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It has been 10 long hours, and the men were yet to come back home. The only thing Jeongin spend his time on was playing games on the tablet. Watching TV. Eating the only food that was available in the fridge and cabinets. And so far, he has been staring at the clock on the wall for about an hour now. He didn't particularly want the men to arrive soon, but he was getting bored, and wanted to do something fun. But he had nothing other than the TV, and the tablet. He couldn't hit up his friends and ask them to hang out like he could when he was 16. Which in his opinion, wasn't fair. He had no one other than the men. And the temptation to just break a window and escape out of it grew stronger.

Especially judging by the fact that he has been alone for 10 hours, with that exact opportunity. So of course he was going insane, not knowing if he should stick to just gaining their trust and leave when he got the opportunity too. Or do it now, while he did indeed have the said opportunity. He sighed, looking out the blinded window, at the outside world. Only cars passed by now and then, and the woods was behind the house. It's been a while since he was last outside, touching the ground. Maybe it's been a year or two? He didn't know. In general to say the least, he was anxious, having to make a decision.

This was getting really old. He hated how he felt bad for thinking about leaving. He hated how he needed to feel reassurance. But he was tired of being locked up in a house, even if he got kisses, hugs, cuddles and fucking sex. He couldn't continue to stay there, when abuse and neglectence covered half of his time being there.

He bit his lips, tapping the glass window a few times before he came to his final conclusion.

He went into the kitchen, and grabbed one of the barstools. And went to the back of the house. It was now or never. And he has been through this before. He quickly hurried towards the front door looking outside to make sure they had yet to come back. And with that, he hurried back to the back door. Lifting the barstool, before yanking it against the window. There wasn't a singular camera back here, which made him quite relieved. The first throw barely even did damage to the window at all. But he continued to throw the chair against the window. More and more violently till the first layer finally cracked. He yelped in shock for a second before he threw the chair one more time, breaking down enough of the interior layer of the thick glass wall. He couldn't exactly think straight, but he knew one thing for sure, and that was to get the hell out of that house. He needed to run away, to make his escape once and for all.

But his anxiety grew and grew even more, as he continued to break the final layer of the window, adrenaline rushing through his veins, as he cried out in slight despair. Even if it hurted he needed to see the reality in his eyes, the opportunities he had was so broad right now. And he craved home, he craved for his mother's and father's warm hugs. He needed to suck up all his pathetic excuses to live.

And so, he threw the chair a final time, watching as he managed to break the whole window down. He placed the stool down, and gather up his courage, counting to ten in his head, till he finally climbed through the broken window. The glass cut into him, making him yelp out in pain when be finally made it outside. The fresh air made him dizzy for a second buy he knew he didn't have time to wait. He climbed the worn down fence before escaping the property once and for all. He looked out to the house for a second, sobbing slightly as he finally ran behind the neighboring houses with their either perfect picket fences or worn down faces that needed an upgrade.

Even so, he let his feet get all muddy and cold, due to the change of seasons. His heart was beating faster and faster, adrenaline pumping through his veins. By now, he debated with himself whether he should run back, and atleast write a note. But he couldn't think about that further, not when he had the opportunity to run away one and for all.

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