man had his teeth gritted as infuriated groans went past his lips. His grib so tight on the boy, that it would a 100 percent, cause damaging discoloration on top of his skin. A hue of fear decorated Jeongin's delicate face as he was thrown onto the bed, his body trembling trying to back away from Seungmin, never once seeing the man so..insane before. Despite the fact that it was always him keeping a straight and quiet facade when torturing him, abusing him..but now..all he could read upon his face, was madness.

"S-seungmin stop!" He begged for him to stop, his eyes shining with fresh tears ready to spill. He was so afraid.

How he ended up in this situation? Well it was all the start of a good and pleasant day..the sky wasn't clear, it was cloudy and gloomy. So Seungmin had proposed an idea for going on a walk in the woods with the younger..but Chan was of course against to the the troublesome idea, and told a simple no, before he went out the door alone. It wasn't a big deal for Jeongin though..he didn't want to go out, and even refused heavily upon it. Disappointing Seungmin, but satisfied Chan. He felt a bittersweet emotion upon that, knowing he both disappointed someone, but made another one feel better. So in pure guilt he went up to Chan's room, figuring it needed a good air refreshment.

And to say quite frankly. He never thought that anyone could be that angered over the fact he opened a singular window. Simply to get some proper ventilation throughout the room.

That how he ended here. Taken so aback, that he was genuinely confused. He knew Seungmin must have already been upset with his choice of agreement earlier today, but he meant it was unnecessary to be thrown around..just because a grown man couldn't control his anger.

"Quiet!" He yelled his body pressing against Jeongin's, his eyes looking at him as he was nothing but a dead prey in his eyes. Whimpering at heavy contact on top of him, he couldn't help but to trash around.

"No! S-stop! I-it hurts" he screamed, his body squirming beneath Seungmin who held him down by the throat, blocking his airway completely.

He tried to get the man on top of him off. Feeling the grib tighten around his neck as he coughed, nails digging into Seungmin's flesh, fear that he was going to die right there and then..for simply opening a window. His eyes widened in panic, as Seungmin was more focused on hurting his body, not even thinking about his attempts in getting the heavy man off of him. His life flashed before his eyes, if he never kneed him in the crotch. He breathed heavily, immediately running out the room, immediately trying to find a place to hide. He had minimum time in hiding, knowing that Seungmin was probably far to angry too angry to care about the pain.

So when he saw the man come limping out of Chan's room, his eyes darkening, he felt himself run cold. Quickly thinking of a way to keep himself safe, but everything was so fast. His breathing never slowed down, afraid that he would lose his precious breath, afraid of the death that could be just around the corner. He snapped his head towards the end of the hallway, immediately charging towards the door.


Bathrooms always had a lock. And he knew that this one in particular, wasn't an exception. So as he ran, panic almost freezing his body cold..listening to the loud footsteps left running behind him, trying to catch up to him. Fear was the most evident emotion he felt, so when he reached the door and slammed it shut..turning the lock quietly. He breathed out in relieve..feeling safe yet frightened at the same time. He collapsed.

Onto the cold tiled floor, he laid. Eyes wide open as he inhaled and exhaled so quickly..tears flowed quicker than a river down his face, as he whimpered. Listening to the loud pounding.

The power the men had over him days ago, touching his body gently as they whispered manipulative words into his head..it all felt like a fever dream, a distraction. It wasn't the real them, they weren't nice. They were mean, cold hearted, they didn't care about him..they cared about his obedience, his pathetic and submissive state of mind. But he felt safe when they hold him close, knowing that those were the ones he should fear, that he should push away..but he couldn't help it. Missing the sweet treatment they provided him with, feeling spoiled to be touched by them in a calming manner, and not abusive.

He wondered what he genuinely deserved. There was a reason it all was taken from his reach right? There must have been something he has done that dissatisfied his choice of fate. He knew he couldn't change the fate he had, whether if he worked hard for it or not..it was all falling down. He was falling, and he felt stupid thinking they'd catch him..instead of beating him down.

There was nothing about him that screamed worthy. So why did they want him? He was bruised up, ugly, he was a dead flower trying to stay useful enough for the world to look at..he was nowhere pretty, so what was attractive about him.

His flesh was scarred off into pieces of ugly scars. Dark round spots from burns upon his flesh. He wasn't anywhere near pretty and he knew that. So why treat him like he was beautiful, like he mattered the world to them? He didn't care about their past. It wasn't justifying anything. And he knew he shouldn't feel sorry for them, knowing they could've have lied straight to his face..yet he still did..he still felt apologetic that people have potentially treated them badly.

And he knew they weren't worthy of his pity..but he believed that..and he didn't like that.

"Out!" He heard him yell, flinching against the tiled floor, as he pushed himself up, starting to barricade the door as much as possible..using items from the bathroom to stack up, as he felt overwhelmed with fear. The loud commotion created so much noise that Jeongin felt the urge to hide. But he was already hiding.

As he was busy barricading the door. He spotted himself in the mirror, flinching at his appearance. Tears suddenly ran impossibly faster as he sobbed loudly..shaking his head in disbelief. His body was so thin, he was just sticks and bones. Paler than the tiles on the bathroom floor. With scars lattering up his arms and legs, a horrified expression on his face. His cheekbones were prominent, really prominent. His eyes red and teary, the dark circles were so dark, it looked like bruises. The scar running from his brow to beneath his eyes, slittet his his brow, not a single strand of hair near the scaring. It was supposed to still be red, but was discolorated to a purplis color, showing of the lack of the lack of nutrition and sleep that he's been deprived off.

He looked like a walking dead skeleton. He felt disgusted by his appearance. Hating his appearance to the point his hands balled up into fast. And before he knew it. The sound of shattering and glass protruded the bathroom, his fist dripping with blood as he looked at the cracked reflection of himself, scream echoing out for his mouth..absolutely terrified.

He didn't need to be a genius to know he was dead meat. The banging on the door doubling, causing his hard to drop for a second. Blood running cold as he stepped over the sharp pieces of the mirror on the floor, running to hide in the shower. Scared to death that they were going to hurt him..that they were going to make him suffer such agony again. He didn't want that to happen..

But he had a bad feeling it was going to be worse than that. That he would be stripped so far away from sanity..he was going to be absolutely demolished.

"Darling..unlock the door before I do" Chan spoke, his voice sounding rather worried than angry. He pushed himself further against the wall, blocking out noise from outside. But Chan spoke again. "I will not repeat my words twice..I can kick in this door faster than you think is even possible" he stated, the noise of the handle startling him.

"Out!" Seungmin screamed, kicking the door, terrifying the boy further as he whimpered, curled up against the wall. His eyes wide and filled with terror.

"Seungmin, Get. You're. Fucking. Ass. In. Bed. Now!" Chan growled out loudly, as he heard a loud banging on the door again. This time it was rather repeated second after second, by a great force.

Jeongin knew Chan was making his way in. But he prayed that the barricade was enough to stop the men from intruding inside. But he knew he couldn't hide in here forever, Sighing as he tilted his head upwards, his eyes widening further at his discovery.

A window.

A window by the very top of the wall.

This would be a bad chance. A risky one. Was he willing to risk such things to finally get away from them?

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