You Yell At Your Child

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You never heard the door open and close, along with the ringer going off-because of the bickering that you, your son, and your daughter were having. You and Luke had a big family of 5. 6-in 3 months.


Your 14 year old (oldest) son, Nathan was arguing with you about this party that was going on that weekend and apparently... it was "big" but the family had decided to have family fun because they never do anymore.

"I SAID NO!" you yell, bouncing your baby girl on your hip as you try to make the kids dinner. "But, Mum! It's really big and I have to be there! There's gonna be hot girls and even Javiar is going!" you shake your head. "Mum! You haven't been listening to my speech about what Bree did!" Your 13 year old daughter, Iris,  spoke up and you sighed. "Hun, it's hard to listen when I'm trying to-" you're cut off by your husband yelling,"I'M HOME!" All of you sigh and he takes your baby girl, Hazel. "Hey baby." he kisses your forehead, along with Nathan, Iris, then Hazel.

All of a sudden, Nathan groans and runs upstairs. You sigh, and Iris says,"What a Mum you are! All you care about is Dad, Hazel, and the baby!" she then sprints upstairs as well.  You choke on tears and Luke quickly sets Hazel in the baby seat and sits next to you at the table. "Hey, baby? Are you okay?" he wraps his arms around your weist and starts pecking your jawline. You shake your head and he says,"you'll be okay. They didn't mean it. You're an amazing Mum and still will be. I'll be back. Just lay on the couch, okay?" You nod and kiss his lips before he jogs upstairs and you make your way to the couch... *sorry it's long*


"YOU WILL NOT EVER WEAR THAT AGAIN!" You yell at your 16 year old daughter-wearing a skin tight dress, that shows the line of her bum. "Ughhhhh." she groans and runs upstairs to change. "Be more easy on 'er, babe. She's just a teenager and she'll learn." he pecks your lips and stands up. *sorry it's short*


"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" you scream at your son, Kade. He had decided to be the 17 year old teenager he is and have a party while you and Mike were gone. "I just wanted to have fun!" he argues and you shake your head. "Go to your room, Kade. I'll be up there in a minute." Michael tells him and he nods, before running to his room and slamming the door. "I'm a horrible person. I just yelled at our own son!" you sob and fall onto the couch. "No! No you're not. You were just being the parent that you should be. Trust me, you're a great person and we both love you."


"Heyyyyyy Muuuuummmm, Daaaaaddddd.....?" Your 10 year old daughter trotts into the livingroom, interupting the conversation you and Cal were having about the baby room for your baby boy. "Yesssssss?" you both respond, but don't look up. You flip hroigh magazines as he scrolls through the laptop. "Ummm you know Eddie?" she asked and you both snap your heads up. Eddie was a nice kid, atleast you both thought- but he had been so close to Star, your daughter, like brother and sister, and all of a sudden, he starts talking crap to her and ruining her life. She told you both and everytime he does anything to Star, she tells you both. She's your baby girl, his princess and you both won't let anything happen to her. "Yes. We do." you grit through your teeth and Cal begins rubbi g your back. "He uhm... he asked me out." she struggles to let loose the news and you are about to boil. He rubs it even softer, but faster and tries to calm you down. "What'd you say?" Cal whispers and she says,"Yes. I said yes." You had given up.  "WHY!? HE DID ALL THOSE THINGS TO YOU AND YOU SAID "YES"!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, STAR? YOU DON'T DATE THE BOY THAT RUINED YOUR LIFE!" you yell and she snaps. "EDDIE DIDN'T RUIN MY LIFE! YOU DID!" she then sprints to her room and slams the door. Hard. You sit back down and lay your head in your hands. "Are you okay, baby?" Cal asks, leaning closer to you. You lay your head on his chest, as he craddles you while you bawl. "S-She h-hates m-me. I r-ruined h-her l-life, Cal!" you hiccup and he rubs your arms. He shushes you and you then fall asleep in his arms,silencing your cries. While you were asleep, Cal snoozed off and Star decided to make draw you, Calum, her, and the baby boy as a happy family and write:

The Hood Family~

Daddy, Mumma, MEEE, Bubba

*pictures below the namesssss*

She then wrote a not along wih it, apologizing for what she said.

~Heyyyy! soooo I'm truly sorry I haven't updated, but look! I updateddd! woopwoop. I'm tired and I have another STAAR tomorrow, soooo goodnight! love you guys.xx

p.s.- The Luke preference-sorry it was longer, but the details were much more descriptive and I thought you'd like it-so goodnight.xx   ~

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