He's Ready; You're Not: part 1 (A&L)

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"Babe, what about these?" Ashton asks, as I turn to face him, lowering the baby dress in my hands. He holds up a light yellow onesie with an attached tutu and bow. I gasp, reaching for it, "Now that is the cutest thing!" I grin, looking at the size on the tag. "I think we should get it. What if we come back in a week and it's gone?" He asks, reaching to take it away. "You're right, good thinking." I reply, turning back to the dress I had in my hands. Ashton sets the outfit in the cart and starts searching again, shifting outfits to the left, as he moves more towards the right, causing that awful scraping sound. "I can't believe Calum is having a baby before Luke. I always thought Luke would be the first." I say, browsing through the girl's clothes. Silence falls between us and the store, as we're the only ones in here. I turn around, facing Ashton. "Ash?" I ask, rubbing his arm, "Huh? Oh what?" He responds, looking to me. "Are you okay?" He nods his head, looking down at me, "You think they'll name her after me?" He asks, us busting out in laughter. "Are y'all doing okay over here?" The worker asks, walking towards us. "Yes! Thank you," I respond, turning back to Ashton, silently laughing. "Let's go," Ashton says, pushing the cart to the front.


"Y/N, are you ready?" Ashton calls, knocking on the bathroom door. I open it, "Sorry, I had to change shirts," I answer, turning the light off, following him to the living room. "Do you want my hoodie?" He asks, grabbing his black hoodie. I nod, smiling, "Thank you, babe." I kiss his cheek as we start towards the front door, locking it.

At Calum's

Pulling up to Calum's house, we park and turn the car off. We unbuckle and start to get out as Calum starts jogging to the car. "HEYYYY!" He calls, slowing down as he reaches my side. "Hey, Cal!" I smile, hugging him before he goes to greet Ashton. "Hey, man," Ash replies, patting his back, as we all head inside. "Where's Emily at?" I ask, taking the gift bag from Ashton. "Oh she's in the living room, I'm almost done with dinner." He answers as we walk into the garage and Calum shuts it. "I'll meet you in there, babe." Ashton says, rubbing his hand on my back. I nod, leaving the garage and walking through the laundry room, through the kitchen, into the living room. "Hey baby mama!" I call, laughing, causing Emily to laugh, starting to get up. "No, don't get up! I'm gonna sit by you." I say, leaning down to hug her, careful not to push down on her grown belly. "Hey, girly! What's up?" She asks, smiling, hugging me back. "Oh just stopping by to give you this," I reply, sitting down next to her, handing her the bag. "Oh I told you not to get me anything!" She says, looking back at me. "Technically, it's not for you," Ashton says, walking into the living room. "Okay that's a fair point!" Emily answers, giggling. He leans down to softly hug her. "Now open it!" I say, getting excited, causing Calum and Ashton to laugh. She pulls out the two outfits, burping cloths and onesies I had made. "OHHHH These are precious!" She smiles, handing them to Calum. "Yeah, I like these!" He chuckles, folding them. "Oh, babe, look at these!" Emily, laughs, handing the onesies to Cal. "My Auntie is my Bestie" He laughs, lifting up the next one, "You're just a little bit out of my limit. Yeah this is gonna be framed when she grows out of it." He laughs, folding them and setting them back in the bag.

Back Home

After brushing our teeth, I crawl into bed, wrapping myself in the covers. Ashton then comes in, laying behind me, scooting to touch our bodies together. We lay in silence, the dark consuming the room. In the midst of the silence, I close my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep until I hear his raspy voice say, "Let's have one." I open my eyes, shocked by the three words. "W-what?"


"And then I told her "you know what? No, I always come in when you need me but the moment I need a day off, you say it's inconvenient." It's just not fair. I devoted almost six years of my life to them," I complain, taking a sip of my iced coffee as my husband, Luke, responds, "So what'd she do? What'd she say?" I shake my head, "She fired me." He scoffs, drinking his coffee, "I'm sorry, baby." He reaches over and rubs his thumb across my hand. I smile softly, "It's okay, I guess I just need to find another job." "Or you could stay unemployed and have my children," he winks, me laughing. "Yeah okay! Two months into marriage and we're gonna start making babies," I joke, us both laughing. "Oh shoot, I have to meet the boys at the office for a few hours," he says, looking at his watch. My eyes widen, me standing up, him following me. "What time do you need to be there?" I ask, grabbing my coat off the back of my seat. "9:30, I can take you home and change first."

After getting home, Luke changes and leaves to go to the office, which is great timing for me to clean the house and start setting up for the party. Today is Luke's birthday and even though he hates being the center of attention, I still planned a party for him that he has absolutely no idea about. I told him we were going out for dinner tonight when he was done at the office.. Little does he know... As I'm cleaning, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk to the door, looking through the window. "Y/N, I know you're in there cleaning or something!" Lindsay, Michael's fiancé says, causing me to laugh, opening the door. "Hey, Lin!" I greet, hugging her. "Okay, I stopped and got balloons, little banner things and cups. I figured you didn't want to break your new ones," she says, me laughing. "Yeah that's never going to happen again!" I exclaim, remembering the party we threw for Calum last year. "So are we deep cleaning or...?" She asks, dragging out her question. "No, I'm just decluttering. I deep cleaned yesterday while Luke went to the studio." I answer, shutting the door and taking the bags from her.


"Alright! Ashton just texted, they're turning down the block!" I shout, turning the lights off. "Also! In order for this to work, we have to actually HIDE. So some of you can crouch down behind the couch, everyone else, hide behind the walls or something," Lindsay says, making me snicker. Everyone starts scurrying around the room, hiding behind the hallway and in the kitchen. "OH shhhhh! They're here!" I whisper, walking backwards behind the wall next to the door. Out of the silence, I hear the boys laughing, Luke unlocking the door.  Luke reaches for the light, turning it on, "And then she said-" "SURPRISE!" We all interrupt Calum, jumping into the room from behind the hallway and kitchen. Luke jumps a bit, laughing. "Alright, you actually got me good this time." He says as I walk over to him. "This time?"

"So what are y'all doing now, newly weds?" One of the guests ask, sipping on the wine from the clear plastic cup. "Just enjoying each other so far," I answer. "So when are you gonna have kids? Oh my go- Imagine your kids!! Luke's hair, your eyes, and both of you have a great smile!" She rambles, me smiling. "Well yeah, I mean we'll have kids just not right now. I'm excited for when the timing is right," I respond, looking back at Luke. He nods, looking at his cup, lifting it to his lips and gulping the rest of the wine. He walks off towards the kitchen as my eyes follow him. I'm then interrupted by Lindsay, "So, elephant in the room. Are y'all okay?" She asks as I swallow the rest of my wine. "Things have been weird this past week. I don't know, he seems bothered by something and I have a feeling I know what it is."

[ welcome back! I know it's been a long while but I'm doing my best! I've noticed we have 135 parts give or take in this "book." So I'm thinking at 200 (?) I'll mark it as completed and maybe move onto something different. If you have any suggestions and ideas, I'm open to them! It feels good to be back:) also, this is just part one, there may be two parts or even maybe three. Calum and Michael's parts will be up next and then I'll continue with the next part(s). ]

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