You'll Be Missed

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Hey guys... so uhm... if you haven't already seen my pictures on Instagram, or my writings on my profile on here, than this note is for you... So here we go...

I'm kinda depressed- not cutting or anything- I'm sad and broken. 7.26.14 @ 5:45pm I lost my grandpa. This man meant so much to me. We rarely saw each other because my mother and dad are split and we only see them if we go to our aunt's. The last time we saw my mother and Papa, was Christmas.... And it's July 28 now.. there's a huge difference. The last time I talked to my Papa on the phone was 3 months ago. I never got to say goodbye to him. I never got to say 'Thank you for loving me. Thank you for caring for me and standing up for me. I love you.' I never got to say any of that. I knew he was in the hospital, he had trouble breathing. He was in there for about a month. This past Friday he was doing great. He was getting to talking and when someone mentioned 'Chicken Bowls from KFC, his eyes got wide and he grinned. My family promised him that we'd get him that when he got out... he never got it because on Saturday, he was sent to heaven and he became a guardian for my sisters and I.

This is all so hard on me. My best friend, Ash, I told her about him being in the hospital. She's at camp right now, and she doesn't know about his death yet because I can't text her. They can't have their phones there.

Frankie Grande is on Big Brother, season 16. His grandpa passed away Wednesday night. On Thursday night, he got called into the diary room. He got a note saying his grandpa, Frank has lost his battle from Cancer.- I'm in Frankie's shoes. We're both broken and empty. I was called into the living room. My parents told me about his passing.

Frankie and I are one right now..

Why'd Papa have to go, God?

RIP Papa David. 7.26.14 @ 5:45 pm.

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