You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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Ashton walks into your bedroom and you sit up. "Hey what'd you need to talk about, love?"  he asks while sitting next to you on the bed. He wraps his arms around your waist as you say, "I understand if you want to leave." His smile turns into a frown and he asks,"Why would I ever want to do that?" "After I tell you this, I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." you repeat and he shakes his head. "I'm wondering why?""I-Well-I um.. I'm uh impregnantandimnotsureifyouwanttoraiseachildsoimsorry." you quickly answer his question and his face lights up like a new bulb. "Y/N, THAT'S FANTASTIC!" He screams and pulls you ontop of him, while kissing you all over your face as you giggle.


"Y/N! STOP EATING THE FOOD! I NEED THAT! IT'S MINE ANYWAYS!" Luke yells chuckling at the end and you swallow your pizza before muttering,"well I'm gonna be eating a lot during the pregnancy anyways... so..." "I'm sorry what was that, love?" He asks, looking over at you and you reply with,"Huh? Oh uhm n-nothing. I was just uhm I was uh please don't hurt me I don't want to hurt both of us we deserve to live." "Y/N.... Are you okay?" he asks worried and you nod. "Y-Yeah I just uhm. I need to ask you something if that's okay?" you ask and he states,"you already did but yeah go ahead." he chuckles and you ask,"Do you think blue or pink?" Luke glances at you then messes with his thumbs. "W-What are you saying?" "Well... we need a nursery! I mean, the baby can't sleep outside!" you giggle at the end and he jumps out of his seat, as you do too. He picks you up and spins you around while singing,"IM GONNA BE A DADDY! IM GONNA BE A DADDY! WERE HAVING A BABY! YOU'RE GONNA BE A MOMMY!"


"We need to go shopping in a month or 2 okay Cal?" you tell him and he raises an eyebrow. "oookkkkaaaayyyyy?" you giggle and walk into the kitchen. "We may need to clear some stuff up in an extra room, too." you suggest and he gets up and follow you. "What for? I mean, I have no problem but why?" he asks and you hug him. While doing that, you say,"we're expecting a new member." He gasps surprised and you giggle once again.  "OH MY GOODNESS! Y/N THAT'S GREAT!" he cheers and he picks you up.


"Hey, Michael?" you call and he walks into the livingroom. "Yeah, babe?" "I'm pregnant!" you immediately break it to him and his jaw drops. "NO WAY!" he yells and you nod with a grin on his face. "THAT'S AWESOME! WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING RIGHT NOW-LETS GO!" He yells and grabs your arm, pulling you to the door. You giggle and shake your head. "We have plenty of time, Mikey." He pouts his lip and says,"I want the baby now, though." You chuckle and kiss his pouted lips.

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