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"Spit it out" Chan spoke, grabbing the younger's jaw as he jolted him forward, causing him to choke due to the chain preventing him from moving so far. His eyes widened as his mouth opened unvoluntarily, the dry bread he just received spilling from his mouth.

He felt infuriated.

The fact Chan came down with food to him, after being starved for such a long time that his stomach turned in pain. Just for him to make him spit the food out after a few seconds of chewing on it. That made him angry. Not being able to enjoy a piece of dried fucking bread, without them making a fuss about.

"You see this? This is all the result of you misbehaving behind our backs. Your such a bad boy, do you think that this is okay?!" Chan exclaimed, as smirk on his face as he watched the boy sit in disbelief. Hands turning into fist as he bit his lips.

"I-i'm really hungry..." he muttered, wanting to atleast get something to fill his stomach that didn't consist of water.

"Ah-ah..no bad boys receive food now do they?" Chan looked down at Jeongin letting go of his jaw with a satisfied smirk.

"N-no" he mumbled, knowing he had no other choice but too accept the treatment he was receiving.

Was he really that bad? Was he really such a disappointment? He felt bad, he felt like a disappointment..

Chan chuckled as he pulled out a box, pulling out a cigarette from within as he sat down infront of the boy with a sigh. "You make me so stressed..I've never smoked as much as now" he grinned lighting up the cigarette between his plump lips, inhaling the smoke before exhaling.

Jeongin just kept his head down, trying to not to inhale the horrific smell of tobacco. But couldn't help when he needed to breathe so badly. He always hated people that smoked, no, not particularly the person, but their habit. It never did anything good, and bothered everything surrounding the lit tobacco filled paper.

Chan just grinned as he grabbed the younger's jaw again, blowing the exhaling smoke into his face with a satisfied laugher as Jeongin coughed upon the sudden blockage of clean oxygen.

"S-stop" Jeongin coughed out making Chan lean forward on the chair he sat on on.

"Sure" he smirked, grabbing the boy's arms, and tapped the cigerrate onto his skin, making Jeongin cry out in pain as he did so, trying the rip his arm away resulting in the burn scar becoming much longer.

Once Chan finished turning off the cigarette on Jeongin's skin, he put the not even finished piece of it, back in the box with a heavy sigh. Looking at the boy through his eyelashes.

"Your so fun to play around with, but a pain in the ass to keep" Chan muttered out, stepping on the last piece of bread on the plate.

"Then let me go.." he replied seriously, watching as Chan just laughed hysterically at the statement coming from the boy. As he kicked his head back.

"That would be a waste of dedicated hard work.." he grinned sitting down on the ground to be on eye level. "I don't like your attitude so drop it" he spoke seriously this time. Receiving a glare from the younger.

"I-i will only shut up if you give me something to eat" he spoke with his eyes closed, head hurting as he still felt the sting on his right arm..feeling how the cigerrate left a prominent impact open his skin.

"You could've have swallowed an accepted a potential punishment" Chan brushed off, making Jeongin throw his head back in frustration. "But your going to receive one either way" he chuckled, standing up from his position as he brought the younger up with him, causing him to choke badly as he pulled and push the boy back and forth.

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