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"Say that again you fucking bitch!" The loud voice made him flinch as a hand came in contact with his cheeks. His face swung to the side, from the hard impact as tears formed and spilled over his precious eyes. He regretted the words he yelled when he finally snapped.

"Bad!" The man beside him yelled, throwing the boy to the ground as he kicked him relentlessly. The boy coughing feeling absolutely miserable.

He shouldn't have said that. He regretted his words. But he couldn't help but snap when they took away his stuff. The stuff he could keep for himself, that was now out of his reach. He felt like a brat, but those stuff was the genuine reason for his decent moods. And they took away, laughing at him tearing up over it, calling him names he already knew he was.

They were a bunch of jerks, cold hearted and mean. He called them both all of that. While yelling at the top of his lungs, his heart falling heavy once Chan was the first to stomp towards him. A knife in his hands as Jeongin backed away in fear, once he got away from Seungmin.

He was genuinely relieved that he didn't have chains on the current moments. Or else he would been struggling to run away from the scary men. And the only thing he could think of. Was to run upstairs. He knew it would worsen the situation. But if he managed to actually get away from them, he would hide..hide for the rest of his life in his parents arms, begging them not to reveal him to the public. So he ran towards the door. No longer caring about how weak and fragile he was.

And he could hear the two men's heart drop as Chan chased after him, watching the boy run towards the front door. Unlocking it.

He had barely any stamina left. But his adrenaline was so high that he could care less about the agonizing pain running through his body as he ran, the door finally opening. Being met with the outside world and concrete beneath his feet.

It wasn't day time. No, it was dark outside, too dark. There was no streetlight, no houses near. No cars. Only trees and landscape. And though it was beautiful, he had to run faster, cause he could hear the footsteps behind him getting closer. Panicking as he felt somehow free for once, the wind blowing at his face. Hearing the yells from the man behind him.

He cried loudly, but the tears flew right off of his face. His feet tensing above the concrete. Stinging his toes as they continuesly scratched over the surface of it. His eyes focusing ahead of him. Not daring to look back.

The fact that he could be free at any given moment, to continuesly run for hours if he had too. Only if that meant to shake Chan off of him. His adrenaline so high, he sweated heavily. The warm wind gracing his body and slowed him down as it became stronger. The dark sky above him becoming darker as it started to drip with rain.

But he didn't care about becoming drenched wet, nor sick. He wanted to get away from them. Because he knew if he catched him. It would all be over for him. This was life or death situation. And he wanted to live, so badly he ran faster and faster. Feeling his pulse go mad, his ears ringing, and his heart pounding. Sniffing in air through his nose, as he ignored the pain in his stomach, and the burning sensation on his cheek. He had to get away from them. If not, he had to see death in the eyes.

He prayed for his legs to run faster, but they only slowed more down as the light from a car catching up to him could be seen nearing him. Panicking as he saw the same old van he was first abducted in, so many memories flushing through his head as his feet slowly gave up on him. About to accept his fate. And so, he was tackled to the ground, Chan hovering above him with his hand wrapped around his neck.

Jeongin tried to squirm and push Chan away. His fist making contact with his face as he tried to get out of Chan's grib now that he had the opportunity too. But Chan was faster and stronger than him, grabbing him by the hair and smashing his head against the concrete. His hands going back to his head as Jeongin felt the pain from the impact gather around his head and neck, his ears still ringing as Chan was above him, yelling at him furiously.

"Fucking pathetic! Thinking you can run out the door like that huh?! All weak and fragile? You're weak! Admit it, fucking say it! That you are nothing but our bitch! A stupid one!" Chan yelled as he punched him back in the face..Jeongin struggling beneath him, as he gasped for air.

Looking up at that clouded and dark sky, rain falling from above and onto his face. But it was blocked by Seungmin, who looked down at him with an angry frown. Squatting down as pulled out a rope, wrapping the boy's wrists together as he dragged him towards the van, Chan following behind as his cries echoed through the air. Being pushed into the car and onto the ground, Chan stepping in after as Seungmin sat at the driver's seat.

"Fucking look at me bitch!" Chan yelled, causing him to whimper. As he was forced to look at him, his eyes hazy as he tried to watch Chan above him. "You earned a long, torturous punishment, we won't go easy on you, you sneaky fucker" Chan spoke a lighter in his hands as he turned it on, gracing it above Jeongin's skin as he let out an agonizing scream.

Tears falling down his cheeks as the stinging sensation spreader through his arm. Feeling his flesh melt below the warm heat, as Chan laughed at his state. He tried to back away from the man, but he only pulled him closer, bringing the lighter to his neck. Seemingly drawing something, as all Jeongin did was cry his heart out in pain. Feeling his skin bubble and siz beneath
the burning hot flame, melting his skin and being left one for it to air to dry.

"Seung, drive back now" Chan spoke as he finished burning the boy with the lighter. Throwing it at one of the seat as he admired the art he created on the boy's neck, leaning down to his ear. "Oh, you are going to regret this so badly" he whispered, slapping his cheek harshly, the boy's head swinging to the side as he cried in pure misery. Feeling his heart sink as each second passed by.

"Torture" Seungmin spoke, causing Jeongin to shake his head in fear. His eyes clenching close as Chan grabbed his hair, pulling him up from the floor of the car, and out into a garage he haven't seen before. Seungmin parked the car completely, before following after the two slowly.

As Jeongin was dragged over the floor to the basement, and eventually thrown down the flight of stairs. He hit his head on the the floor harshly..making his vision blurry as his ear rung much more intensely. The mens words were muffled as he could feel his body being dragged towards the wall, the chains wrapping around him was far to familiar for his own liking.

He was done for.

And he knew that.

And so, he let himself give up. He had no other choice anymore. He failed, and had to receive a really bad session of torture..and he didn't know if he lucky or not, but he was somewhat thankful to pass out that exact moment.

Hoping to see the gates of either heaven or hell. He expected nothing but death.

But oh boy, he may not be far from it..but he was still far enough away from it.

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