He Has: [1/2]

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A family member in a wreck

Cal and you were talking and laughing about pointless things, when his phone began to ring. "Hold up, babe." he kisses your cheek before answering. "Hello?" he smiles, all of a sudden it drops into a gasp. "When?" he asks. Calum messes with his hair and says,"Okay. My wife and I will be there as soon as possible." "Okay, thank you. Bye." he then hangs up and looks at the carpet. "Cal?" you whisper, rubbing his back, knowing it's not good. "My uncle got into a wreck." He whispers back, still surprised. "Well, let's go." he instructs and pulls you outside, locking the door, opening the car doors and finally letting you go. You buckle yourself, then realize you both have no shoes on. "Babe... we're barefoot." you aware him and he says,"We have flipflops in the back." you nod and grab them. You slip on yours and he quickly does the same. Later at the hospital, you both get great news, stating that his Uncle is just fine and that he should be out around 3pm the following day.


a surprise

"Well, I'm on my way right now. Hold on babe." Michael informs you as he concentrates on the road. "How long?" you ask and he replies,"2 minutes, I see the house. I'll be there in a minute, baby. I love you.  Be careful with the baby." He makes a smooch sound before you say,"Okay I love you." and he hangs up.  He pulls into the driveway, parks, and gets out of the car. When he opens the door, you run to him, and he kisses you. Right when he goes to shut the front door, you both hear,"You shouldn't steal my girlfriend and marry her, then have a baby with her." Before you can both see who it is, Michael falls to the ground after a loud "BANG".... The ambulence come and at 6:35pm he's announced dead. You remember the last thing that you both did was kiss. He died right by your side.


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