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"I..C-can't we do it later..i-im really not in the mood" Jeongin whimpered, trying not to make too much noise with Chan marking up his body, to claim his territory once again.

"I require a break from your complaining" Chan breathed out, feeling absolutely astonished by the beauty of the younger's naked body. Even despite the scars covering the living shit out of his body, his skin still seemed flawless.

"N-not now please...i-i know I'm an idiot..but l-lets just cuddle..or w-watch movie...anything else than this, please" Jeongin spoke, already knowing he had no stamina to let the man fuck into his body. It happened once, and he passed out, he wasn't going to die from having sex. So he just wanted something more calming and relaxing.

"Darling..you know you want it..".

"I-i do..b-but not now-" he got interrupted as soon as he spoke, the pair of lips crashing against his own pumped up his adrenaline, a yelp of surprise escaping past his lips as he scratched Chan's back slightly.

The distinct taste of chocolate from Chan's lips transfered into his taste buts, causing him to drown in the overwhelming emotion that stirred inside his tummy. He was so confused and shocked but he couldn't exactly pinpoint how to actually feel this given moment. His body enjoyed the feeling, moved along with it, but he was confused, slightly against it, knowing he wouldn't be able to handle any of it. So he used his hands to barricade himself away from Chan, trying to gently push away the man, showing clear sign of not wanting to participate in anything sexual.

"Chan-..ah..not n-now.." he whimpered kissing his lips a final time before pulling away, already utnof breath and completely exhausted from the tiny kiss they shared.

"I promise to be nice" Chan spoke, his voice calm now, eyelashes fluttering as he looked at the boy with a small pout. "Let me help you calm down your mind please...it hurts to see you like this..all stressed and upset, come one darling, let me help you" Chan whispered, cuddling closer, his arms pinning the younger down as he held the crucial eye contact.

Jeongin struggled to find an answer, truly believing Chan wanted him for his sake. He felt like he was sinking back down beneath the surfacenof the water. It made him confused. Jeongin just laid there, trying to process everything..but Chan prevented him to even think about it.

"Life is too short to stay stubborn, especially with the people that you love..and the people that loves you..give us a chance darling, you already know you are ours..you helped us so well today, even though you didn't know what happened, and was infuriated..but we appreciate you staying quiet and still..that's why you aren't getting punished, despite the bad words you spat at us" Chan continued to mumble, his hands wrapped firmly around his wrists. "Let us take care of you".

"Later...p-please..n-not now..I have a headache.." Jeongin mumbled, feeling a headache form from all the processing of words and situations, the switch in moods. He was stressed to say the least.

Despite him saying that, he looked up at Chan with begging eyes, whispering "not now" beneath his breath, eyes shutting close a tiny bit.

"I'll bring you a pain reliever..stay here yeah?".

Jeongin was about to protest, not trusting the older man with medication anymore..not with the past he had with getting drugged and used, humiliated. He didn't want it to happen again, he just wanted happiness but he knew the only way to achieve that would to just obey and agree to whatever the men did or said to stay valid enough for them to still use him as a stupid toy to take punches, a sex toy to treat with no mercy, a toy to manipulate and abuse verbally all the way to the tip of his toes, just to build him back up according to their liking.

It was beyond distressing. His head hurted, and he just wanted to rest right now. He stared at the ceiling, hands resting on his tummy as he contemplated things, his eyes went side to side, confused and scared. The house was silent, other than the slight sounds of rummaging in the kitchen, or what he could assume was the kitchen. He was slightly shakened up, wondering if he indeed really needed some hands to warm him and calm him down after the hectic day they've had.

He regretted yelling at them the way he did. He realized how wrong it could have gone, and he wasn't even sure if Seungmin was okay right now..he did spit some pretty mean words at him, and he felt deeply apologetic for the way he behaved. He really wasn't the good boy he yearned to be, he never succeeded in doing his chores on becoming the boy the men wanted. He felt less and less important as the days passed, his own body growing tired of him.

Lifting his shirt, he gazed down at his own body. Of course the first things he noticed were the tiny scars scattered across his ribs, chest, waist and torso. But he noticed the weight he has managed to gain, even despite still being quite alarmingly skinny. Yet he felt almost happy to feel a little bit closer to his old self, eve if he could remove the scars reflected on his flesh. He still felt a tiny bit better, knowing all of his inner organs were getting the space they needed.

"Darling" Chan whispered in his ear, noticing how the boy was staring down at himself.

Jeongin blushed, shuffling to sit up, embarrassed by being suddenly spotted out of the blue. His eyes so dull, yet managed to shine a bit at the sight of Chan above him, holding two pills. He gulped before reaching out his hands to receive them, waiting patiently for Chan to stop staring at his still exposed stomach.

"You are really just..so fucking delicious to look at" Chan spoke, licking his lips as he finally gave the pills to jeongin, before retrieving away. "Take them, and sleep for awhile, You need it..we can talk about the incident tomorrow" he smirked, kissing him on the forehead, leaving him breathless, eyes wide as he watched Chan leave.

He gazed back down at his hands, seeing the two pills just chilling against his sweaty palms..and so, he hurried to swallow them down his throat.

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