He Proposes On: Christmas

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[play Marry Me or It Girl by Jason Derulo while reading:)]


"Good morning, beautiful." you wake up to your amazing boyfriend laying next to you in bed. "Morning, Ash." You giggle as he begins tickling you and he laughs as well. "STAHPP!" you yell and he immediately hushes you. "Shhhh...." you silently giggle and he winks at you before running out of the room. You roll your eyes and soon follow him after climbing out of the warm bed. "Ash?" you whisper call and jump at the feeling of Ashton's arms snaking around your weist. "Let's start opening!" He suggests and runs over to the christmas tree that's set in your flat-inside the livingroom. You then wonder, why did he make me hush? You begin putting clues together, and you're so focused on that, you didn't realize Ash calling your name. "Huh? Oh yeah sorry. You go first!" you reply and he shurgs before grabbing one of his many presents. Later after opening and eating breakfast, you both decide to have a lovey-dovey-day. During your favorite Christmas movie- Santa Clause 3- you notice Ashton moving around too much-which is disturbing the movie. "Ash! What's wrong!?" you scream and he hushes you once again! "No! I won't hush. What's your problem? Why do I have to be quiet?" you start to get fustrated and he replies with,"I have 2 more presents for you, and one's soundproof! After this, I'll show you the sound proof present." you sigh and nod. He grabs something out of his pocket, but you're not able to see what it is, because of the dim lights. He pushes the light button on the remote and you then notice him holding a big diamond ring. It's your favorite diamonds as well! "Y/N, I've always been head over heels with you. Never wanted to leave you. I want you for the rest of my life. I need you and I love you so much! I don't want any other woman as Mrs.Irwin. Will you take the honor of being my Mrs.Irwin?" Ashton proposes and you nod, with tears streaming down your face as you kiss his lips after he slides the ring onto your finger. "oh and that soundproof present"-*Ash whistles and a lab-puppy runs into the room*


"Noooooo Luuuuukkkkkkeeeeee! That's no fair! Meanieeee." You pout as your cheeky and sexy boyfriend "cheats" at Mario Cart on the wii. "I'm not a meanie! You'll just have to face the fact that I'm better at it than you are." He responds and you look the opposite direction to act like you're ignoring him. Luke huffs playfully and tries to make you face him but you don't budge. "I still love you. Very much. I love you much more than a Grammy!" (from the song- It Girl by Jason Derulo) You grin and turn around fast and begin pecking his lips. He smiles and chuckles as you both tease eachother. "I love you so so so so so much, baby. You're mine forever. I'll never leave you. I'll never treat you horribly. I'll always be there, right by your side. When you're giving birth to our child, when you're studying rules for connecting all the peices to any baby supplies. Everything. I want you to know that you're mine and always will be. Noone can take you away from me. I'm yours and always will be. Okay?" Luke gives you his huge speech for no reason-which you think. "Okay. Forever." You assure and he says,"And always." He kisses you again and then suddenly-a ring appears in his hands. You gasp and bring your gentle, small hands up to your mouth. Your eyes fill with tears as he ends his speech. "Y/N, like I said, I want you forever and always. If that means taking you as my suga momma, then so be it! I will do whatever it takes for me to have you with me for eternity.I love you so f*cking much and I can't and never will get over you. Will you love me forever and always, and accept my request of being my Mrs.Suga Momma Hemmings?" You nod and kiss his lips as he slides on your engagement ring.


"Michael! No, stopppppp." you argue and he pouts. "Now just because I told you no, doesn't mean you can hate me. Especially forever!" You say.and he laughs. "Merry Christmas by the way, babe." you bless him and he replies with the same thing. "Hey... uh Y/N? Can you read this?" He asks and you nod, taking the paper and begin reading out loud as he kneels down but you don't know. "Y/N, I love you with all my heart-and you know I have a huge heart. But anyways, I don't want us to be girlfriend and boyfriend anymore. I'm Sorry. I-I love you but we just go like this anymo-anymore?" you pause and sniffle. You then begin again. "I want us to be more than that. I want us to be a married couple that stays with eachother until they're wrinkled, old, and can't do anything anymore. I want us to be the one couple that will last longer than anyone else because we love eachother that much! Look down." You look down and realize he's on the ground, holding the ring that you've always wanted. "Y/N, you just read everything that I was gonna tell you. I thought that if you read it, you'd understand a lot more. But everything in that note, states exactly what I meant. Will you marry me?" He asks and you gladly accept it-on Christmas!


"Wait. So you're saying that they're already married!? That's adorableeeeee." you exclaim at the news of Ashton finally engaged to Janie. (A/N:made the name up) "Yeah. We're invited." Calum hands you the invitation and it reads:

Wedding of: Ashton Fletcher Irwin and Janie Rose Wilson.

Mr.and Mrs.Hood- Calum Hood and Y/N Hood- you two are invited to the wedding:)

"W-Why does it say Mr.And Mrs.Hood?" you ask confused because Calum hasn't popped the question just yet. "Because I told them to put it on there. You see,their wedding is in 1 month. We've already planned a wedding last year. Remember we said that's what we'd use? Yeah well, I already bought the stuff. Will you marry me, Y/N? I love you so much and I wouldn't want anyone else. You'll always be my Hood.You'll always be my girl.And I'm sorry I don't have a big speech... bu-" you cut Calum off by connecting your lips with his. When you two break away, Calum asks,"I'm guessing that's a yes?" you bite your lip and nod. He then slides the fitting ring onto your finger.

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