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The chains around his wrists started to hurt more and more as time went by. Or maybe days. He still didn't know. He has become familiar with Chan's and Seungmin's routine. They came with dry, toasted bread in the morning, and for dinner, if he was lucky, he would get the same mashed potatoes and meat sauce. He didn't know how to potentially escape. He only saw the kitchen, the staircase, the bathroom and his own room. He felt kind of frustrated knowing that there wasn't any form of way he could escape. He didn't know the house enough to know where the front door was located. Or if they even had a backdoor. He only got familiar with them and their routine, when they came to feed him and take him into the shower.

But all he could assume, was that he has to have been here for some time, given that he no longer felt the pain from the day he was taken. The cut on his leg almost completely healed. He had no idea how long he has spend in this house, chained up and treated like nothing but a doll. He behaved when he was told too, didn't speak when he wasn't supposed too. He so far kept up with the rules, each time before drifting away in a forced slumber, he would memorise all the rules so he wouldn't fuck up in the future. He tried creating a plan. But he only reached so far to befriend them, and that in itself was risky.

Everything was risky.

And he so far hated the results. He has been nothing but locked away. And he still didn't know what Chan meant with getting him to become disciplined. Whatever they said or did, stuck itself onto Jeongin's mind, causing him to have frequent nightmares and waking up all sweaty and gross.

He knew nothing about what date it was. He only knew he was given bottles of water to keep him hydrated, but nothing else. And his stomach was hurting so badly, that he felt genuine pain. He was really hungry. And he could only assume that they purposely left him without food for days just to have him begging for their help.

And he didn't want to admit he had to rely on them.

Admitting that was humiliating. He felt so pathetic knowing that he was indeed nothing right now. He couldn't rely on anyone to give him food but the two of them. He couldn't rely on showering without the two of them. Everything he needed was relied on the two men. They held the responsibilities to keep him alive, and the fact they could turn that around so quickly, still frightened him.

He tried to tuck the Chains off of his wrists but it only let to more physical damage as his wrist soon started to drip with a mad red color. He teared up at the pain, but continued to tuck endlessly on the chains. The chains chattered against each other, creating noises that was far to loud for his liking. Flinching as they hammered against the floor, his wrists dripping with blood onto the mattress as he tucked and tucked, hoping the pain would stop, but it only became worse and worse.

He couldn't help but yell in frustration as the chains didn't butch. They pierced through his skin, creating heavy wounds that kept getting pinched at. He was so deeply focused on pulling the chains so harshly, that he didn't even hear the door opening. And only noticed when the lights from the hallway shined into the room. Lighting the room a tiny bit more as he heard steps creaking over the floor.

He stopped his movements, looking down at his wrists that bleeded and ached in pain, hoping that it would all just stop for a moment, so that he could catch his breath and prepare for whatever to come.

Judging by the heavy footsteps, Jeongin could only assume they were infuriated by the loud noises he created seconds ago. Tears prominently rolling down his cheeks, as blood dripped endlessly onto the mattress.

A hand grabbed a fistful of his hair, tucking his head back harshly. His eyes met Chan's mad ones. Looking at the man with pure regret as he was ready to take whatever punishment they had.

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