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"So..all of us has discussed about how we can get you to move on in life" the elderly woman spoke as stacked up the papers in the folder, Jeongin watching her movements intensely.

He though that this was done with. All those questions and investigations. He just wanted to be left alone for good. He wasn't even going to anywhere anymore, he was in his room most of his days, refused to go out grocery shopping with his father, and refused to speak to his mother. Things were not going great..and honestly, he was starting to miss staying by Chan and Seungmin, he hated how stupid he was to just run away like that. The impulsive feeling did the worst for him. Cause he was right all this time..returning home gave him no peace. He was lonely, depressed to say the least. He had nothing to get his mood up high. It was getting old and boring. Repeating the same life for days and expecting it to turn around some other day. He was done playing stupid.

He wanted to go back.

To the abuse, the neglecment. But also the love, the cuddles, those sweet kisses..he wanted it all back.

"No" it was all he muttered, before he attempted to stand up, but got stopped by his mother who glared at him to sit back down and listen.

"Jeongin..it would be good for you to start getting a job, you are over 20 years old now..you need to fill in the requirements of being an adult, even if you don't feel like one..it isn't much of a choice, you can't stay and rely on your parents forever, that is sadly just not the reality..also we've been talking about potential education, like college, the reputation you had in that cafè you worked at should be enough to get you a decent scholarship..and then psychiatric treatment..there is some concerns regarding your mental health worsening after you came back, and the community would love to offer a specialist to help you move forward mentally too" she finally finished off, and Jeongin was prepared to throw punches.

He couldn't understand how they could dare to make it sound so easy, he has been home for what now? 2 months? It didn't even equal to how long he was gone for..how was he supposed to get back into a normal life, after the things he has experienced, he was beyond upset. And that may have cause him to say something he'd get in trouble for.

"Y-your such a bitch".

And so he left the dinning table, going back to hiding in his room. Slamming the door shut. He wasn't ready for any of this. It made him sad knowing he wouldn't ever move forward. He was a sad loser with no life, no purpose. He couldn't even support himself no more.

Something inside of him told him to just end it all for good. He wanted to run away escape this world..swallow himself up in a big black pit. It didn't help hearing the yells downstairs. His parents was a hundred percent arguing again. They sure wasn't happy right now..he bet they never was. His whole life depended on nothing but other people, and he wasn't even encouraged to be pushed further past his limits..and when he was..it was just being told to go off and forget about everything that happened.

As if he could do that. Not only did he fall inlove with the beauty of the torture the men used to provide for him. But he also made just a few great memories here and there. It was all something that made him feel all guttered up, as if it was a fairytale between 3 lovers, but it wasn't right at all.

It hurt.

Like a bitch.

And he still wasn't able to fully escape the men. Their faces was very clear in the image he had in his mind, whether if it was the image of Chan strangling him with a rope, or if it was him actually smiling. And he never thought he'd had to say this, but he missed being able to talk with Seungmin about anything that came to his mind. He was less angry and defensive compared to Chan. Seungmin's struggle in communicating was what attracted Jeongin the most. How he was able to appear so timid yet dominant at the same time. It was far too confusing for hid own little brain to pick up.

But even if he sometimes communicated in word plays, or riddles to say the least. It always stimulated his mind in a good way, it made him carefully listen to each of the 3 words he spoke. And he found it intriguing.

What did he do? And why did he do that? Betray their trust just like that, when they put it fully on him. He felt upset about how terrible he treated them at the end. But then again, he realized it was just another full chapter, having to be ended. And he didn't like endings, but neither did he like beginnings, both was stressful and unpredictable. And he didn't like the unpredictable.

As he was listening in on the yells he yelped when he heard something crash. And that was the moment he was out the window, heading to Chaewons property. To go find comfort at her place, even if it still wasn't safe.

He didn't care about his socks getting all dirty he just needed a break from the chaos. He needed a break from everything, being able to hide himself away in a little cluster of a room Chaewon had.

Of course he was glad to know Chaewon was still his neighbor. And that he didn't need to travel far to go talk or seek shelter at her place. He tend to do that a lot now, and she opened the door with warm arms each time. Enough to make him feel a little less of a burden, and more like he actually mattered.

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