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"Where in the fucking world have you've been!" He could hear the almost terrified tone of his mother when he walked through the door this early morning, his hair was a mess, his lips puffy and a small bite wound by the corner of it. He arrived home with a plastic back in his hands containing his first pair of clothes, meanwhile the wardrobe he wore this exact moment belonged to Hyunjin.

It was no lie that he did infact expect this outcome when he arrived home, given that he has ignore multiple texts and calls from his parents who has definitely been worried about the lack of his presence in house..and surely he felt apologetic, it wasn't the best Idea to run off.

No, when they left yesterday noon to go back to Hyunjin's home, he has definitely left a huge part of him behind. He let those memories stay buried by the house that belonged to the two men which he didn't find necessary to mention any longer. He left with a calm but yet to be fixed heart, he never gathered up the courage to talk to them..he realized that would enitially be a horrible idea. But after leaving and returning to Hyunjin's place he went to sleep with a peaceful mindset and woke up with kisses and dick in bed.

It couldn't have been a better morning, than it being ruined by the reasonable upset parent infront of him. But he understood her fume, but he was still also upset with her, given that she never let him speak freely without interrupting him, trying to speak over him.

"I hanged out with a newly made friend" he responded, staying as close to the brutal lie he had to tell his mother, even if the urge inside of him to tell the truth spoke louder than the urge to keep everything hidden.

"You never picked up your phone young man! I was worried sick about you! I thought I lost you again!" His mother approached as he stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from one of the cabinets above him, staying as calm as possible compared to the stress filled woman beside him.

"I'm sorry, I should have e picked up the phone, I've been busy".

"Busy?..busy! With what?! What could be more important than answering your mother's phone calls!" She yelled, her hands balled up in fists, as he hit the table, startling her son who jumped at the sudden sound.

The answer to his mother's question was simply trying to heal himself within without her interrupting anything. Even though he loved her dearly as a mother, who took great worry about her precious son. It was still no lie that she did get in the way of his process of healing, and it was only a mater of fact before he took matters into his own hands.

"Jeongin! Answer me, goddammit! What was so important!".

"Sex?" He shrugged as he poured the remainings of the water he gulped down his throatninto the sink, setting the glass onto of the counter before heading upstairs.

"Excuse me? What now? You went out to sleep with a someone for two days?!" She exclaimed as she followed him into his room closing the door beside her as she watched how her son laid on the bed carelessly.

"I know it sounds like a big deal..but it really isn't".

The scoff that escaped his mother's tongue, her eyebrows raised showing her wrinkles on her forehead, clearly getting gray hair by her son who seemed rather closed off.

"Not a big deal?! You haven't been yourself since you came home, I want my sweet old Jeongin back, the bright smiley boy who loved everything with breeding coffee, where did he go?! I didn't expect to have a rebellious son coming back home, sneaking out of the house to go sleep with someone! What if she gets pregnant, are you going to be a father too?!" She interrogated, her eyes lingering to the boy who laid in disbelief on his bed.

All the attempts he had just made letting his past stay where it belongs, and his mother suddenly come barging in at him. It made him upset. She had the rights to be upset about him sneaking out to sleep with someone. But taking it to a personal level was just morally disgusting and heartbreaking for him to listen too.

"No, no, no. Mom, I'm going to make this clear for a final time, and it is your job to start listening to me for once. I am not The Yang Jeongin, the happy boy obsessed with coffee and working his ass of everyday to support his loving hobby. You shouldn't have expected to receive the old me back after what happened to me, I've been traumatized for life okay? Some things just won't turn out to be the same again, and I've learned to accept that, but you clearly haven't, and bringing up my past just makes more damage on me, just because you want to back up your claims to be right. And no, I'm not getting girls pregnant, for your information..I slept with another man".

He didn't need to be a genius to know that his mother was pretty much done with him. She seemed more than just upset now, and he felt guilty for making his mother stress such ways.

"Whatever you wanna back up your claims with. You clearly aren't mature enough to keep such an object when you can't even pick up your own mother's calls!" She hissed out, grabbing onto the phone in his hands pulling it out of his reach. "You are an adult, start acting like one!".

"I am trying! Okay?! It would have been so much easier if you didn't continuesly tell me to act my age, then proceed to treat me like a fucking child! And sure, take my only fucking safety away from me, let's see how that ends up working out!" He yelled, covering himself with the blanket which prior to this sudden outburst, had laid calmly against his thighs.

"I'll inform your father about your behaviour..I think it was a great idea to have putted you in therapy as soon as you came home".

With no other word shared in the heavy silence and rather uncomfortable atmosphere. Jeongin managed to make out the rather calm door shutting close behind his mother's disappearance, feeling discouraged in everything he has tried to pursue the past two days.

Did he really do all that for nothing?

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