Best Friends; For Sarra

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Here ya go, Sarra! :)

This is only for her, I'm not doing personals, so don't ask...

-Sarra- 1st Grade

"It's honestly not fair... he didn't have to push me like that." I taddle taled on Luke and I's friend, Michael Clifford. "It's okay, you know he didn't mean it! That's how Michael is. He likes to mess around with people, Sarra." Luke tells me and I shake my head,"Well I don't like to be messed around with." I walk inside to my house and close the large door, my tiny hands turning white from pushing with all my force. "Sarra!" my mother calls for me. "Sarra?" "Yeah Mummy?" I run to her as she walks into the kitchen. "How was school?" She asks. "It was fine." I tell her, hiding away the pushing part. "That's good. Well, Daddy's coming back from work tomorrow, I just got off the phone with him. He says he loves you and misses you so dearly much." She declares and I nod. "I'm gonna go take a nap."

-Sarra- 6th Grade

"It's still confusing. I honestly don't know why you like her!" I frustrate as Michael, Luke, and I turn the corner in the halls, making our way to lunch. "I told you, she smells nice and has long straight hair. She wears make-up and has soft skin." Mikey explains and Luke and I snicker. "Guysssss! Really! Please don't ruin this for me." He pours and we nod. "Go get 'er, tiger!" I yell, pushing him in the direction of Janie. Luke and I go to our table and sit down with our lunch. "Ya think she said yes?" Luke asks and I shrug. "I don't know. I asked her if she liked him yesterday and she rolled her eyes." I begin eating and Luke shrugs as well. Michael later comes back with her under his arm. Lord Jesus, Mike! "She said yes." he simply says and Luke and I widen our eyes.

-Sarra- 9th Grade

"Luke! Can I please have my phone back?" I plead my bestfriend and he says,"Say the magic word." "Oh c'mon! You know I hate the magic word." I frown and he says,"And you know I hate when you take sneeky pictures of me!" he shoots and I say,"I promise I won't take anymore pictures of you, Lucas Robert Hemmings." He nods and hands me my phone back. Then, Michael comes over.. without Janie. Yes, infact they are still dating. "Hey where's Coconut head?" I joke and he says, " W-We broke up" "WHAT!?" Luke and I scream, grins appearing. "She cheated." he simply says and walks past us... That's the last day Michael ever dated....

You'd think he found someone else or atleast had a small crush on a girl but no. Our last year of High School, we actually found out what had happened to Janie. Michael finally broke it to us and said that she was killed at a "friend's house." No, the two girls weren't friends. Luke and I later realized that Janie wasn't bad after all. I actually feel bad for talking complete crap about her and grinning when he said they broke up. I realized how much she meant to Mikey. Oh poor oh Mikey. We go to her stone thingy every day after school to tell her how sorry we are and how much we miss her. She was a good person, she may have been rude sometimes, but she was like our sister, but Mikey's girlfriend.

Sorry if any of your names are Janie. I hope you liked it, Sarra. :)

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