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The pure horror on his face as he turned around to look, praying that secretly he has been hearing stuff for the past three days. But ever since he laid eyes on those men dressed in black Chris and Seung, who he recalled said some form of name of theirs to him when ordering their drinks.

What he saw terrified him even more, that he had to step out of the shower wrapping the the towel around his waist.

He saw absolutely nothing when he turned around, and it scared the living hell out of him. So as mentioned previously he had jumped out of the shower and down stairs as he checked if the cat was still there. And he would swear to good that he saw that very cat, dead with a punctured stomach just 20 minutes ago, and it's fucking gone. No trace of it. No blood, no fur, no eyeball missing from it's eye, and no cat. The handle was completely cleaned up as if nothing happened, and it drove him crazy to the point he didn't know what was reality or not. He became dizzy and eventually stumbled to sit back down on the couch, a headache forming as he kept his face wrapped in his hands.

"It's nothing, and it's okay" he whispered to himself, standing up from the couch 30 minutes after sitting there, all confused and questioning things out loud, being left unanswered by the silence. He trembled as he walked upstairs to get dressed appropriately, eyes closing as he inhaled the scent of fresh washed clothing..figuring that for the first time ever, he would take a day off, to spend some time alone, to get away from the place it happened..but he felt bad for doing that..so he did not call in sick. Instead, he decided to go on a walk, believing it would make him feel better.

So he locked the door, twice. Making sure it was actually locked and that his mind was tripping with him. And with a satisfied hum, he left the front step, catching eyes with his neighbor for a second, who came walking up beside him.

"Locking doors twice now huh?" His neighbor, Chaewon, spoke flicking her soft newly short cut hair with a savage smile on display.

"I'm making sure it is locked. My parents been complaining about the unlocked door this morning, though I mean I closed it" he spoke, as he looked a Chaewon with a bored expression. "Something has been bothering me lately..I don't know what, or who it is. But I feel watched each single steps of mine feel likes is being overly supervised..I feel the lack of control I have over myself" Jeongin chuckled, watching as Chaewon actually listened to him. "You believe me? My mom wouldn't believe I locked the door despite telling her twice how I did it" he sighed.

"It's understandable..I guess if you feel threatened or stalked you should go to the police, but they are crap at solving problems in my opinion..just...you know what? Wait and see, I can't give you advice when you have no suspects!" She proclaimed, stumling her feet.

That's the detail he missed. A suspect. But he wouldn't want to point fingers at possibly innocent people, what if he was just turning crazy, and hearing things others weren't? That cat..did somebody see it? Then why was everything cleaned up so well?

"I can't just suspect people..I barely have evidence on anything, and what if I am just being crazy and imagining all of this?!" He asked, genuinely concerned about the things he was experiencing.

"Why ask me? World is fucked..and uhm..I have another important question" she smiled softly as she looked up, stopping her feets by the gates of the public park. "Why was there a dead cat outside your house?".

That hit him like a truck..causing his eyes to widen in shock.

So he wasn't imagining things? Chaewon saw it too? Right? Will she believe him? Or will she just laugh in his face?

"No, but thats what I'm talking about. I saw that dead cat, got blood on my hands and decided to not only wash them, but take a whole ass shower on the long run..when I came back that stupid dead fur ball was goner than gone..no trace, no blood whatsoever" he sighed as he looked at Chaewon. "You didn't move it?".

"First of all, ew gross, of course I didn't touch a dead animal! But I didn't know it was gone..was that why you left your house urgently? You want to know about it too right?" Chaewon did nothing but look across the street. "Oh my date is here, see you later loner!" She yelled about to leave when Jeongin grabbed her wrist.

"Chaewon, I'm not lying when I say something or someone is watching me" He spoke seriously, his eyes wide as he looked into Chaewon's.

She had a weird frown on her face as he turned around to look at him, smile disappearing in a second as she looked at him with a frown, chewing her lips for a second.

"Call me later? You still got my number or did you delete it after we broke up?" She spoke, adding pressure to the last few words.

"I didn't delete it, but I got at new phone a few months ago.." he spoke quietly, feeling kind of ashamed the way their relationship ended.

Yes, they used to date. And no, there wasn't a specifically big reason behind their broke up, they just got to bored with their relationship, due to hectic work and school schedules on both sides. Despite Chaewon being a certified rebellious teenager who doesn't really give a fuck about most things. She was just like Jeongin, having a big dream, other than the fact that it required an education. And quite frankly, they both preffered referring to each others as neighbors or douchbags, simply because they never really like the word 'ex'.

"Fine hurry and give me your number..I'll text you later" she spoke, unlocking her phone and handing it to the boy.

Jeongin quickly dialed in hid own number, saving the contact before eventually handing the phone back the Chaewon.

"Alright" she mumbled looking up at the distresses boy. "Be careful, I'll make sure to hit your contacts" she spoke receiving a nod in response, before running towards her labeled 'date'.

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