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"Get some sleep Jeongin, you look completely distressed..don't worry too much about what your feeling, you might just been paranoid these past 10 days..I'm sure you'll be fine" Chaewon smiled incouragingly at the boy who finally exited the house he rammed into. His eyes puffy after a long crying session, but he continued to nod with a fake smile, knowing that something was going to take a turn for the worst.

And he had that feeling it was going to be today.

He didn't feel safe in his own house anymore, actually he felt frightened thinking about possibly stepping inside the house and find everything out of order again. But he couldn't just beg Chaewon to let him stay with her. She did her job to listen and she did, she tried calling the police yet he screwed over that chance.

So of course he turned around without a single goodbye. Leaving the front porch and walking away from the house before he hears Chaewon yell.

"Just be careful okay? I know I shouldn't gear up your mind..but I have never seen you so paranoid before..your scaring me" she yelled out, but Jeongin once again just smiled falsely at her, nodding his head softly.

What was he to be afraid of? He could just run back to Chaewon right? If he really needed too. she seemed concerned about him despite keeping up her cold attitude.

"I'll be fine" he yelled back, going back to walk towards his own house. Knowing his parents was once again working late, he knew he had to be alone for some time.

And maybe he could use that opportunity to just do whatever he felt like to calm down without being interrupted or anything. He just needed to settle his mind on something else..on something new and different. So, pushing away the gut feeling he had inside of him, he decided to be optimistic for once, and see the good side of things. So, with his new sudden mood change he happily skipped up to his front door, about to unlock it, when he stepped back, the color draining from his face once he found out the door was indeed unlocked already.

He shook his head in disbelief and did probably the stupidest thing he could do. And that was to open the door and peek inside.

Upon doing that. He saw nothing. Nothing was out of the ordinary everything was left untouched and neat, just like in the morning before he left for work. He sighed in relief, believing that he was simply just imagining stuff and that it wasn't exactly real whatever he's been feeling lately. But he would have lied if he said he did not feel something creeping up behind his back. Shivers and blood running colder, Jeongin just decided to shake his head in confusion, slipping off the coat and didn't even bother to hang it. He locked the door. Twice again, since he really didn't know what else to do.

He felt crazy for all that fuss with the doors. And he genuinely believed he either was being haunted, or he was being hunted.

As he stumbled up the stairs in exhaustion, kicking off his shoes on the way up, almost slipping and injuring himself quite a few times, before the winter boots finally came off. He was just tired, and expected to be sleeping the rest of the day. He might need that. He actually for once didn't shower his thoughts underneath burning hot water to calm down his racing thoughts. All he wished for, was sleep, a big long slumber to possibly cure his insanity.

So he barged himself in to the room, eyes on the floor as he threw the bag in his hands on the bed. Eyes already shutting close by blinking slowly as each second passed by.

"Hi there Jeongin".

And despite a few seconds ago, feeling dreaded and tired. He was now energized by a sudden wave of pumping adrenaline in his body, as he gasped when turning around to face whatever could potentially be there. And by now, there was two answers to that question. 1 being the person who's been following him like a dog for the past ten fucking days. Or 2, absolutely no one, and that would just prove the factor that he might had to admit himself into a psychiatric hospital, specifically made for people who hallucinates.

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