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2 years.

It was still something he had to wrap his head around. That he has spend all this time in this house, watching the seasons change outside the windows from warm to cold, from sunny to cloudy. He watched flowers bloom and wither, he saw the trees happily packed in, yet stand naked later upon the years. He couldn't quite believe it's been so long, 2 years. He felt like the time was moving so slowly, yet at the same time it felt like his abduction was yesterday. So wrapping his head around this, was difficult, it gave him quite an headache. And the pain on his back from the knife the burrowed beneath his flesh, stuck to the fabric of Seungmin's shirt, going from being an angry red color, to a disgusting dry and brown one.

He just wanted hugs and kisses, praises. He wanted the men to believe in him for once, accept his mistake and rub his little head telling him he did an amazing job..but nope. Somehow Chan managed to stay true to his words, and never has Jeongin wished to curse upon anyone as much as he wants to now. Cause now he was in a dog cage, chains around his wrists and ankles, unable to move a muscle. His hair was a mess, and his body ached real badly. And all he did was try to hold in his tears, watching the stupid dog bowl with unseasoned, dry looking chicken on it.

It was indeed infuriating for him. But he could afford to risk yelling at them, cause he would die for sure. He just wondered why this? They have done other stuff, like just chaining him from moving a specific distance. But no, he had to be put in dog cage that squeezed his body, there was barely any space. Why was he suddenly being treated so badly compared to the other times? It felt like some stupid mind game, and he wanted to just break free, to move his body how it wanted too. Yet he still wanted the men, he couldn't stop finding them handsome, and charming. Was this the real story of Cinderella?

He loved that Disney movie when he was just a kid, he remembered chewing on buttered popcorns and cuddling to his mother side while his dad was working. He was just a little kid back then. And now, judging but the fact that it's been 2 years..he should be a legal adult. He missed so much, he missed his birthday, new years, Christmas, all the holidays he spend with his family. Where did those years go? How did it pass by so fast yet feel so slow? It genuinely confused him, and upset him quite a bit.


He instantly snapped out of his thoughts when he glanced up at Seungmin, watching him sit infront of the cage as if he was child intrigued by a new bought dog. He scoffed, looking away as he shook his head. He felt betrayed and lied too, but he still wanted the warmth he didn't have. And he thought that giving his everything to them, would make him achieve does things he cherished and wanted so badly. But he was beyond upset, to be locked away in a cage, in a stupid, dusty and worn down, broom closet.

"P-please get me out of here.." he begged, tears running down his cheeks, so frustrated with the emotions that bottled up within him. He wanted to complain so badly, yell at them. But he would be punished, severely, again.

"I can't" he just shook his head, looking at the ceiling for a moment "you're punishment".

"I don't like this punishment" he gritted his teeth, curling up to give him the illusion of actually having a bit of space..even though he was cramped up and scared.

"You're stupid".

"Please tell me something I don't know for once" he whimpered, already done with the discussion, but Seungmin seemed to not be done with him for now.

"Chan's out" he switched the subject, yet Jeongin couldn't care less about the fact that Chan wasn't here.

All he wanted was to be let out of this cage, for Seungmin to just speak normally and act like a fucking decent human being for once. And he wanted Chan to quit being so goddamn angry all of time. And he just wanted them to give him cuddles and pleasure. He didn't wanna leave this house at all, yet his still wanted to be comfortable.

"What do you want from me..C-can't you see I'm busy" he glared back at him, his breath all caught up in his throat. Feeling like he was dying, not one bit calmer than the night before.

"With what?" He just chuckled, pulling out a lighter from his pocket, fiddling with it.

"T-to dig myself beyond my own emotions, s-since I can't complain to anyone".

No matter what he did or said, he would get told off. He couldn't have one peaceful moment without a lecture, and it was starting to bother him.

"You're confusing".

"I'm confusing? H-have you seen yourself?" He spat, looking at Seungmin in disbelief. Watching as his face dropped from all form of tiny hints of emotions. Replaced by anger.

"Shut up" he kicked the cage. a wince escaping past his lips as he hit the metal harshly.

"Why should I? I don't know anything about any of you..I've spend two years of my life, stuck here, accepting and fearing the outside world, hiding, and falling for the two of you..and yet even when I'm in this fucking closet, in this stupid cage, I can't paint you as a bad person, and I hate it!" Yelling at the top of his lungs, he had to stop, coughing in fit of hoarse and dry cougher, feeling overwhelmed again. "I-i don't even know you. I..I don't know your favorite color, o-or scent, or hobby, other than being a brutal murder. Yet I still managed to develop stupid feelings for you".

Seungmin sighed, scooting himself closer to the cage, a frown on his face.

"You confess?".

"Am I ever getting out of here?" He asked, his brows raised.


"Then what else am I supposed to hide. You've stalked me, kidnapped me, you know me. I don't need to hide away from you two".

"You do".

"I don't".

"Don't lie".

"I'm not lying" Jeongin growled, looking away not knowing he even had to hide in the first place.

"You are".

"Can you shut up? I'm the one that knows how I feel..don't try to make me think otherwise" he muttered, tired to play the game he continuesly lost in.

"Getting clever" Seungmin mused, eventually supporting himself against the wall. "Hate it".

"Do you ever speak normally?" He switched the subject, not in the mood to argue anymore.

"I do" Seungmin admitted, just confusing the boy even more.

"That's different".

"Chan knows" he continued..looking down at his knees momentarily. "About my...".

"Your what?".


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