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Jeongin let out a long groan, as he awoke from the forced slumber. His head aching as he tried blinking to get his vision fully accustomed to where he was. But he saw nothing but darkness, making him aware of the fact he still had the blindfold on. He tried to touch his surrounding and was rather surprised to feel cold concrete beneath his hands. As he continued to move around he could hear the piercing sounds of Chains following his movements, making him yet once again aware of the fact he was still restricted from moving completely on his own. And not to mention how cold he was, he was shivering so much he could barely feel his feet.

Confused and frustrated he attempted to stand up on his legs, only to feel a force pulling him back by his neck. Immediately causing him to let out a surprised scream as he made contact with the cold and hard concrete beneath him. Letting out a cry of discomfort, he touched his neck to feel a metal like ring around it. Eyes widening as he tried gripping onto the chain attached to it, trying to find out the length of it. And was disappointed to know that he couldn't even walk, or stand a meter with out choking to death.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotions he let out yells and groans in frustration, trying to tuck the chains as he hoped they would break or loosen for his sake of escaping. But it was to no use taking out his frustration, and using up so much of his strength to try and pull a chain that wouldn't butch at all.

Barely remembering how he got to this point. Jeongin felt enraged to actually remember who has been messing around with him. He felt so upset, and angry not only at his captures but at himself too. He could've have done something, he could've have called the police, kick them out of the shop, talked to his parents about his worries. And now..now he was chained up against a wall with limited space to explore what he could only assume was a basement.

But even if his mind prevented him from fulfilling his actions. His anger moved on it's own, tucking endlessly on the chains, hoping they would butch and break so he could atleast get a form of freedom. He didn't know how long he has been sleeping, or how long his been away from home. All he knew was that he was held captive, given no reason as to why. And he was beyond angry and frustrated. He was confused, hurt and completely saddened by everything.

Each and every single movement hurted more and more, and the pain got restored with newer injuries and all he felt was hopelessness.

"You can pull and push for days, but they won't butch you know?" A voice spoke, causing Jeongin to halt his actions to look around, feeling even more stupid knowing that he was blindfolded.

"L-let me g-go!" He screamed as he continued to tuck the chains, knowing that by now, he did for the sake of doing it.

"You sound so annoying when you speak, can you shut up?!" He yelled back, grabbing a fistful of Jeongin's hair as he his hair back.

"No! Y-your were the one who kidnapped me, h-hurt me..let me s-speak" he cried out, grabbing onto the man's wrists, attempting to get out of his grib.

And with that he was punched in the face, hand still in his hair in a tight grib as his blindfold removed.

Jeongin groaned in pain, as he accepted another punch landing straight on his eye. Causing him leave his grib in the man's arm to attempt to block his face so that he couldn't be hit more. Cries of pain and groans left his mouth as he hit his heel on the concrete floor in pain. Trying to suck it up, but it kept getting worse and worse. Spreading through his head like electricity.

"Fucking apologize you piece of shit!" The man above him grunted, as he pushed away the boy's facade, and grabbed his jaw, going down to eye level with him. "How many times do I have to tell you to listen? Your making me so angry" he spoke in a disgustingly sweet tone, eyes darker than dark as he looked down at him.

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