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The movie was actually really good. It was an action film, something that Jeongin wouldn't usually enjoy watching. He usually meant that it was fictional, and extreme..but this one was actually pretty enjoyable. He loved the overall concept of the movie, he loved being wrapped in a blanket, chewing on his favorite popcorns. He barely even thought of the fact he was kidnapped, or how hungry he has been, he didn't think of the abuse, the neglectment..he just enjoyed the time he had up here. Seeing the living room for the first time. He enjoyed it a lot. He felt as if he was visiting a friend's house all over again. Not even thinking about the situation.

When the movie was about to end, the front door opened. And in walked Chan, who his hands holding a back of groceries that caught Jeongin's attention. He knew he wouldn't receive the food the bought weekly, bit he was still happy with the buttered popcorn between his hands. Chewing on them as he watched Chan closely.

Yes, he now knew where the front door was..but he didn't urge to run through it. He knew the consequences. And perhaps one day, he'll be able to actually walk outside. Nonetheless to say, he didn't get his hopes up. So far he was to exhausted to even run. Hid stomach becoming too full but still ate anyways.

"Darling.." he heard the man's voice close to him, an arm wrapping around his waist as Chan creeped up beside him. Sitting down and lifting Jeongin up to sit on his lap, as Chan placed hid hands softly around his tummy.

Jeongin's heart skipped a beat for second. Feeling the man pull him closer to his chest, as he looked up.


Was all that screamed inside his head. He didn't want to unsatisfy Chan, he just wanted to keep being up here. Wrapped in an unknown blanket, to keep the popcorns in his hands. So he ignored Chan's presence as much as possible.

"Enjoying the movie?" Chan asked, looking at the younger fondly. Eyes shining with the light illuminating from the TV as his hands carried his sides.

"Y-yeah..it's good" he mumbled quietly, his hands hesitantly placing more popcorns inside his mouth. He chewed slowly, trying to focus on the ending. But kept getting disturbed by Chan's hands tracing his thin proportion. He didn't know what to do. It felt nice but uncomfortable at the same time. He didn't trust the two men. He was afraid of them, and therefor felt weird whenever he was treated gently and nicely.

"Hm..glad you enjoying it" Chan whispered, his hand tightening the grib on the younger. Who internally panicked, hoping something bad wouldn't happen. He squeezed his eyes shut as he heard Chan chuckled in his ears. "I think it's time to move you back down" Chan spoke, standing up with the boy in his arms, who held the pretty full bowl of popcorn closely to his chest. Scared they would take the delicious treat away from him. "Darling..give the bowl to Seungmin" Chan spoke. Jeongin shaking his head quickly.

The man sighed as he walked towards the basement door, the boy squirming a bit in his arms as he was scared he would get thrown down the stairs. But fortunately for him, Chan held him tightly. His eyes looking at the bowl of popcorns.

"Darling..you know you can't have that down here" Chan spoke, placing the boy on the mattress who held the bowl close to himself. Not wanting Chan to take it away. "Come on, hand it over" Chan spoke, his hand out for Jeongin to give the bowl back.

But Jeongin shook his head, wanting the bowl to himself. But he felt the tension in the room grow.

"Jeongin, hand over now. We can't give you nice things if you don't obey now can we?" Chan stated, his eyes growing darker, as he looked at the boy.

"P-please..I want to e-eat the rest" Jeongin spoke, not wanting to give the bowl back.

Chan sighed heavily, trying to reach after the bowl. But Jeongin backed away. "You can have some tomorrow, don't make me force it out of your grib".

Jeongin whimpered automatically handing the bowl over. He knew damn well he wouldn't receive it tomorrow. But Chan threatening him was enough to make him hand the bowl over.

"Good boy" Chan praised, grabbing the bowl and placing it on the floor. His eyes softened as he looked at the boy.

"C-chan?" He stuttered out, wanting to ask about the calender. But the way Chan tilted his head towards him, scared him.

"Speaking without consent now?" Chan gritted his teeth looking at the boy, hid eyes going back to the usual dark state.

"Sorry, I just wanted to request something..".

"And that is?".

"I maybe thought..that I could get a calender..t-to keep track of the time I've been here.." Jeongin requested, fiddling with his hands.

"No" he spoke briefly.


"I said no" Chan stated firmly, hand grasping the boy's neck, anger filling his entire face. As he pushed him against the wall.

Jeongin gasped loudly as he felt the hand around neck press hardly down. His head hitting the concrete wall making him whine out in pain. Eyes getting teary as he struggled to breathe. He knew he should've have thought better than to ask. Especially asking Chan. He didn't like Chan at all, he was always in charge of punishment, while Seungmin took care of him later on. He hated Chan so much, he felt kind of sad.

"Stay happy with what you have. We don't just give away things to you for no reason, nor when you ask for it..we give you these things for special occasions, got it?! We didn't even plan to give you better treatment down here, so you are damn fucking lucky!" Chan spoke, his face coming far to close for the boy's liking and he swore on behalf of his life, he could feel Chan's anger being spat directly onto his face.

Jeongin just nodded, his head spinning as he felt the need to breathe. He didn't blame Chan though..he can't continuesly expect something from them, and all he wanted was to ask. Not expect. And he wanted a reason. Be didn't want to seem bratty at all..he just wanted to ask.

"Go to sleep..I don't want to hear another word from you" Chan spat, kicking the boy fully against the wall, as he chained him with two chains around his ankles.

He didn't like that.

Another one added. He thought he atleast could only have one on. Looking up at Chan, feeling somewhat betrayed.

"When you don't obey, you get punished for it..this is a light one, so be fuckinf grateful for it" Chan spoke as he walked towards the door..the bowl of popcorn in his hands as he slammed the door shut.

The lights were turned off, so he couldn't read the book he was given. Which made him upset. He was sort of scared that they would hurt him again..how come a pretty much nice evening turn so aggrevating? He only wanted to ask, and received more than a no.

He found that unfair.

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