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Jeongin sighed heavily. Overly bored as he lacked activities..he hasn't heard from Chan nor Seungmin in a while, so being without human contact, even though it was Chan or Seungmin..still felt like he needed to talk to someone. It wasn't like he had other things to do. He couldn't read the book he has been given. All he knew was that every time he woke up from his definitely better sleeps, a plate with bread was by his side, never seeing anyone come in to deliver it. Which was odd, since he usually awoke by the slightest of sound. But for some reason, that hasn't been the case these days.

Which was sort of understandable. Before he barely slept, and mainly was busy feeling sorrow and hatred for everything including himself. He previously couldn't lay, stand nor walk anywhere, and was only able to sit, he didn't have a soft spot to sit on neither. Nor something to cover him up and keep him warm. But now he has that. He didn't have the chain around his neck nor waist anymore, and neither on his wrists that was still bandaged up. He had a big fluffy blanket to actually keep him warm, and a book for entertainment, that he wasn't able to read due to the dark room.

But due to the soft mattress, and nice blanket, he caught up with the sleep he has missed. Finally happy not to wake up with a soar back nor a pumping headache. So he didn't feel sad anymore, actually Seungmin really managed to cheer him up that day. With the shower, the treatment for his wrists, for only chaining one body part, for feeding him good food, for giving him a mattress, and a blanket. He felt spoiled, in a good way. And he made sure to never let go of the blanket, afraid it would be taken from him. So he wrapped it around his body like he was a burrito.

What else could he do? Stare longer at the wall..no, he wanted to call after them so he would have a light, so he could read the book, but he was afraid of asking.

He was afraid to receive more than just a no.

He felt fine. It was odd..but he supposed he was getting used to how everything worked, instead of crying his eyes out, thinking about loved ones and the cafè, of potential escape. But since that day, he felt more energized and fine..he realized that he had to get used to this eventually..he couldn't escape anyways, he has already given up that thought. Even though he still believed that if he had the opportunity to walk out the front door, he would gladly do that. But what was important for him was his sleep, and food. The two things he have lacked severely over the past time of being here.

Call him pathetic. But not being able to writh his limbs out of the chains for God knows how long, simply to escape, lead him to believe that simply staying where he was, would be best. He shouldn't fuck up, mess we the two of them, he had to just stay, get fed and be good, he knew that..and he finally became aware of it. He became aware of the fact that he wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for Chan and Seungmin..yes they treated him like absolute crap and he felt horrible afterwards, but he was done crying and begging for mercy..getting used to this life style was all the choices he had left. He was nothing against them. Escaping was never an option even if he meant it was. So if he were to spend the rest of his life trapped down here, or in this house, he had no other choice but to get used to it.

A harsh reality that he wished wouldn't make sense. But accepting their switching behavior and treatment was everything he could do. He didn't want to cry anymore or feel anger about the things taken from him. He had to get used to this when there wasn't a point in escaping.

He constantly wondered if he was even missing. If his parents had contacted the police, and if someone was searching for him. He wondered if Chaewon would find his disappearance weird, or talk to his parents about what he described to be feeling in the given days of being stalked. But he dismissed that thought, thinking that if his disappearance was such a big thing, somebody would've have found him already..right?

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