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There was something quite unique with the comforting and calm atmosphere lingering in air surrounding him. How Chan held his waist tightly, as his other hand trailed to caress through his hair. His breathing so calm it immediately calmed the younger down too. It was nice. Being wrapped in his blanket, teddy bear underneath his right arm, a book in both of his hands as he tried to read through the pages, and not get stuck up in the comfort Chan provided for him. His stomach made ugly and over humiliating sounds from time to time. He hasn't eaten anything in a long time. He didn't know why, but he quite preffered it that way. Not that he liked that his stomach ached and hurt so badly, but he liked that he never thought about the incident days ago. It was just calm, kind of quiet, with the only sounds being him flipping the pages in the book he was reading.

The character of the book had a personality he didn't quite like. He didn't like how she always wanted other to move first, and do the stuff for her that she wanted to do. Only because she lacked the overall confidence to do it herself. How she treated her mother so badly, and when she kissed a guy, her mother's brain exploded. The book was something quite unique, and he found it amazing how he had such a love-hate perspective to the main character so far. But the book was genuinely good..it was something that screamed to him, he related to it, but at the same time didn't at all.

The other sounds that interrupted the silence once in a while, was his fault too. His stomach would now and then create embarrassing noises, as he could feel the cramp in his lower abdomen. But it was ignored by the both of them, not wanting to discuss the purpose of eating right now.

He liked being all cuddled up. Without crying his eyes out, or searching for pity after they carved their initials into his body. No. This was so much different, he got to stay with Chan because he wanted too, and he so far haven't needed to do anything else, than stay quiet.

Something he envied quite a lot was the fact he didn't have a phone. He didn't even remember the small device that used to linger onto his hands when he texted his parents, informing them whether he would come home from work late or early. If they had to push food aside for him to eat later, or if he already ate. Or when he had the opportunity to scroll through social media the whole day, when he wasn't working. Something to make boring days, a little less boring. But boring wasn't a word in this house. Something big always happened here, most of the time involving agonizing pain to the point he believed death was right by the corner. He wanted his phone back to play small games on it, he wanted to text his friends saying 'hey, I'm alive'. but he also knew the consequences that followed such actions.

He was stuck here forever, and only if he could turn back time..well then he'd prefer to stay here. Not that he liked the treatment. But this place was far away from chaos within the outside world, his face wasn't everywhere in this house..only in the mirrors. His shadow being the only silhouette that he saw of himself on a daily basis. And sometimes he wondered, how long he has been here for. Sure he has counted days, but he lost count, and sure he has seen the season change before his eyes. But he didn't know what time, what date nor year it was. He knew he was first abducted in winter, and then sommer had passed by and now it was snowing outside again. Just how long will he stay here before he would die a tragic death?

Maybe dying was better than being caught. He would escape everyone, including the men, without anyone noticing. He would even escape himself..gosh, that would be nice.

And of course he found the comfort in the men that kept him hidden from reality. But he had grown to like it in some form of way. Yes, call him crazy, insane, stupid, pathetic..call him all those words. Cause they were true. He was all of those words combined. Given each and every little aspect of himself to the men that claimed to want him.

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