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"Picky?" Seungmin tilted his head, eyes watching Jeongin's movements intensely. He monitored how Jeongin picked the bread apart and threw it on the floor in frustration when he couldn't take a bite of it.

He tried. But he couldn't get it out of his mind. Shutting his mouth shut as Seungmin held him tight, he had the bread in his own shaky hands not wanting the man to force him to eat. He knew better than to anger them. But the image never disappeared from his mind, the cloudy vision of the situations had blocked all fear and thoughts of anything that wasn't the situation. He couldn't believe it had such a big affect on him, the way he could still feel and remember the salty texture in his mouth, the way he still felt it drip from his chin. He still felt like curling up in the same corner to cry. He couldn't take it. And that's when he realized that was exactly what they wanted. Eyes going wide, he shook, not daring to look at Seungmin, nor breaking apart the bread in his hands. He just froze still, swallowing his own saliva choking slightly on it.

He realized Chan had nothing to be upset over, neither did Seungmin. He realized that they were indeed the ones stalking and scaring the living shit out of him before he was abducted. They knew exactly where his house was, they knew exactly what to do to make him obey. They knew him better than he himself did, they even said that. They always thought about abducting him. But why should he trust that side of his brain? He still knew that there wasn't a way out of this house. So why try?

"Jeongin" a deep dark voice from behind him, belonging to Seungmin, spoke in a warning tone making him shiver.

He didn't want to quite listen to what was going to be told. He just needed everything to be shut off, he wanted his mind to go silent, his ears to go completely deaf. His mouth to stay closed forever, and the men to let him go without being notified by anyone.

"B-be quiet please..C-can't take it right now" Jeongin whispered beneath his breath, his eyes tearing up as his head battled against their previous manipulation, scared the angel on his right shoulder would lose to the devil on his left.

The argument with himself in his head was extreme. A headache forming and settling on one side of his head, his eyes becoming slight blurry as he tried to focus in things around the room.

Only to panic whenever he focused on a specific item..everything around that item, would dissappear.

"I-i'm going blind" he mumbled, grabbing onto Seungmin for support, throwing the bread onto the floor. Quietly whimpering.

Sounds become so much more prominent, his left side of his head, especially his left eye, hurt so badly he couldn't help but squirm around. Tears swelling up his eyes, as they dripped one by one down his cheeks.

"Getting Chan".

That was the reply he got, the man behind him standing up, causing his to fall back against the mattress. His head hurting so badly he couldn't quite describe the agonizing pain within it. The room was silent, but louder than bombs during a war. His cries were quiet aswell, but noticeable enough for anyone to mock him.

The general aspect of what he was feeling was not well. His voice mumbling out complaints, wanting to just be held, wanting the pain to stop, and he felt absolutely horrible. Nausea building up on him, his body becoming sweaty, his mouth drying up like the Sahara desert. He wondered if it had to do with the slight realization..if it was his inner consciousness debunking the theori he thought so hard about..or if it was the stress from the not so surprising truth..yet he still believed it was a form of punishment for him, due to thinking about such things when Seungmin was the one behind him..encouraging him to eat.

Were these men better than what he assumed? Was he really judging and hurting them? Or was it all an act?

Should he trust them?

He doubted, yet his believed. He couldn't quite put his finger on what to think nor believe in. He had worked so hard, trying to be good, to satisfy them. Yet for some reason he always messed up..only once slipping away from a punishment, only because Chan was exhausted.

At that time he felt so grateful for his kind actions..taking him out, and even let him go inside a grocery store. But for his case right now. He was in a miserable state, he felt guilty, emotional and physical pain. He couldn't feel anything other than the pain on the left side of his head. His eyes closing as they hurt so badly. Not understanding what was wrong, nor why it had to hurt so badly.


The sound of familiar voice, that he has lowkey been craving to hear for quite some time now. Speaking to him, he couldn't help but to reach towards him, only to whimper when he backed away.

"P-please..hurt so b-badly" he cried out, wanting Chan to just suck it up and help him feel comforted.

It wasn't a lie that Chan's hugs and embracement in general was far more comforting than Seungmin's. He didn't want to compare nor judge the two of them, but even if it was Chan that was the big brain behind all of this, he was still the most comforting person he had come across..we'll other than his mother, but he couldn't really have her now, could he?

"Seungmin said you were going blind..but how come you know where I am, stop wasting our time on your pathetic acts" Chan spat, causing the boy to let out a whimper.

"He's hurt" Seungmin clapped his hand on Chan's shoulder, watching the man tense up from getting touched.

"Still wasting time..when isn't he hurt? What did he do this time, for him to play victim again?".


Jeongin didn't know why Seungmin stood up for him, neither did he know why Chan was suddenly the bad guy in all of this. He used to be so comforting, but now he was just directly rude without a singular nice word spilling from his mouth.

Chan chuckled, shaking his head, turning around so he could leave..but Seungmin stopped him.

"Believe me" he spoke sternly, his eyes glaring at the man he stopped, trailing the back to the boy. "Help him".


Jeongin watched as Seungmin stepped closer to Chan, seemingly whispering in the man's ear..but he couldn't care less about that, his head hurt to badly to even put a proper word to describe it.

"Shut up Seungmin..I'm not about to comfort that bitch" Chan spat, shaking his head at Seungmin's words. Trying to push himself away from the other man, but that was to no avail. As Chan suddenly felt shock and fear wave through his body.

"Don't you fucking dare leave the boy be Chan. He wants you, so have him..I will not like to repeat my words twice, but it will now, so go comfort him..if you don't I'm getting rid of him. If we can't treat him nicely, when he is pathetically begging for ours, especially yours, help..then he can die out in the snow painfully slow" he whispered through gritted teeth, feeling Chan tense. Smirking softly. "Comfort. Him".

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