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"Chan..can you please let me out now? I-i'm getting tired" he mumbled, his voice so low and quiet, no form of emotions evident in his tone. He held against the tiny metal bars on the cage, his tired and drowsy eyes looking up at Chan for some kind of hope.

"Not until you eat your damn meals, and apologize over and over again till you lose your fucking voice..do you know the cost of fixing a wall when you move out?" Chan grunted, his eyes dropping town to look at the boy grasping at the bars, almost like a dog begging to be allowed out.

"I'm sorry, I really am..it wasn't on purpose at all..I already said you had all the rights to be upset..just don't leave me in here any longer" He cried, his back was killing him, and his legs ached and his feets were asleep. He just wanted to lay on a bed again, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Say sorry all the other 100 times I'll come to visit you, and then we'll talk" Chan chuckled, looking at the boy beneath him.

"Am I supposed to count?!".

"I don't see a problem with it" he smirked, banging his hands against the cage, causing Jeongin to automatically flinch away in fear. "If you want us so bad, you have to effort into it..like we did. We didn't just take you for no reason. Trust me, it pains me to see you like this..but I know you don't mean a single word you say when you can even learn your lesson".

"I-i know..but I don't know how to keep track?..a-also a-a 100 days..i-is like..3 months!".

He couldn't possibly stay in thus cage for 3 months without being released..that was killing..and it hurt..just to stay in this cage in general for a week so far.

"Who said I'll be checking up on you everyday? I've got a job, and friends to take care of..Seungmin will be in charge of you.." Chan chuckled, unlocking the cage and opening it. "So you should expect to be in here for 6 or 7 months..that's what bad boys get" Chan chuckled as he grabbed the bowl with old dry, and unseasoned chicken and threw it away.

"T-that..that's too long Chan..w-what if I need to use the restroom? What if I need a shower?!...o-or want cuddles.." he mumbled the last part.

Chan crouched down by the dog cage, and held his wrists tightly, playfully tucking them away from the restraints, injuring the boy on purpose.

"You get to use the restrooms twice daily. No shower unless we say so. You won't be let out unless it's a special occasion..cuddles? You can keep dreaming about that till 7 months from now..who do you think you are to have expectations of us? You always hurt and break what we own..you're so damn selfish" Chan shook his head, looking at his wrist watch for a second. "Anything else before I go?".

"W-when I do come out of this stupid dog cage..i-i want to know everything about my c-case...i-..s-should atleast have a right to know.." he mumbled.

He wanted to know everything that people has been speculating about him, he wanted to know if they were close to finding him..he didn't want that..even if the current situation he was in, was genuinely painful, he had accept it. He had to remind himself that he would receive cuddles and kisses, hugs and sweet praises..that was what he was hoping for.

"Why should we allow that..you are going to use it against us".

"I-it's my case..i-i won't use anything against you..i-i don't even wanna leave this house..I'm better off just staying here anyways...i-i just wanna know what people have been talking about behind my back" he whispered..holding his breath for brief seconds before letting go.

Chan seemed to stop for a moment, thinking about the request. Whether to make a deal with the boy or not. While all Jeongin wanted to know, was if his parents missed him, if Chaewon started dating that one person she met up with that one day outside the local park..or if the coffee shop were doing great without him. He wanted to know if he dad still worked for the neighborhoods newspapers, and if his mother was still working at the hospital. He wanted to know a lot of things he didn't have. And he wanted to know if  people were forgetting about him, if he was a memory and not a present person that's went missing. Did people lose hope, like he did? Did they fall inlove with other people, like he did. Did they try their best trying to fit in, like he did?

He was curious upon the world. Wondering if he could really stay hidden. He felt a bit selfish..for not wanting to retrieve back into his life. But he had his reasons. It wasn't his old life he was getting back. He wasn't just going home after working long hours at the cafè. He haven't just been gone for 2 days without notice..if he was caught..he would retrieve back looking like a skeleton, breaking above the concrete, scars having indulged in his flesh, his hair outgrown, and smelling rotten and old. He would be coming back after 2 years of being abducted, and kept away from broad daylight. He would come back with memories of nightmares that no one could relate too. He would be the talk of town, the picture of the news outlets, he would be everywhere no matter what. And he didn't want any if that.

He wanted to hide away were it may not be safe..but comforting. He wanted to hide in their arms, and not in a cage. He would never retrieve back to his home..ever. cause he just wasn't the same anymore..and that was all there was.

He was a bursting glassballon, leaving his glass for people left behind to step on and get hurt by. He was a bad person, a bastard, a disgrace, and he accepted those titles. Hoping that these men, still loved him like they said, that they would save him like they promised. He only needed them. He couldn't need anyone else. He just had to suck it up, telling himself other people had it worse than he had.

"Fine, get it your fucking way. But I will never hear you complain ever again, fucking understand?!" He yelled, yanking himself closer, but he got nowhere near. Only a whimper of pain escaped his lips, nodding quickly in reply.

"I-i understand".


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