He Doesn't Want The Baby [MALUM]

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After dating Michael for over 5 years, you both had become....active... And figuring out about the news was overwhelming. Not caring about the obstacles, you decide ri go ahead and tell Mikey anyways. "Babe?" You call, walking into your shared room. "Yeah?" He responds, and of course... He's playing his video games on the bed. "I'm pregnant." You come right out. Without a response, you sit in the bed next to him. "baby." Nothing. All you could hear was his thumbs colliding with the buttons and controlling them in the tiny space they were installed. "Mikey. I'm trying to tell you something." "What? Okay? I know. I heard. You have to be freaking pregnant. I know! Geez- I can never have my own time." Uh... Bish whet? "It's not all my fault, Michael. You can blame yourself if you're upset. I didn't do it all by myself." "I don't want the baby." He blurts. "Don't say that. You're just mad." "No, I don't want it. And if you're gonna keep that human, then you can lack your bags and walk the f**k out." Having enough, you stand up and shrug. "You know what? I'll do just that. I'll pack my bags and walk the f**k out. Know why? Because I'm strong, and I'm not my dad. If you wanna be my dad, go right ahead. I knew you were a f**kboy anyways. Oh and Michael? Go f**k yourself." You spit out, not having a care in the world. You pack your bags as fast as you can, not acknowledging Michael. As soon as you're done, you slam the door behind you and run out to your car.


You and Calum had been wanting kids. Always babysitting, constantly looking at baby clothes. Continuously reading and watching videos of babies. You guys have been trying for a while now, and you had jut found out that you were pregnant. Ecstatic, you rush into yours and his room and flop on the bed beside him where he lays on his phone. "BABYYYYY" you urge, grinning. He glances at you and smiles. "What?" "I'm a mommy and you're a daddy." "Not this talk again, sweets." He smirks and you roll your eyes. "Nooo! Really. I'm pregnant." You laugh and he looks at you. He locks his phone and sits up. "This can't happen, Y/N." Confused, you ask, "why not? We've been trying for awhile now and it's finally happening." "No no no no noooo. You can't be pregnant. I'm about to go on tour and we're really getting big now. It's too much to have a baby now." Hurt, you look down. "But we've wanted one for so long." "I don't care! We're not keeping the baby, Y/N." Upset, you sniffle and stand up. You walk out of the room and grab your keys and purse. "Are you leaving?" He asks, walking into the living room. "Just going for some air." "Don't get so mad. You can have an abortion or put the baby up for adoption." "Are you out of your f**king mind? I'm not having an abortion. F**k you, Calum."



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