You have a miscarriage 1/2 (pt 1)

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Here goes another sleepless night in the hospital, not being able to know exactly what is wrong with y/n is crushing me. I wish more than anything I could help her. We've been here for 3 nights, which isn't fun whatsoever. I mean, everything was completely normal. We were on the couch, picking a movie, eating her craving, pickles. Yeah, I know! Pickles?? Not the best movie snack but okay, whatever. We were laughing, enjoying each others company, talking, picking names, all the fun, pre-parenting stuff! But out of nowhere, she cries out, clutching her stomach, asking for help desperately. That's when the nightmare started. I've never wished her to feel any ounce of pain, especially with me. This, was so hard to deal with. She's a very strong woman, carrying out two unborn children, especially 27 weeks in. I've heard the end is when it gets harder and worse, and trust me, I've been trying to prepare. Sitting in this hospital room, waiting for her to come back from blood work is exhausting and emotionally draining me. I can't hold her hand, I can't help her in any way. In the midst of my thoughts, they roll her back in, helping her get back into the bed I'm sure she's tired of. "How'd it go???" I ask, insistingly. "The results shouldn't take long, I'll be back in as soon as possible." Usually, blood work takes days to get results from, but since this is in the matter of two unborn children and the mother, it's very necessary to have the results from yesterday and have more results tomorrow. I look over at y/n, red and puffy eyes displayed upon her tired face. I reach for her hand, holding it, rubbing my thumb across. "We can do this, babe." I assure her, pecking her cheek. She nods, another tear streaming down her cheek. As soon as I sat back down, the nurse and doctor came back in. "I recommend you sit down." The doctor says, gesturing me to the seat. I nod, sitting. "It appears that your blood and urine tests came back negative to pregnancy. Now we will have to go in and make sure everything is gone; making sure nothing is left, for your safety." My heart drops, feeling the worlds weight fall on my shoulders, my tears getting heavy in my eyes, spilling out onto my face. I look over to y/n, seeing through my blurred vision, covered by tears. She begins sobbing, looking at her belly, that once held our two children. Can we really get through this? Losing two boys we had a room waiting for them? Parents waiting for their arrival?


Feels like just yesterday we announced the pregnancy to the family and boys. It was only 8 weeks ago, having them open their gift bags, holding the picture frames including the picture of y/n and I smiling with the ultrasound picture, which also had the ultrasound picture as well for each person. I remember her mom congratulating us, wishing us the best. I remember her dad in tears, hugging her daughter so tight yet so carefully. I remember Ashton yelling at the top of his lungs, "CALUM'S PULL OUT GAME IS WEAK!" I remember my mom, crying for her first grand baby. I remember Michael asking if we played strip poker to come to this resolution. I remember it all like it was yesterday. It had to have been. But here we are, 8 weeks later in the office, waiting for our ultrasound. "Boy or girl?" Y/n asks, smiling at me, rubbing her slowly growing stomach. Right now it's not big at all but we know it'll soon be bigger than a cantaloupe. "Definitely boy. I'd love to have either but I think they'll be a boy. Imagine him learning to play guitar or sports, getting the house dirty or having guys over talking about what the next hardcore video game will be. I can see it all!" I ramble on, getting excited about our future with the first Hood baby. "Whatever, Hood. I feel like they'll be a girl. She's going to wear all the tutu's, we'll have to get her a kitchen! She will want to make us tea. I don't think she'll have a pink room, she's definitely going to want like purple or yellow. A Hood baby is not an average baby." She giggles, thinking about the different child we'll have. "There's many more to come too, this is not the only one we'll have." I warn her, kissing her cheek, her nodding and laughing. Moments later, we're taken into the room where the doctor greets us again, getting his gel out, y/n raising her shirt, revealing her belly. "Have you had any problems recently?" He asks, concerned. Y/n shakes her head, "everything's been great! I have morning sickness sometimes, it's not like a consistent schedule. No kicking or anything yet, but I guess it's too early." She laughs, answering his question. He nods, "sounds good! The morning sickness is always different for some people, but the kicking will be later on, trust me, you'll definitely know when." He smiles, grabbing his wand. "Are we ready?" He asks, us nodding. "Now the baby will be small, since you're only 8 weeks in but you'll be able to see a bit of them." He warns us, moving the screen to where we can see as well as him. After a few moments of him moving it around, we still don't see anything. "Well maybe he's shy!" I say, nervous, looking at y/n who's panicking. "Okay I'm going to have another set of hands come in and look. This happens sometimes but I don't want to tell you anything misleading." He says, taking his gloves off and walking out, into another room. I turn to y/n, her eyes getting glossy. I shake my head, squeezing her hand. "Darling, everything will be fine! He probably has stage fright!" I tease, her shaking her head. "Calum, what if something happened?" She asks, worried. I look down, shrugging, what do I say? As soon as I heard the door, I look up, another doctor coming in. "Good afternoon, how are y'all?" He asks, putting gloves on, grabbing the wand. After answering, he moves the wand around, finding a good spot. After multiple minutes, he sighs, taking his gloves off and turning to us. "I am sincerely sorry, but I can't seem to find any source of the baby anywhere. My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you have any questions, feel free to call or schedule appointments." He apologizes, leaving the room to y/n and I. Is this really how our family was supposed to start?

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