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The car ride was silent. Not a single word was spoken from the two men up front. And of course Jeongin didn't dare to mutter out a word himself. All he cared about was to plan an escape, but he felt hopeless after all the plans running through his head was shut down by himself. Why? Because he was a coward. He didn't want to risk getting killed painfully slow, just because he did one wrong thing. So he tries to keep in his quiet sobs, as he was barely seated on the passenger seat anymore, the only thing holding him up was the the headrest he was tied to. He tried everything, planning an escape, attacking them, and even tried to memorise the road, but as for what could be seen on the small digital screen, he has been in this situation for 2 hours. How can he remember anything in 2 fucking hours? All those turns and swings, the highways and smaller roads they've been on. He couldn't remember anything that had to do with the road anymore. All he knew was the fact he has been in this car for 2 hours. And that the men that have taken him was unsurprisingly the ones that kept showing up at the cafè.

All he could do was cry, to keep his sobs quiet. He didn't dare plan an escape, he was afraid that thing would take a turn for the worst. And he was so undeniably frightened by the sudden situation that he was still trembling, eyes probably red and puffy. His whole body ached in pain, as he continuesly tried finding a somewhat comfortable position to sit in.

Though what was comfortable in this situation? Given that he is tied up, with ropes so tight that they could snap his joints into pieces. He couldn't escape the car even if he wanted too, given that he was tied to the car itself and is unable to free himself.

He was a complete weakling in this situation, compared to them, who had full control over him. And he oh so wanted to just yell, scream at the top of his lungs, kick around and beg to be let go. But he knew the possible result of that, and he didn't want to even think about it.

How they could end his life with a snap of their fingers. Just like how it only took them 3 days to mess enough with his head to start rambling what was believed nonsense, and barely 10 days for them to kidnap him..and yet, he still had no idea as to how he could get away from them.

He had to get away from them.

But how and when? He didn't know anything. He was completely clueless, he couldn't even free himself if he really was so desperate about it. All he knew was that he definitely wasn't close to home at all. He knew they passed multiple cities already. He was nowhere near home, he was nowhere near Busan, he was nowhere in his own mind. Everything was just chaotic. He meant that this only happened in movies, or to unfortunate little kids and irresponsible adults drinking in the city. But now he was apart of those unfortunate people, people that he never would've have thought about ever before.

How often he has watched crime documentaries about not only people getting killed, but kidnapped too. And he often just felt bad for innocent people who have possibly lost their lives to a kidnapper, a serial killer or maybe their own parents. No one would ever imagine themselves in such situations cause they all believe it'll never happen to them. And Jeongin was apart of those believers too..but given the current situation, he no longer believes that he wouldn't be an easy offer. He only now realized how easy it was to bait someone, to make them lose their minds, to lose their dreams, and to lose their lives, to somebody who would have such a random position in his life.

He cried harder at that thought. He didn't ever think any of this could have been this extreme. He missed his home already. His happy parents supporting him and giving him warm comfort when he needed it. He missed the coffee shop already, his small little safe place that turned out to be far less safe than what he thought it would be.

"Try to scream or yell and I won't hesitate to shoot you and somebody else in their head..got it" Jeongin flinched at the sudden statement, looking up to see Chris looking at him with eyes that could kill. And all Jeongin could do was whimper, feeling like a worthless prey under the big bad wolves.

"W-why" he gathered up the courage to mumbled out, eyes leaving the man's as he feared the absolute worst in what could happen to him.

"Why should I stand to explain anything to you? You won't be told anything till we get to the location. So all you have to do is zip your mouth close and accept our orders" he barked back. Immediately silencing the boy who barely spoke a word.

Absolutely terrified Jeongin just nodded his head. Choosing to not make the situation worse than what it already was. And decided to take a look around their current surrounding. Noticing the gas station infront of them and how they were no longer driving. If it wasn't for Chris's words, he would have yelled at the top of his lungs. But he didn't want to sacrifice another person into this situation and rather just kept his mouth shut.

"Blindfold him. This is the least his allowed to see" Chris ordered Seung, handing a black cloth to the boy and a blindfold the same color. And Jeongin started to panic, realizing he probably was close to their destination, and wasn't allowed to see what has to come.

As Chris exited the car. Seung took of his seatbelt and stepped towards Jeongin, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling his head a bit forward. Causing him to whine at the harsh treatment he was receiving, before his vision got completely block by the blindfold. And not being able to predict the next thing, Jeongin got so taken aback when he felt a cloth covering his mouth and nose, blocking all of his airways as he tried to kick away the man.

But before he could even lift his pinky, he blacked out. Letting himself drift into a deep slumber.

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