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Jeongin sat against the wall, his head hidden in his knees. He tried to understand the situation, he wanted to never repeat that mistake again. He felt stupid, he could have just waited or called after them. Now he was down here, freezing so badly, with barely any clothes on. The cold shower didn't help as he had a runny nose. His hair was still moist, and his skin already filled with cold sweat. His body so tense, he felt on guard. All he could do was to think back at happy memories with his loved ones. He didn't know what else he could use to feel better. He had no one. He was alone. Down here. And he didn't for how long this time.

He remembered always coming home to the food in the fridge, ready to be popped in the microwave for him to eat after long hours of working. He remembered Jane..oh God, Jane. Even though their friendship only involved when they both were in the cafè, Jeongin surely had lots of memories with her. How she one day broke the dough machine early in the morning, getting dough all over herself, resulting in them two playing around with it, and later getting scolded by their boss. Or how one day, when Jane was new, she made the wrong order, and Jeongin instead of doing it for her. Teached her exactly how to do it.

All those small happy memories he had, how he enjoyed the fresh smell of brewed coffee and baked goods. How he loved watching the customers chat and have fun from behind the desk. He loved that job more than life in itself. And he was so sure, that he would be able to open up his own cafè one day.

And that's what saddened him the most. He was never going to achieve that dream. And he couldn't help but feel like a huge part of his life was ripped from his heart, so brutally taken and crushed into small tiny pieces. He didn't know..he didn't know anything anymore. He couldn't recognize himself anymore. The boy that was do willing to drop school, to work simply work at a cafè down town. He dropped his potential future for that thing..he never thought his future would be this though..to spend the rest of his existence down here or in this house.

He was so saddened, he really didn't know what to spend his time with. He had nothing. No phone. No food. No water bottles. No form of entertainment. He had nothing. All he could do to make time pass by was to count the chains one by one, and adding them together in his head..simply to keep his sanity somewhat decent.

But all attempts let to nothing.

Should he give up? Give himself up to the two men and accept his fate. Or should he just continue to fight against them, planning escapes behind their back.

It felt wrong either way.

It felt like he was being pathetic for giving himself up..to give up on the life he once had. He didn't want to admit it, no he was far too in denial.

"I can't believe this" he shook his head, eyes drying up as he felt tired..really tired. But how could he fall asleep in these conditions. He was nowhere safe, nowhere close to somebody safe.

He was literally feets beneath the surface of the earth. Chained up and crying in pain and hunger. How was this safe? The constant abuse and neglect. The harsh words the drilled a hole in his head. He felt so useless.

Thinking about the intercom. Jeongin looked behind him spotting it immediately. He knew he shouldn't give in and call after them. No, that was just pathetic. And one thing he didn't want to be..was pathetic. His tears eventually came back to the surface, knowing he couldn't ever be his old self again. The endless days of suffocation up in that bedroom..and many more to come down here. He wasn't prepared for that, all he wanted was just a little life, with small dreams. Why should he be taken against his will?

He felt angry, sad, hurt. So many emotions all at once. Resentment and regret..what more could they take from him that they haven't already taken. They took his dignity, his pride, his happiness, his fucking life. They took everything he had and cherished. Everything he couldn't even afford to lose. And he lost it all.

He cried out loudly at that thought. Kicking the cement wall in frustration.

"All I wanted was a life, why!" He cried out. Confused, frustrated and upset. He didn't do anything to deserve all of this. Why was he picked, why was he chosen to have such an awful fate? What did he ever do to deserve such a horrendous treatment. Heck he never treated them badly at the cafè.

Just knowing that he was completely oblivious to everything in those ten days he was being stalked. It made him shiver. Knowing they had all the information they needed on it, to make his fears become reality, to make his worst nightmare become awakened.

They couldn't convince him that they did this for the sake disciplining him. They found enjoyment in his suffering. Lied him up in the face, telling him he was treated the best out of the best. Something so frightening, he didn't dare to close his eyes.

He didn't dare to blink. Scared that they would be right there when he did so. So uncomfortable he couldn't even imagine seeing them again, with those emotionless faces, with the terrifying grins, their harsh and painful treatment. He was so fucking scared of them.

So really..the only thing he had to choose between. Was his own life...or them. He would lose the first option either way, and if he got close enough to escape, he would die either way. He really didn't have a choice did he?

Did he really try to trick himself into believing that?

God he felt stupid for doing so.

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