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The following weeks of being home held lots of ups and downs. He felt like he belonged no where, he didn't believe he deserved the nice treatment at all. He was praised constantly about how brave he was to escape from the ones that kept him hostage for years. But he still felt as guilty as they day he did it. He didn't believe it was a good act, he was expecting a punishment at some time. It really bothered him, he wasn't a good boy, he did something really bad, and he struggled to accept that flaw. He wasn't himself, and he wouldn't ever be himself again.

He was tired of everything, he felt like he still had no future infront of him. He was tired of his mother, she complained and vented too much to him, exactly like she did right now. He was just sitting there, her venting passing through his ears, she acted all up and special about finally having her son back in her arms..this was not the mother he remembered. He remembered the home cooked food, the baked treats from her heart, her being a perfectionist to the brim. Now they ate soup everyday, the dishes wasn't done at all, the house was a mess, his mother was a mess. He was tried of this bullshit.

Sure he understood that he wasn't the only one affected by this whole abduction thingy, but he still believed that no one, and with that he meant no one, should dare to vent to him, act like they suffered more than he did. He was so upset, fed up with the stupid venting, he was tired of listening to his mother talking about how bad she had it, right infront of his face. She didn't know shit, it couldn't have been as bad as of what he went through. She might have scars on the inside, but her scars was nothing compared to his own. And listening to the stories of how those scars infected her heart, made him want to throw up. She sounded so toxic, and he was tired. He couldn't take it.

"Uhm..honey" he heard his father's voice speak up, the voice that made Jeongin look up and take slight interest in the upcoming conversation. He saw how his father grabbed his mother's hand, stopping her from talking further. "You see, I and I'm sure Jeongin aswell, knows that it has been difficult for you these past four years..uhm..but, it's probably for the best that you don't vent on about your feelings infront of our son-".

His mother just shook her head, rubbing her temple in circles as she sighed.

"I need to get a lot off of my chest, do you understand? I know Jeongin suffered, but I need someone to be close to too..I believe it is best if we all talk about our problems together, so we don't let bottle up inside off us" his mother spoke, acting as if she was wise, but Jeongin meant it was bullshit. He wanted to leave the table, playing with the still filled bowl of soup on the table, spoon colliding with the meal, as he sighed heavily.

"I-i'm going to my room" he spoke, as he stood up, but he was stopped the given moment.

"No Jeongin. We barely saw you a lot before you going missing, I don't want you to just run away from us now. We aren't a threat to you" she spoke, eyes wide, filled with worry.

He really tried his best to keep down his temper. He knew he shouldn't be as angry as he was, but he couldn't stand hearing his mother going on and on about how bad she felt. He just wanted rest, he wasn't feeling well, and he was getting fed up with his own parents.

"So sit down..and let's talk".

"Y-you wanna talk?...really? You wanna know every single detail? Well here you fucking go mom! I was stalked, photographed for weeks before my abduction took place! I-i was the one who came with my concerns to you, but no one, not even fucking God took it seriously! What happened after huh? I was kidnapped, in this very house, I thought for my life! My whole life! Mom! I was in a fucking car! For hours! I was taken out in the middle of fucking no where! Held hostage by people that hurted me physically, manipulated me! Every single day was torture mom! I was fed nothing for days! I tried escaping once! Wanna know what fucking happened? I was tortured for days! I was at the brick of death mom! Do you hear me?! I was chained in a basement! I had to be good! I had to follow orders! When I was good I got a room, with one bed and a window out towards the woods! Nothing else! I misbehaved once mom! Once! And I got showed in a fucking dog cage! In a closet room! I was crying, refusing to eat for days if not weeks! Because I didn't know how long I've been there for! I was this close to fucking dying mom! I had a fever, I was shaking! I couldn't stay awake!" He yelled, pulling at his own hair as he had a full ongoing mental breakdown infront of them, his eyes watered with tears that streamed down his cheeks like a waterfall.

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