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"Seungmin-" he once again tried to grasp his attention. He wanted answers, as to why they pushed him on the hiding spot, as to why the police interrogated the house, he wanted information. Was that too difficult to deliver?

"I said no" Seungmin spat, throwing the boy on Chan's bed, not wanting to listen to the pathetic yelps and whimpers, the questions asked nonstop. Seungmin knew he wouldn't dare ask Chan a single thing, so he prayed upon the younger to just shut up for once.


"No questions" he dismissed, slamming the door shot, leaving Jeongin alone again.

It was a feeling of betrayal that shot through his chest when he was first pushed into that small clamped up space. His heart was raising, ears blocking out noise, breath picking its pace up. He walked around, front and back. His eyes shut as he covered his ears. The urge to scream was strong, but he knew better than to do that. He felt so caught up in a mess they made, he was far too high on adrenaline to count. He was a mess, a big, fat mess.

"P-please!" He yelled, trying to turn the door handle but it wouldn't butch at all. He felt his heart drop to his stomach, the feeling of knives being stabbed behind his back. He couldn't help but to slam his fist on the bare surface of the door. The pain in his knuckles increasing by each hit. "Answer me!" He screamed higher again, his head spinning as he continued to knock and bang on the door without a break.

Eventually he calmed down, his vision blurred by tears the befell him.

He just wanted answers, he wanted to know. He hated sitting in this stupid border between wanting to know, or wanting to forget. He was a mess, and right now, he felt the need to have an explanation, a form of justice for once. Cause he just wanted Chan to fucking tell him why the police were investigating their house, and why he had to be pushed beneath a stupid staircase.

If they knew the fear that contained him, how cold it was. How he was picking his skin around his nails to concentrate on being quiet. If they knew what it took for him to behave, they would look differently on him. He was upset, felt left out, bullied, he just wanted a fucking explanation.

"Fucking open this door!" He yelled holding his right fist against his chest, as he used his foot to kick the door.

"Jeongin..shut up" he could here Seungmin's faint voice order, but of course he didn't listen, of course he was upset. He was scared to death, he was threatened on a daily basis, he was obedient listened well. Why did he have to be pushed into that space?!

"No! You fucking shut up! Y-you're both stupid..i-idiots!" He screamed running towards the window to see if he could open it. But it was of course locked. "I-i..I.." he breathes turning to the door when he could hear chatter and footsteps. He was panting heavily as he laughed to himself, shaking his head in denial. "I fucking hate you!...b-both of you" with that he fell to the ground too exhausted and dizzy to even stand upon his own feet.

"Jeongin, you done?" Seungmin asked from outside, receiving no response from the younger at all. "Answer me".

"Fuck off, dickhead" he spoke out, loud enough to be heard from outside.

He didn't feel regret for once telling them to go away, nor cursing at them. He felt so left behind and hurt. He was out there for 20 minutes in cold, rainy weather, he was freezing, and simply required an explanation. He looked at his own hands, wondering how he got into this situation in the first place. He didn't hear from outside, making him quietly shuffle closer to the door, turning the handle carefully, figuring that Seungmin must've have held onto the handle, to make him unable to get out previously.

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