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"Jeongin!" He heard the terrifying tone of his mother's voice as she came running directly towards him. "Where have you've been!" She exclaimed loudly, looking to see if his body had any form of injuries, but was left with nothing upon his body.

Jeongin frowned, confused at the sudden loud voice that belonged to his mother. He barely just entered through the door, trying to take of his shoes, when his mother had come running to him, concern splashed upon her face as she continued to check if he had any injuries, confusing the younger boy who just let the woman turn and twist his limbs to check for injuries.

"I went on a walk..I didn't realize it had gotten so late, I apologize" he spoke apologetically, knowing he probably had scared the living hell out of his parents when he left without a text or a note. But he would've have lied if he said he didn't think his mother was overreacting the slightest.

"We were worried shit for you!" She cursed out, surprising the boy as she saw how deeply concerned his mother looked. "Me and your dad arrived home to a once again unlocked door, but we just thought you were home until we saw the whole place was trashed!" She proclaimed loudly, dragging him to the living room that was indeed trashed with a broken vase, pillows and spilled food and juices everywhere..

Jeongin immediately took a look through the whole house, seeing each and every room trashed but his own. So upon standing infront of his own room, door fully open showing off how clean and neat everything was made the boy's mind go crazy.

"M-mom what happened?" He asked deeply in shock at the stage of the house. Honestly he did have enough. Not only has he been getting weird customers, but he has been possibly stalked and watched, possibly taken explicit photos off, getting his hands covered in a dead animals blood when attempting to close a window, having the door been unlocked everytime he locked it.

And now this? His parents house all trashed up but his own room? What was happening, and why him? He didn't do anything to dissatisfy anyone. He always did he chores, worked his ass off to achieve his dreams, treated even the weirdest and rudest people nicely. What did he do to have everything be fucked within the matter of 3 days?

"Son, why ask that question..we are wondering why you would tear our house apart like this" his father spoke as he came up beside his mother, looking at his son with a disapproval look painting on his face.

"Y-you think I did this?!" He exclaimed shocked at the sudden accusation that he felt kind of hurt by.

"Your room is the only room untouched..you have been completely absent and even messing with the locks lately..do you think it's funny pulling off such immature acts?" His father replied, rage radiating off of his body.

Jeongin stood there confused for a second. What was he supposed to do? His father was right, he has definitely been somewhat framed in this, and it's not fair how suddenly everything is going wrong. He felt honestly confused and he didn't want to start an argument, but he didn't like to be accused of such a thing when he mainly only left on a walk to clear his head.

"I don't know why you are accusing me, but I did not do this! I've been on a walk to clear my head, I've been stress and uncapable of thinking straight these past three days" he spoke, running his trembling hand through his hair.

"Son, please don't lie to our faces..we just want you to be honest, so if you do say it isn't you who trapped our house, we have to call the police and file a report against potential robery" she spoke, her eyes landing to the ground.

And boy have Jeongin never felt happier for hearing the word police exit his mother's mouth. And his face lit up when his mother mentioned exactly that. Hoping that whatever has been bothering him, might stop when they got in contact with the police.

"Believe me, I did not do such things..I could never" he spoke, walking away from his room towards the bathroom, looking at his parents for a second. "I need a shower on this one" he sighed, stepping into the small mess of a bathroom before he felt the urge to shower again.

Of course it wasn't healthy to shower this much, but it was his way to cope with stress and it worked fairly out well. His parents knew it was bad when the boy has been taking countless of showers the past three days leading up to this mess. He himself genuinely didn't know what was happening and why it had to be him exactly. But judging upon the situation, this was going to turn really, really ugly.

And he was sure something bad was going to happen.

He could feel it.

Ever since three days ago when he received those two customers.

And he hated blaming potentially innocent people on causing such a huge amount of distress on the boy. But he wasn't going to let his dreams being crushed by some pathetic customers. He never was mad at customers. Actually he rarely got upset to the point rage could be felt in his veins so badly he genuinely wished he did trash this house. But he knew deep down he wouldn't have the courage to do so. He knew he didn't have the dignity to do so, the pride to perform such a disgusting action towards his belonging parents.

They were the reason why he had dreams after all. And he really didn't want this situation to have an effect on the people he truly care about. He wanted it all to just stop, and by now, he doubted he was being dramatic.

Something bad was coming.

He wanted to know who was watching his every move, staring at him taking showers and potential photographing him while doing so.

And he could feel exactly that right now.

Being watched, standing against the shower wall in distress, an unexplainable amount of stress and confusion hitting his brain all at once. Causing him to wince once a painful headache appeared in his head. This has to stop, and it had to be stopped.

Cause something was really..really seriously wrong. And something was going to happen, and he could feel it shivering through his bones.

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